// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --expose-debug-as debug --allow-natives-syntax // Test debug events when we listen to all exceptions and // there is a catch handler for the exception thrown in a Promise, first // caught by a try-finally, and immediately rethrown. // We expect a normal Exception debug event to be triggered. Debug = debug.Debug; var expected_events = 1; var log = []; var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { log.push("resolve"); resolve(); }); var q = p.then( function() { log.push("throw"); try { throw new Error("caught"); } finally { } }); q.catch( function(e) { assertEquals("caught", e.message); }); function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) { try { if (event == Debug.DebugEvent.Exception) { expected_events--; assertTrue(expected_events >= 0); assertEquals("caught", event_data.exception().message); assertSame(q, event_data.promise()); assertFalse(event_data.uncaught()); } } catch (e) { %AbortJS(e + "\n" + e.stack); } } Debug.setBreakOnException(); Debug.setListener(listener); log.push("end main"); function testDone(iteration) { function checkResult() { try { assertTrue(iteration < 10); if (expected_events === 0) { assertEquals(["resolve", "end main", "throw"], log); } else { testDone(iteration + 1); } } catch (e) { %AbortJS(e + "\n" + e.stack); } } %EnqueueMicrotask(checkResult); } testDone(0);