"""SCons.Tool.FortranCommon Stuff for processing Fortran, common to all fortran dialects. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/FortranCommon.py 3842 2008/12/20 22:59:52 scons" import re import string import os.path import SCons.Action import SCons.Defaults import SCons.Scanner.Fortran import SCons.Tool import SCons.Util def isfortran(env, source): """Return 1 if any of code in source has fortran files in it, 0 otherwise.""" try: fsuffixes = env['FORTRANSUFFIXES'] except KeyError: # If no FORTRANSUFFIXES, no fortran tool, so there is no need to look # for fortran sources. return 0 if not source: # Source might be None for unusual cases like SConf. return 0 for s in source: if s.sources: ext = os.path.splitext(str(s.sources[0]))[1] if ext in fsuffixes: return 1 return 0 def _fortranEmitter(target, source, env): node = source[0].rfile() if not node.exists() and not node.is_derived(): print "Could not locate " + str(node.name) return ([], []) mod_regex = """(?i)^\s*MODULE\s+(?!PROCEDURE)(\w+)""" cre = re.compile(mod_regex,re.M) # Retrieve all USE'd module names modules = cre.findall(node.get_contents()) # Remove unique items from the list modules = SCons.Util.unique(modules) # Convert module name to a .mod filename suffix = env.subst('$FORTRANMODSUFFIX', target=target, source=source) moddir = env.subst('$FORTRANMODDIR', target=target, source=source) modules = map(lambda x, s=suffix: string.lower(x) + s, modules) for m in modules: target.append(env.fs.File(m, moddir)) return (target, source) def FortranEmitter(target, source, env): target, source = _fortranEmitter(target, source, env) return SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter(target, source, env) def ShFortranEmitter(target, source, env): target, source = _fortranEmitter(target, source, env) return SCons.Defaults.SharedObjectEmitter(target, source, env) def ComputeFortranSuffixes(suffixes, ppsuffixes): """suffixes are fortran source files, and ppsuffixes the ones to be pre-processed. Both should be sequences, not strings.""" assert len(suffixes) > 0 s = suffixes[0] sup = string.upper(s) upper_suffixes = map(string.upper, suffixes) if SCons.Util.case_sensitive_suffixes(s, sup): ppsuffixes.extend(upper_suffixes) else: suffixes.extend(upper_suffixes) def CreateDialectActions(dialect): """Create dialect specific actions.""" CompAction = SCons.Action.Action('$%sCOM ' % dialect, '$%sCOMSTR' % dialect) CompPPAction = SCons.Action.Action('$%sPPCOM ' % dialect, '$%sPPCOMSTR' % dialect) ShCompAction = SCons.Action.Action('$SH%sCOM ' % dialect, '$SH%sCOMSTR' % dialect) ShCompPPAction = SCons.Action.Action('$SH%sPPCOM ' % dialect, '$SH%sPPCOMSTR' % dialect) return CompAction, CompPPAction, ShCompAction, ShCompPPAction def DialectAddToEnv(env, dialect, suffixes, ppsuffixes, support_module = 0): """Add dialect specific construction variables.""" ComputeFortranSuffixes(suffixes, ppsuffixes) fscan = SCons.Scanner.Fortran.FortranScan("%sPATH" % dialect) for suffix in suffixes + ppsuffixes: SCons.Tool.SourceFileScanner.add_scanner(suffix, fscan) env.AppendUnique(FORTRANSUFFIXES = suffixes + ppsuffixes) compaction, compppaction, shcompaction, shcompppaction = \ CreateDialectActions(dialect) static_obj, shared_obj = SCons.Tool.createObjBuilders(env) for suffix in suffixes: static_obj.add_action(suffix, compaction) shared_obj.add_action(suffix, shcompaction) static_obj.add_emitter(suffix, FortranEmitter) shared_obj.add_emitter(suffix, ShFortranEmitter) for suffix in ppsuffixes: static_obj.add_action(suffix, compppaction) shared_obj.add_action(suffix, shcompppaction) static_obj.add_emitter(suffix, FortranEmitter) shared_obj.add_emitter(suffix, ShFortranEmitter) if not env.has_key('%sFLAGS' % dialect): env['%sFLAGS' % dialect] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') if not env.has_key('SH%sFLAGS' % dialect): env['SH%sFLAGS' % dialect] = SCons.Util.CLVar('$%sFLAGS' % dialect) # If a tool does not define fortran prefix/suffix for include path, use C ones if not env.has_key('INC%sPREFIX' % dialect): env['INC%sPREFIX' % dialect] = '$INCPREFIX' if not env.has_key('INC%sSUFFIX' % dialect): env['INC%sSUFFIX' % dialect] = '$INCSUFFIX' env['_%sINCFLAGS' % dialect] = '$( ${_concat(INC%sPREFIX, %sPATH, INC%sSUFFIX, __env__, RDirs, TARGET, SOURCE)} $)' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) if support_module == 1: env['%sCOM' % dialect] = '$%s -o $TARGET -c $%sFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $_FORTRANMODFLAG $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) env['%sPPCOM' % dialect] = '$%s -o $TARGET -c $%sFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $_FORTRANMODFLAG $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) env['SH%sCOM' % dialect] = '$SH%s -o $TARGET -c $SH%sFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $_FORTRANMODFLAG $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) env['SH%sPPCOM' % dialect] = '$SH%s -o $TARGET -c $SH%sFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $_FORTRANMODFLAG $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) else: env['%sCOM' % dialect] = '$%s -o $TARGET -c $%sFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) env['%sPPCOM' % dialect] = '$%s -o $TARGET -c $%sFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) env['SH%sCOM' % dialect] = '$SH%s -o $TARGET -c $SH%sFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) env['SH%sPPCOM' % dialect] = '$SH%s -o $TARGET -c $SH%sFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_%sINCFLAGS $SOURCES' % (dialect, dialect, dialect) def add_fortran_to_env(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for Fortran to an Environment.""" try: FortranSuffixes = env['FORTRANFILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: FortranSuffixes = ['.f', '.for', '.ftn'] #print "Adding %s to fortran suffixes" % FortranSuffixes try: FortranPPSuffixes = env['FORTRANPPFILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: FortranPPSuffixes = ['.fpp', '.FPP'] DialectAddToEnv(env, "FORTRAN", FortranSuffixes, FortranPPSuffixes, support_module = 1) env['FORTRANMODPREFIX'] = '' # like $LIBPREFIX env['FORTRANMODSUFFIX'] = '.mod' # like $LIBSUFFIX env['FORTRANMODDIR'] = '' # where the compiler should place .mod files env['FORTRANMODDIRPREFIX'] = '' # some prefix to $FORTRANMODDIR - similar to $INCPREFIX env['FORTRANMODDIRSUFFIX'] = '' # some suffix to $FORTRANMODDIR - similar to $INCSUFFIX env['_FORTRANMODFLAG'] = '$( ${_concat(FORTRANMODDIRPREFIX, FORTRANMODDIR, FORTRANMODDIRSUFFIX, __env__, RDirs, TARGET, SOURCE)} $)' def add_f77_to_env(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for f77 to an Environment.""" try: F77Suffixes = env['F77FILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: F77Suffixes = ['.f77'] #print "Adding %s to f77 suffixes" % F77Suffixes try: F77PPSuffixes = env['F77PPFILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: F77PPSuffixes = [] DialectAddToEnv(env, "F77", F77Suffixes, F77PPSuffixes) def add_f90_to_env(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for f90 to an Environment.""" try: F90Suffixes = env['F90FILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: F90Suffixes = ['.f90'] #print "Adding %s to f90 suffixes" % F90Suffixes try: F90PPSuffixes = env['F90PPFILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: F90PPSuffixes = [] DialectAddToEnv(env, "F90", F90Suffixes, F90PPSuffixes, support_module = 1) def add_f95_to_env(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for f95 to an Environment.""" try: F95Suffixes = env['F95FILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: F95Suffixes = ['.f95'] #print "Adding %s to f95 suffixes" % F95Suffixes try: F95PPSuffixes = env['F95PPFILESUFFIXES'] except KeyError: F95PPSuffixes = [] DialectAddToEnv(env, "F95", F95Suffixes, F95PPSuffixes, support_module = 1) def add_all_to_env(env): """Add builders and construction variables for all supported fortran dialects.""" add_fortran_to_env(env) add_f77_to_env(env) add_f90_to_env(env) add_f95_to_env(env)