var net = require('net'); var readline = require('readline'); var inherits = require('util').inherits; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; exports.port = 5858; exports.start = function () { startInterface(); process.on('exit', function () { if (child) child.kill(); }); }; var child; var c; var term; function trySpawn(cb) { var args = process.argv.slice(2); args.unshift('--debug-brk'); console.log(args); child = spawn(process.execPath, args, { customFds: [0, 1, 2] }); setTimeout(function () { tryConnect(cb); }, 100); } function tryConnect(cb) { c = new Client(); process.stdout.write("connecting..."); c.connect(exports.port); c.once('ready', function () { process.stdout.write("ok\r\n"); if (cb) cb(); }); c.on('close', function () { process.exit(0); }); c.on('unhandledResponse', function (res) { console.log("\r\nunhandled res:"); console.log(res); term.prompt(); }); c.on('break', function (res) { var result = ''; if (res.body.breakpoints) { result += 'breakpoint'; if (res.body.breakpoints.length > 1) { result += 's'; } result += ' #'; for (var i = 0; i < res.body.breakpoints.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { result += ', #'; } result += res.body.breakpoints[i]; } } else { result += 'break'; } result += ' in '; result += res.body.invocationText; result += ', '; result += SourceInfo(res.body); result += '\n'; result += SourceUnderline(res.body.sourceLineText, res.body.sourceColumn); c.currentSourceLine = res.body.sourceLine; c.currentFrame = 0; c.currentScript =; console.log(result); term.prompt(); }); } // // Parser/Serializer for V8 debugger protocol // // // Usage: // p = new Protocol(); // // p.onResponse = function (res) { // // do stuff with response from V8 // }; // // socket.setEncoding('utf8'); // socket.on('data', function (s) { // // Pass strings into the protocol // p.execute(s); // }); // // function Protocol() { this._newRes(); } exports.Protocol = Protocol; Protocol.prototype._newRes = function(raw) { this.res = { raw: raw || '', headers: {} }; this.state = 'headers'; this.reqSeq = 1; }; Protocol.prototype.execute = function(d) { var res = this.res; res.raw += d; switch (this.state) { case 'headers': var endHeaderIndex = res.raw.indexOf('\r\n\r\n'); if (endHeaderIndex < 0) break; var lines = res.raw.slice(0, endHeaderIndex).split('\r\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var kv = lines[i].split(/: +/); res.headers[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } this.contentLength = +res.headers['Content-Length']; this.bodyStartIndex = endHeaderIndex + 4; this.state = 'body'; if (res.raw.length - this.bodyStartIndex < this.contentLength) break; // pass thru case 'body': if (res.raw.length - this.bodyStartIndex >= this.contentLength) { res.body = res.raw.slice(this.bodyStartIndex, this.bodyStartIndex + this.contentLength); // JSON parse body? res.body = res.body.length ? JSON.parse(res.body) : {}; // Done! this.onResponse(res); this._newRes(res.raw.slice(this.bodyStartIndex + this.contentLength)); } break; default: throw new Error("Unknown state"); break; } }; Protocol.prototype.serialize = function(req) { req.type = 'request'; req.seq = this.reqSeq++; var json = JSON.stringify(req); return 'Content-Length: ' + json.length + '\r\n\r\n' + json; }; var NO_FRAME = -1; function Client() {; var protocol = this.protocol = new Protocol(c); this._reqCallbacks = []; var socket = this; this.currentFrame = 0; this.currentSourceLine = -1; this.currentSource = null; // Note that 'Protocol' requires strings instead of Buffers. socket.setEncoding('utf8'); socket.on('data', function(d) { protocol.execute(d); }); protocol.onResponse = this._onResponse.bind(this); }; inherits(Client, net.Stream); exports.Client = Client; Client.prototype._onResponse = function(res) { for (var i = 0; i < this._reqCallbacks.length; i++) { var cb = this._reqCallbacks[i]; if (this._reqCallbacks[i].request_seq == cb.request_seq) break; } if (res.headers.Type == 'connect') { // do nothing this.emit('ready'); } else if (res.body && res.body.event == 'break') { this.emit('break', res.body); } else if (res.body && res.body.event == 'afterCompile') { this.emit('afterCompile', res.body); } else if (cb) { this._reqCallbacks.splice(i, 1); cb(res.body); } else { this.emit('unhandledResponse', res.body); } }; Client.prototype.req = function(req, cb) { this.write(this.protocol.serialize(req)); cb.request_seq = req.seq; this._reqCallbacks.push(cb); }; Client.prototype.reqVersion = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'version' } , function (res) { if (cb) cb(res.body.V8Version, res.running); }); }; Client.prototype.reqEval = function(expression, cb) { var req = { command: 'evaluate', arguments: { expression: expression } }; if (this.currentFrame == NO_FRAME) { = true; } else { req.arguments.frame = this.currentFrame; } this.req(req, function (res) { if (cb) cb(res.body); }); }; // reqBacktrace(cb) // TODO: from, to, bottom Client.prototype.reqBacktrace = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'backtrace' } , function (res) { if (cb) cb(res.body); }); }; // Returns an array of objects like this: // // { handle: 11, // type: 'script', // name: 'node.js', // id: 14, // lineOffset: 0, // columnOffset: 0, // lineCount: 562, // sourceStart: '(function(process) {\n\n ', // sourceLength: 15939, // scriptType: 2, // compilationType: 0, // context: { ref: 10 }, // text: 'node.js (lines: 562)' } // Client.prototype.reqScripts = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'scripts' } , function (res) { if (cb) cb(res.body); }); }; Client.prototype.reqContinue = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'continue' }, function (res) { if (cb) cb(res); }); }; Client.prototype.listbreakpoints = function(cb) { this.req({ command: 'listbreakpoints' }, function (res) { if (cb) cb(res); }); }; //, cb); Client.prototype.step = function(action, count, cb) { var req = { command: 'continue', arguments: { stepaction: action, stepcount: count } }; this.req(req, function (res) { if (cb) cb(res); }); }; var helpMessage = "Commands: print, step, next, continue, scripts, backtrace, version, quit"; function SourceUnderline(source_text, position) { if (!source_text) { return; } // Create an underline with a caret pointing to the source position. If the // source contains a tab character the underline will have a tab character in // the same place otherwise the underline will have a space character. var underline = ''; for (var i = 0; i < position; i++) { if (source_text[i] == '\t') { underline += '\t'; } else { underline += ' '; } } underline += '^'; // Return the source line text with the underline beneath. return source_text + '\n' + underline; } function SourceInfo(body) { var result = ''; if (body.script) { if ( { result +=; } else { result += '[unnamed]'; } } result += ' line '; result += body.sourceLine + 1; result += ' column '; result += body.sourceColumn + 1; return result; } function startInterface() { term = readline.createInterface(process.stdout); var stdin = process.openStdin(); stdin.addListener('data', function(chunk) { term.write(chunk); }); var prompt = 'debug> '; term.setPrompt('debug> '); term.prompt(); var quitTried = false; function tryQuit() { if (quitTried) return; quitTried = true; term.close(); console.log("debug done\n"); if (c.writable) { c.reqContinue(function (res) { process.exit(0); }); } else { process.exit(0); } } term.on('SIGINT', tryQuit); term.on('close', tryQuit); term.on('line', function(cmd) { if (cmd == 'quit' || cmd == 'q' || cmd == 'exit') { tryQuit(); } else if (/^r(un)?/.test(cmd)) { trySpawn(function () { c.reqContinue(function (res) { // Wait for break point. (disable raw mode?) }); }); } else if (/^help/.test(cmd)) { console.log(helpMessage); term.prompt(); } else if ('version' == cmd) { c.reqVersion(function (v) { console.log(v); term.prompt(); }); } else if (/info +breakpoints/.test(cmd)) { c.listbreakpoints(function (res) { console.log(res); term.prompt(); }); } else if (/^backtrace/.test(cmd) || /^bt/.test(cmd)) { c.reqBacktrace(function (bt) { if (/full/.test(cmd)) { console.log(bt); } else if (bt.totalFrames == 0) { console.log('(empty stack)'); } else { var result = ''; for (j = 0; j < bt.frames.length; j++) { if (j != 0) result += '\n'; result += bt.frames[j].text; } console.log(result); } term.prompt(); }); } else if (cmd == 'scripts' || cmd == 'scripts full') { c.reqScripts(function (res) { if (/full/.test(cmd)) { console.log(res); } else { var text = ''; for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { text += res[i].name == c.currentScript ? '* ' : ' '; text += res[i].name + '\n'; } process.stdout.write(text); } term.prompt(); }); } else if (/^continue/.test(cmd) || /^c/.test(cmd)) { c.reqContinue(function (res) { // Wait for break point. (disable raw mode?) }); } else if (/^next/.test(cmd) || /^n/.test(cmd)) { c.step('next', 1, function (res) { // Wait for break point. (disable raw mode?) }); } else if (/^step/.test(cmd) || /^s/.test(cmd)) { c.step('in', 1, function (res) { // Wait for break point. (disable raw mode?) }); } else if (/^print/.test(cmd) || /^p/.test(cmd)) { var i = cmd.indexOf(' '); if (i < 0) { console.log("print [expression]"); term.prompt(); } else { cmd = cmd.slice(i); c.reqEval(cmd, function (res) { if (res) { console.log(res.text); } else { console.log(res); } term.prompt(); }); } } else { if (!/^\s*$/.test(cmd)) { // If it's not all white-space print this error message. console.log('Unknown command "%s". Try "help"', cmd); } term.prompt(); } }); }