node.mixin(require("common.js")); if (process.ARGV[2] === "-child") {; var handler = new node.SignalHandler(node.SIGUSR1); handler.addListener("signal", function() { node.stdio.write("handled SIGUSR1"); setTimeout(function () { // Allow some time for the write to go through the pipez process.exit(0); }, 50); }); debug("CHILD!!!"); } else { var child = node.createChildProcess(ARGV[0], ['--', ARGV[1], '-child']); var output = ""; child.addListener('output', function (chunk) { puts("Child (stdout) said: " + JSON.stringify(chunk)); if (chunk) { output += chunk }; }); child.addListener('error', function (chunk) { if (/CHILD!!!/.exec(chunk)) { puts("Sending SIGUSR1 to " +; child.kill(node.SIGUSR1) } puts("Child (stderr) said: " + JSON.stringify(chunk)); }); process.addListener("exit", function () { assertEquals("handled SIGUSR1", output); }); }