// Flags: --expose-internals 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); const assert = require('assert'); errors.E('TEST_ERROR_1', 'Error for testing purposes: %s'); errors.E('TEST_ERROR_2', (a, b) => `${a} ${b}`); const err1 = new errors.Error('TEST_ERROR_1', 'test'); const err2 = new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'test'); const err3 = new errors.RangeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'test'); const err4 = new errors.Error('TEST_ERROR_2', 'abc', 'xyz'); const err5 = new errors.Error('TEST_ERROR_1'); assert(err1 instanceof Error); assert.strictEqual(err1.name, 'Error [TEST_ERROR_1]'); assert.strictEqual(err1.message, 'Error for testing purposes: test'); assert.strictEqual(err1.code, 'TEST_ERROR_1'); assert(err2 instanceof TypeError); assert.strictEqual(err2.name, 'TypeError [TEST_ERROR_1]'); assert.strictEqual(err2.message, 'Error for testing purposes: test'); assert.strictEqual(err2.code, 'TEST_ERROR_1'); assert(err3 instanceof RangeError); assert.strictEqual(err3.name, 'RangeError [TEST_ERROR_1]'); assert.strictEqual(err3.message, 'Error for testing purposes: test'); assert.strictEqual(err3.code, 'TEST_ERROR_1'); assert(err4 instanceof Error); assert.strictEqual(err4.name, 'Error [TEST_ERROR_2]'); assert.strictEqual(err4.message, 'abc xyz'); assert.strictEqual(err4.code, 'TEST_ERROR_2'); assert(err5 instanceof Error); assert.strictEqual(err5.name, 'Error [TEST_ERROR_1]'); assert.strictEqual(err5.message, 'Error for testing purposes: %s'); assert.strictEqual(err5.code, 'TEST_ERROR_1'); assert.throws( () => new errors.Error('TEST_FOO_KEY'), /^AssertionError: An invalid error message key was used: TEST_FOO_KEY\.$/); // Calling it twice yields same result (using the key does not create it) assert.throws( () => new errors.Error('TEST_FOO_KEY'), /^AssertionError: An invalid error message key was used: TEST_FOO_KEY\.$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.Error(1), /^AssertionError: 'number' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.Error({}), /^AssertionError: 'object' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.Error([]), /^AssertionError: 'object' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.Error(true), /^AssertionError: 'boolean' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.TypeError(1), /^AssertionError: 'number' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.TypeError({}), /^AssertionError: 'object' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.TypeError([]), /^AssertionError: 'object' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.TypeError(true), /^AssertionError: 'boolean' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.RangeError(1), /^AssertionError: 'number' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.RangeError({}), /^AssertionError: 'object' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.RangeError([]), /^AssertionError: 'object' === 'string'$/); assert.throws( () => new errors.RangeError(true), /^AssertionError: 'boolean' === 'string'$/); // Tests for common.expectsError assert.doesNotThrow(() => { assert.throws(() => { throw new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'a'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'TEST_ERROR_1' })); }); assert.doesNotThrow(() => { assert.throws(() => { throw new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'a'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'TEST_ERROR_1', type: TypeError, message: /^Error for testing/ })); }); assert.doesNotThrow(() => { assert.throws(() => { throw new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'a'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'TEST_ERROR_1', type: TypeError })); }); assert.doesNotThrow(() => { assert.throws(() => { throw new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'a'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'TEST_ERROR_1', type: Error })); }); assert.throws(() => { assert.throws(() => { throw new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'a'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'TEST_ERROR_1', type: RangeError })); }, /^AssertionError: .+ is not the expected type \S/); assert.throws(() => { assert.throws(() => { throw new errors.TypeError('TEST_ERROR_1', 'a'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'TEST_ERROR_1', type: TypeError, message: /^Error for testing 2/ })); }, /AssertionError: .+ does not match \S/); // // Test ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', 'b']), 'The "a" argument must be of type b'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', ['b']]), 'The "a" argument must be of type b'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', ['b', 'c']]), 'The "a" argument must be one of type b or c'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', ['b', 'c', 'd']]), 'The "a" argument must be one of type b, c, or d'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', 'b', 'c']), 'The "a" argument must be of type b. Received type string'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', 'b', undefined]), 'The "a" argument must be of type b. Received type ' + 'undefined'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', ['a', 'b', null]), 'The "a" argument must be of type b. Received type null'); // Test ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME', ['file']), 'The URL must be of scheme file'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME', [['file']]), 'The URL must be of scheme file'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME', [['http', 'ftp']]), 'The URL must be one of scheme http or ftp'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME', [['a', 'b', 'c']]), 'The URL must be one of scheme a, b, or c'); assert.throws( () => errors.message('ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME', [[]]), /^AssertionError: At least one expected value needs to be specified$/ ); // Test ERR_MISSING_ARGS assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_MISSING_ARGS', ['name']), 'The "name" argument must be specified'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_MISSING_ARGS', ['name', 'value']), 'The "name" and "value" arguments must be specified'); assert.strictEqual(errors.message('ERR_MISSING_ARGS', ['a', 'b', 'c']), 'The "a", "b", and "c" arguments must be specified'); assert.throws( () => errors.message('ERR_MISSING_ARGS'), /^AssertionError: At least one arg needs to be specified$/ );