module.exports = rimraf rimraf.sync = rimrafSync var path = require("path") , fs try { // optional dependency fs = require("graceful-fs") } catch (er) { fs = require("fs") } var lstat = process.platform === "win32" ? "stat" : "lstat" , lstatSync = lstat + "Sync" // for EMFILE handling var timeout = 0 , EMFILE_MAX = 1000 function rimraf (p, opts, cb) { if (typeof opts === "function") cb = opts, opts = {} if (!cb) throw new Error("No callback passed to rimraf()") if (!opts) opts = {} var busyTries = 0 opts.maxBusyTries = opts.maxBusyTries || 3 if (opts.gently) opts.gently = path.resolve(opts.gently) rimraf_(p, opts, function CB (er) { if (er) { if (er.message.match(/^EBUSY/) && busyTries < opts.maxBusyTries) { var time = (opts.maxBusyTries - busyTries) * 100 busyTries ++ // try again, with the same exact callback as this one. return setTimeout(function () { rimraf_(p, opts, CB) }) } // this one won't happen if graceful-fs is used. if (er.message.match(/^EMFILE/) && timeout < EMFILE_MAX) { return setTimeout(function () { rimraf_(p, opts, CB) }, timeout ++) } // already gone if (er.message.match(/^ENOENT/)) er = null } timeout = 0 cb(er) }) } function rimraf_ (p, opts, cb) { fs[lstat](p, function (er, s) { // if the stat fails, then assume it's already gone. if (er) { // already gone if (er.message.match(/^ENOENT/)) return cb() // some other kind of error, permissions, etc. return cb(er) } // don't delete that don't point actually live in the "gently" path if (opts.gently) return clobberTest(p, s, opts, cb) return rm_(p, s, opts, cb) }) } function rm_ (p, s, opts, cb) { if (!s.isDirectory()) return fs.unlink(p, cb) fs.readdir(p, function (er, files) { if (er) return cb(er) asyncForEach( (f) { return path.join(p, f) }), function (file, cb) { rimraf(file, opts, cb) }, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) fs.rmdir(p, cb) }) }) } function clobberTest (p, s, opts, cb) { var gently = opts.gently if (!s.isSymbolicLink()) next(null, path.resolve(p)) else realish(p, next) function next (er, rp) { if (er) return rm_(p, s, cb) if (rp.indexOf(gently) !== 0) return clobberFail(p, gently, cb) else return rm_(p, s, opts, cb) } } function realish (p, cb) { fs.readlink(p, function (er, r) { if (er) return cb(er) return cb(null, path.resolve(path.dirname(p), r)) }) } function clobberFail (p, g, cb) { var er = new Error("Refusing to delete: "+p+" not in "+g) , constants = require("constants") er.errno = constants.EEXIST er.code = "EEXIST" er.path = p return cb(er) } function asyncForEach (list, fn, cb) { if (!list.length) cb() var c = list.length , errState = null list.forEach(function (item, i, list) { fn(item, function (er) { if (errState) return if (er) return cb(errState = er) if (-- c === 0) return cb() }) }) } // this looks simpler, but it will fail with big directory trees, // or on slow stupid awful cygwin filesystems function rimrafSync (p) { var s = fs[lstatSync](p) if (!s.isDirectory()) return fs.unlinkSync(p) fs.readdirSync(p).forEach(function (f) { rimrafSync(path.join(p, f)) }) fs.rmdirSync(p) }