'use strict'; const child_process = require('child_process'); // The port used by servers and wrk exports.PORT = process.env.PORT || 12346; exports.createBenchmark = function(fn, options) { return new Benchmark(fn, options); }; function Benchmark(fn, options) { this.name = require.main.filename.slice(__dirname.length + 1); this.options = this._parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), options); this.queue = this._queue(this.options); this.config = this.queue[0]; this._time = [0, 0]; // holds process.hrtime value this._started = false; // this._run will use fork() to create a new process for each configuration // combination. if (process.env.hasOwnProperty('NODE_RUN_BENCHMARK_FN')) { process.nextTick(() => fn(this.config)); } else { process.nextTick(() => this._run()); } } Benchmark.prototype._parseArgs = function(argv, options) { const cliOptions = Object.assign({}, options); // Parse configuration arguments for (const arg of argv) { const match = arg.match(/^(.+?)=([\s\S]*)$/); if (!match || !match[1]) { console.error('bad argument: ' + arg); process.exit(1); } // Infer the type from the options object and parse accordingly const isNumber = typeof options[match[1]][0] === 'number'; const value = isNumber ? +match[2] : match[2]; cliOptions[match[1]] = [value]; } return cliOptions; }; Benchmark.prototype._queue = function(options) { const queue = []; const keys = Object.keys(options); // Perform a depth-first walk though all options to generate a // configuration list that contains all combinations. function recursive(keyIndex, prevConfig) { const key = keys[keyIndex]; const values = options[key]; const type = typeof values[0]; for (const value of values) { if (typeof value !== 'number' && typeof value !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`configuration "${key}" had type ${typeof value}`); } if (typeof value !== type) { // This is a requirement for being able to consistently and predictably // parse CLI provided configuration values. throw new TypeError(`configuration "${key}" has mixed types`); } const currConfig = Object.assign({ [key]: value }, prevConfig); if (keyIndex + 1 < keys.length) { recursive(keyIndex + 1, currConfig); } else { queue.push(currConfig); } } } if (keys.length > 0) { recursive(0, {}); } else { queue.push({}); } return queue; }; function hasWrk() { const result = child_process.spawnSync('wrk', ['-h']); if (result.error && result.error.code === 'ENOENT') { console.error('Couldn\'t locate `wrk` which is needed for running ' + 'benchmarks. Check benchmark/README.md for further instructions.'); process.exit(1); } } // benchmark an http server. const WRK_REGEXP = /Requests\/sec:[ \t]+([0-9\.]+)/; Benchmark.prototype.http = function(urlPath, args, cb) { hasWrk(); const self = this; const urlFull = '' + exports.PORT + urlPath; args = args.concat(urlFull); const childStart = process.hrtime(); const child = child_process.spawn('wrk', args); child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); // Collect stdout let stdout = ''; child.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => stdout += chunk.toString()); child.once('close', function(code) { const elapsed = process.hrtime(childStart); if (cb) cb(code); if (code) { console.error('wrk failed with ' + code); process.exit(code); } // Extract requests pr second and check for odd results const match = stdout.match(WRK_REGEXP); if (!match || match.length <= 1) { console.error('wrk produced strange output:'); console.error(stdout); process.exit(1); } // Report rate self.report(+match[1], elapsed); }); }; Benchmark.prototype._run = function() { const self = this; (function recursive(queueIndex) { const config = self.queue[queueIndex]; // set NODE_RUN_BENCHMARK_FN to indicate that the child shouldn't construct // a configuration queue, but just execute the benchmark function. const childEnv = Object.assign({}, process.env); childEnv.NODE_RUN_BENCHMARK_FN = ''; // Create configuration arguments const childArgs = []; for (const key of Object.keys(config)) { childArgs.push(`${key}=${config[key]}`); } const child = child_process.fork(require.main.filename, childArgs, { env: childEnv }); child.on('message', sendResult); child.on('close', function(code) { if (code) { process.exit(code); return; } if (queueIndex + 1 < self.queue.length) { recursive(queueIndex + 1); } }); })(0); }; Benchmark.prototype.start = function() { if (this._started) { throw new Error('Called start more than once in a single benchmark'); } this._started = true; this._time = process.hrtime(); }; Benchmark.prototype.end = function(operations) { // get elapsed time now and do error checking later for accuracy. const elapsed = process.hrtime(this._time); if (!this._started) { throw new Error('called end without start'); } if (typeof operations !== 'number') { throw new Error('called end() without specifying operation count'); } const time = elapsed[0] + elapsed[1] / 1e9; const rate = operations / time; this.report(rate, elapsed); }; function formatResult(data) { // Construct configuration string, " A=a, B=b, ..." let conf = ''; for (const key of Object.keys(data.conf)) { conf += ' ' + key + '=' + JSON.stringify(data.conf[key]); } return `${data.name}${conf}: ${data.rate}`; } function sendResult(data) { if (process.send) { // If forked, report by process send process.send(data); } else { // Otherwise report by stdout console.log(formatResult(data)); } } exports.sendResult = sendResult; Benchmark.prototype.report = function(rate, elapsed) { sendResult({ name: this.name, conf: this.config, rate: rate, time: elapsed[0] + elapsed[1] / 1e9 }); }; exports.v8ForceOptimization = function(method, ...args) { if (typeof method !== 'function') return; const v8 = require('v8'); v8.setFlagsFromString('--allow_natives_syntax'); method.apply(null, args); eval('%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(method)'); method.apply(null, args); return eval('%GetOptimizationStatus(method)'); };