'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); if (!common.hasCrypto) { console.log('1..0 # Skipped: missing crypto'); process.exit(); } var tls = require('tls'); var fs = require('fs'); var key = fs.readFileSync(common.fixturesDir + '/keys/agent2-key.pem'); var cert = fs.readFileSync(common.fixturesDir + '/keys/agent2-cert.pem'); var nsuccess = 0; var nerror = 0; function loadDHParam(n) { var path = common.fixturesDir; if (n !== 'error') path += '/keys'; return fs.readFileSync(path + '/dh' + n + '.pem'); } function test(size, err, next) { var options = { key: key, cert: cert, dhparam: loadDHParam(size), ciphers: 'DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256' }; var server = tls.createServer(options, function(conn) { conn.end(); }); server.on('close', function(isException) { assert(!isException); if (next) next(); }); server.listen(common.PORT, '', function() { // client set minimum DH parameter size to 2048 bits so that // it fails when it make a connection to the tls server where // dhparams is 1024 bits var client = tls.connect({ minDHSize: 2048, port: common.PORT, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function() { nsuccess++; server.close(); }); if (err) { client.on('error', function(e) { nerror++; assert.strictEqual(e.message, 'DH parameter size 1024 is less' + ' than 2048'); server.close(); }); } }); } // A client connection fails with an error when a client has an // 2048 bits minDHSize option and a server has 1024 bits dhparam function testDHE1024() { test(1024, true, testDHE2048); } // A client connection successes when a client has an // 2048 bits minDHSize option and a server has 2048 bits dhparam function testDHE2048() { test(2048, false, null); } testDHE1024(); process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(nsuccess, 1); assert.equal(nerror, 1); });