'use strict'; const fork = require('child_process').fork; const path = require('path'); const CLI = require('./_cli.js'); // // Parse arguments // const cli = CLI(`usage: ./node compare.js [options] [--] ... Run each benchmark in the directory many times using two diffrent node versions. More than one directory can be specified. The output is formatted as csv, which can be processed using for example 'compare.R'. --new ./new-node-binary new node binary (required) --old ./old-node-binary old node binary (required) --runs 30 number of samples --filter pattern string to filter benchmark scripts --set variable=value set benchmark variable (can be repeated) `, { arrayArgs: ['set'] }); if (!cli.optional.new || !cli.optional.old) { cli.abort(cli.usage); return; } const binaries = ['old', 'new']; const runs = cli.optional.runs ? parseInt(cli.optional.runs, 10) : 30; const benchmarks = cli.benchmarks(); if (benchmarks.length === 0) { console.error('no benchmarks found'); process.exitCode = 1; return; } // Create queue from the benchmarks list such both node versions are tested // `runs` amount of times each. const queue = []; for (const filename of benchmarks) { for (let iter = 0; iter < runs; iter++) { for (const binary of binaries) { queue.push({ binary, filename, iter }); } } } // Print csv header console.log('"binary", "filename", "configuration", "rate", "time"'); (function recursive(i) { const job = queue[i]; const child = fork(path.resolve(__dirname, job.filename), cli.optional.set, { execPath: cli.optional[job.binary] }); child.on('message', function(data) { // Construct configuration string, " A=a, B=b, ..." let conf = ''; for (const key of Object.keys(data.conf)) { conf += ' ' + key + '=' + JSON.stringify(data.conf[key]); } conf = conf.slice(1); // Escape quotes (") for correct csv formatting conf = conf.replace(/"/g, '""'); console.log(`"${job.binary}", "${job.filename}", "${conf}", ` + `${data.rate}, ${data.time}`); }); child.once('close', function(code) { if (code) { process.exit(code); return; } // If there are more benchmarks execute the next if (i + 1 < queue.length) { recursive(i + 1); } }); })(0);