var http = require('http') , https = false , tls = false , url = require('url') , util = require('util') , stream = require('stream') , qs = require('qs') , querystring = require('querystring') , crypto = require('crypto') , oauth = require('oauth-sign') , hawk = require('hawk') , aws = require('aws-sign') , httpSignature = require('http-signature') , uuid = require('node-uuid') , mime = require('mime') , tunnel = require('tunnel-agent') , _safeStringify = require('json-stringify-safe') , ForeverAgent = require('forever-agent') , FormData = require('form-data') , Cookie = require('cookie-jar') , CookieJar = Cookie.Jar , cookieJar = new CookieJar , copy = require('./lib/copy') , debug = require('./lib/debug') , getSafe = require('./lib/getSafe') ; function safeStringify (obj) { var ret try { ret = JSON.stringify(obj) } catch (e) { ret = _safeStringify(obj) } return ret } var globalPool = {} var isUrl = /^https?:/i try { https = require('https') } catch (e) {} try { tls = require('tls') } catch (e) {} // Hacky fix for pre-0.4.4 https if (https && !https.Agent) { https.Agent = function (options) {, options) } util.inherits(https.Agent, http.Agent) https.Agent.prototype._getConnection = function (host, port, cb) { var s = tls.connect(port, host, this.options, function () { // do other checks here? if (cb) cb() }) return s } } function isReadStream (rs) { if (rs.readable && rs.path && rs.mode) { return true } } function toBase64 (str) { return (new Buffer(str || "", "ascii")).toString("base64") } function md5 (str) { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(str).digest('hex') } function Request (options) { this.readable = true this.writable = true if (typeof options === 'string') { options = {uri:options} } var reserved = Object.keys(Request.prototype) for (var i in options) { if (reserved.indexOf(i) === -1) { this[i] = options[i] } else { if (typeof options[i] === 'function') { delete options[i] } } } if (options.method) { this.explicitMethod = true } this.init(options) } util.inherits(Request, stream.Stream) Request.prototype.init = function (options) { // init() contains all the code to setup the request object. // the actual outgoing request is not started until start() is called // this function is called from both the constructor and on redirect. var self = this if (!options) options = {} if (!self.method) self.method = options.method || 'GET' self.localAddress = options.localAddress debug(options) if (!self.pool && self.pool !== false) self.pool = globalPool self.dests = self.dests || [] self.__isRequestRequest = true // Protect against double callback if (!self._callback && self.callback) { self._callback = self.callback self.callback = function () { if (self._callbackCalled) return // Print a warning maybe? self._callbackCalled = true self._callback.apply(self, arguments) } self.on('error', self.callback.bind()) self.on('complete', self.callback.bind(self, null)) } if (self.url && !self.uri) { // People use this property instead all the time so why not just support it. self.uri = self.url delete self.url } if (!self.uri) { // this will throw if unhandled but is handleable when in a redirect return self.emit('error', new Error("options.uri is a required argument")) } else { if (typeof self.uri == "string") self.uri = url.parse(self.uri) } if (self.strictSSL === false) { self.rejectUnauthorized = false } if (self.proxy) { if (typeof self.proxy == 'string') self.proxy = url.parse(self.proxy) // do the HTTP CONNECT dance using koichik/node-tunnel if (http.globalAgent && self.uri.protocol === "https:") { var tunnelFn = self.proxy.protocol === "http:" ? tunnel.httpsOverHttp : tunnel.httpsOverHttps var tunnelOptions = { proxy: { host: self.proxy.hostname , port: +self.proxy.port , proxyAuth: self.proxy.auth , headers: { Host: self.uri.hostname + ':' + (self.uri.port || self.uri.protocol === 'https:' ? 443 : 80) }} , rejectUnauthorized: self.rejectUnauthorized , ca: } self.agent = tunnelFn(tunnelOptions) self.tunnel = true } } if (!self.uri.pathname) {self.uri.pathname = '/'} if (! { // Invalid URI: it may generate lot of bad errors, like "TypeError: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined" in CookieJar // Detect and reject it as soon as possible var faultyUri = url.format(self.uri) var message = 'Invalid URI "' + faultyUri + '"' if (Object.keys(options).length === 0) { // No option ? This can be the sign of a redirect // As this is a case where the user cannot do anything (he didn't call request directly with this URL) // he should be warned that it can be caused by a redirection (can save some hair) message += '. This can be caused by a crappy redirection.' } self.emit('error', new Error(message)) return // This error was fatal } self._redirectsFollowed = self._redirectsFollowed || 0 self.maxRedirects = (self.maxRedirects !== undefined) ? self.maxRedirects : 10 self.followRedirect = (self.followRedirect !== undefined) ? self.followRedirect : true self.followAllRedirects = (self.followAllRedirects !== undefined) ? self.followAllRedirects : false if (self.followRedirect || self.followAllRedirects) self.redirects = self.redirects || [] self.headers = self.headers ? copy(self.headers) : {} self.setHost = false if (!self.hasHeader('host')) { self.setHeader('host', self.uri.hostname) if (self.uri.port) { if ( !(self.uri.port === 80 && self.uri.protocol === 'http:') && !(self.uri.port === 443 && self.uri.protocol === 'https:') ) self.setHeader('host', self.getHeader('host') + (':'+self.uri.port) ) } self.setHost = true } self.jar(self._jar || options.jar) if (!self.uri.port) { if (self.uri.protocol == 'http:') {self.uri.port = 80} else if (self.uri.protocol == 'https:') {self.uri.port = 443} } if (self.proxy && !self.tunnel) { self.port = self.proxy.port = self.proxy.hostname } else { self.port = self.uri.port = self.uri.hostname } self.clientErrorHandler = function (error) { if (self._aborted) return if (self.req && self.req._reusedSocket && error.code === 'ECONNRESET' && self.agent.addRequestNoreuse) { self.agent = { addRequest: self.agent.addRequestNoreuse.bind(self.agent) } self.start() self.req.end() return } if (self.timeout && self.timeoutTimer) { clearTimeout(self.timeoutTimer) self.timeoutTimer = null } self.emit('error', error) } self._parserErrorHandler = function (error) { if (this.res) { if (this.res.request) { this.res.request.emit('error', error) } else { this.res.emit('error', error) } } else { this._httpMessage.emit('error', error) } } if (options.form) { self.form(options.form) } if (options.qs) self.qs(options.qs) if (self.uri.path) { self.path = self.uri.path } else { self.path = self.uri.pathname + ( || "") } if (self.path.length === 0) self.path = '/' // Auth must happen last in case signing is dependent on other headers if (options.oauth) { self.oauth(options.oauth) } if ( { } if (options.hawk) { self.hawk(options.hawk) } if (options.httpSignature) { self.httpSignature(options.httpSignature) } if (options.auth) { self.auth( (options.auth.user==="") ? options.auth.user : (options.auth.user || options.auth.username ), options.auth.pass || options.auth.password, options.auth.sendImmediately) } if (self.uri.auth && !self.hasHeader('authorization')) { var authPieces = self.uri.auth.split(':').map(function(item){ return querystring.unescape(item) }) self.auth(authPieces[0], authPieces.slice(1).join(':'), true) } if (self.proxy && self.proxy.auth && !self.hasHeader('proxy-authorization') && !self.tunnel) { self.setHeader('proxy-authorization', "Basic " + toBase64(self.proxy.auth.split(':').map(function(item){ return querystring.unescape(item)}).join(':'))) } if (self.proxy && !self.tunnel) self.path = (self.uri.protocol + '//' + + self.path) if (options.json) { self.json(options.json) } else if (options.multipart) { self.boundary = uuid() self.multipart(options.multipart) } if (self.body) { var length = 0 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(self.body)) { if (Array.isArray(self.body)) { for (var i = 0; i < self.body.length; i++) { length += self.body[i].length } } else { self.body = new Buffer(self.body) length = self.body.length } } else { length = self.body.length } if (length) { if (!self.hasHeader('content-length')) self.setHeader('content-length', length) } else { throw new Error('Argument error, options.body.') } } var protocol = self.proxy && !self.tunnel ? self.proxy.protocol : self.uri.protocol , defaultModules = {'http:':http, 'https:':https} , httpModules = self.httpModules || {} ; self.httpModule = httpModules[protocol] || defaultModules[protocol] if (!self.httpModule) return this.emit('error', new Error("Invalid protocol")) if ( = if (!self.agent) { if (options.agentOptions) self.agentOptions = options.agentOptions if (options.agentClass) { self.agentClass = options.agentClass } else if (options.forever) { self.agentClass = protocol === 'http:' ? ForeverAgent : ForeverAgent.SSL } else { self.agentClass = self.httpModule.Agent } } if (self.pool === false) { self.agent = false } else { self.agent = self.agent || self.getAgent() if (self.maxSockets) { // Don't use our pooling if node has the refactored client self.agent.maxSockets = self.maxSockets } if (self.pool.maxSockets) { // Don't use our pooling if node has the refactored client self.agent.maxSockets = self.pool.maxSockets } } self.on('pipe', function (src) { if (self.ntick && self._started) throw new Error("You cannot pipe to this stream after the outbound request has started.") self.src = src if (isReadStream(src)) { if (!self.hasHeader('content-type')) self.setHeader('content-type', mime.lookup(src.path)) } else { if (src.headers) { for (var i in src.headers) { if (!self.hasHeader(i)) { self.setHeader(i, src.headers[i]) } } } if (self._json && !self.hasHeader('content-type')) self.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json') if (src.method && !self.explicitMethod) { self.method = src.method } } // self.on('pipe', function () { // console.error("You have already piped to this stream. Pipeing twice is likely to break the request.") // }) }) process.nextTick(function () { if (self._aborted) return if (self._form) { self.setHeaders(self._form.getHeaders()) self._form.pipe(self) } if (self.body) { if (Array.isArray(self.body)) { self.body.forEach(function (part) { self.write(part) }) } else { self.write(self.body) } self.end() } else if (self.requestBodyStream) { console.warn("options.requestBodyStream is deprecated, please pass the request object to stream.pipe.") self.requestBodyStream.pipe(self) } else if (!self.src) { if (self.method !== 'GET' && typeof self.method !== 'undefined') { self.setHeader('content-length', 0) } self.end() } self.ntick = true }) } // Must call this when following a redirect from https to http or vice versa // Attempts to keep everything as identical as possible, but update the // httpModule, Tunneling agent, and/or Forever Agent in use. Request.prototype._updateProtocol = function () { var self = this var protocol = self.uri.protocol if (protocol === 'https:') { // previously was doing http, now doing https // if it's https, then we might need to tunnel now. if (self.proxy) { self.tunnel = true var tunnelFn = self.proxy.protocol === 'http:' ? tunnel.httpsOverHttp : tunnel.httpsOverHttps var tunnelOptions = { proxy: { host: self.proxy.hostname , port: +self.proxy.port , proxyAuth: self.proxy.auth } , rejectUnauthorized: self.rejectUnauthorized , ca: } self.agent = tunnelFn(tunnelOptions) return } self.httpModule = https switch (self.agentClass) { case ForeverAgent: self.agentClass = ForeverAgent.SSL break case http.Agent: self.agentClass = https.Agent break default: // nothing we can do. Just hope for the best. return } // if there's an agent, we need to get a new one. if (self.agent) self.agent = self.getAgent() } else { // previously was doing https, now doing http // stop any tunneling. if (self.tunnel) self.tunnel = false self.httpModule = http switch (self.agentClass) { case ForeverAgent.SSL: self.agentClass = ForeverAgent break case https.Agent: self.agentClass = http.Agent break default: // nothing we can do. just hope for the best return } // if there's an agent, then get a new one. if (self.agent) { self.agent = null self.agent = self.getAgent() } } } Request.prototype.getAgent = function () { var Agent = this.agentClass var options = {} if (this.agentOptions) { for (var i in this.agentOptions) { options[i] = this.agentOptions[i] } } if ( = if (typeof this.rejectUnauthorized !== 'undefined') options.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized if (this.cert && this.key) { options.key = this.key options.cert = this.cert } var poolKey = '' // different types of agents are in different pools if (Agent !== this.httpModule.Agent) { poolKey += } if (!this.httpModule.globalAgent) { // node 0.4.x = options.port = this.port if (poolKey) poolKey += ':' poolKey += + ':' + this.port } // ca option is only relevant if proxy or destination are https var proxy = this.proxy if (typeof proxy === 'string') proxy = url.parse(proxy) var isHttps = (proxy && proxy.protocol === 'https:') || this.uri.protocol === 'https:' if (isHttps) { if ( { if (poolKey) poolKey += ':' poolKey += } if (typeof options.rejectUnauthorized !== 'undefined') { if (poolKey) poolKey += ':' poolKey += options.rejectUnauthorized } if (options.cert) poolKey += options.cert.toString('ascii') + options.key.toString('ascii') if (options.ciphers) { if (poolKey) poolKey += ':' poolKey += options.ciphers } if (options.secureOptions) { if (poolKey) poolKey += ':' poolKey += options.secureOptions } } if (this.pool === globalPool && !poolKey && Object.keys(options).length === 0 && this.httpModule.globalAgent) { // not doing anything special. Use the globalAgent return this.httpModule.globalAgent } // we're using a stored agent. Make sure it's protocol-specific poolKey = this.uri.protocol + poolKey // already generated an agent for this setting if (this.pool[poolKey]) return this.pool[poolKey] return this.pool[poolKey] = new Agent(options) } Request.prototype.start = function () { // start() is called once we are ready to send the outgoing HTTP request. // this is usually called on the first write(), end() or on nextTick() var self = this if (self._aborted) return self._started = true self.method = self.method || 'GET' self.href = self.uri.href if (self.src && self.src.stat && self.src.stat.size && !self.hasHeader('content-length')) { self.setHeader('content-length', self.src.stat.size) } if (self._aws) {, true) } // We have a method named auth, which is completely different from the http.request // auth option. If we don't remove it, we're gonna have a bad time. var reqOptions = copy(self) delete reqOptions.auth debug('make request', self.uri.href) self.req = self.httpModule.request(reqOptions, self.onResponse.bind(self)) if (self.timeout && !self.timeoutTimer) { self.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () { self.req.abort() var e = new Error("ETIMEDOUT") e.code = "ETIMEDOUT" self.emit("error", e) }, self.timeout) // Set additional timeout on socket - in case if remote // server freeze after sending headers if (self.req.setTimeout) { // only works on node 0.6+ self.req.setTimeout(self.timeout, function () { if (self.req) { self.req.abort() var e = new Error("ESOCKETTIMEDOUT") e.code = "ESOCKETTIMEDOUT" self.emit("error", e) } }) } } self.req.on('error', self.clientErrorHandler) self.req.on('drain', function() { self.emit('drain') }) self.on('end', function() { if ( self.req.connection ) self.req.connection.removeListener('error', self._parserErrorHandler) }) self.emit('request', self.req) } Request.prototype.onResponse = function (response) { var self = this debug('onResponse', self.uri.href, response.statusCode, response.headers) response.on('end', function() { debug('response end', self.uri.href, response.statusCode, response.headers) }); if (response.connection.listeners('error').indexOf(self._parserErrorHandler) === -1) { response.connection.once('error', self._parserErrorHandler) } if (self._aborted) { debug('aborted', self.uri.href) response.resume() return } if (self._paused) response.pause() else response.resume() self.response = response response.request = self response.toJSON = toJSON // XXX This is different on 0.10, because SSL is strict by default if (self.httpModule === https && self.strictSSL && !response.client.authorized) { debug('strict ssl error', self.uri.href) var sslErr = response.client.authorizationError self.emit('error', new Error('SSL Error: '+ sslErr)) return } if (self.setHost && self.hasHeader('host')) delete self.headers[self.hasHeader('host')] if (self.timeout && self.timeoutTimer) { clearTimeout(self.timeoutTimer) self.timeoutTimer = null } var addCookie = function (cookie) { if (self._jar){ if(self._jar.add){ self._jar.add(new Cookie(cookie)) } else cookieJar.add(new Cookie(cookie)) } } if (hasHeader('set-cookie', response.headers) && (!self._disableCookies)) { var headerName = hasHeader('set-cookie', response.headers) if (Array.isArray(response.headers[headerName])) response.headers[headerName].forEach(addCookie) else addCookie(response.headers[headerName]) } var redirectTo = null if (response.statusCode >= 300 && response.statusCode < 400 && hasHeader('location', response.headers)) { var location = response.headers[hasHeader('location', response.headers)] debug('redirect', location) if (self.followAllRedirects) { redirectTo = location } else if (self.followRedirect) { switch (self.method) { case 'PATCH': case 'PUT': case 'POST': case 'DELETE': // Do not follow redirects break default: redirectTo = location break } } } else if (response.statusCode == 401 && self._hasAuth && !self._sentAuth) { var authHeader = response.headers[hasHeader('www-authenticate', response.headers)] var authVerb = authHeader && authHeader.split(' ')[0] debug('reauth', authVerb) switch (authVerb) { case 'Basic': self.auth(self._user, self._pass, true) redirectTo = self.uri break case 'Digest': // TODO: More complete implementation of RFC 2617. For reference: // // var matches = authHeader.match(/([a-z0-9_-]+)="([^"]+)"/gi) var challenge = {} for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { var eqPos = matches[i].indexOf('=') var key = matches[i].substring(0, eqPos) var quotedValue = matches[i].substring(eqPos + 1) challenge[key] = quotedValue.substring(1, quotedValue.length - 1) } var ha1 = md5(self._user + ':' + challenge.realm + ':' + self._pass) var ha2 = md5(self.method + ':' + self.uri.path) var digestResponse = md5(ha1 + ':' + challenge.nonce + ':1::auth:' + ha2) var authValues = { username: self._user, realm: challenge.realm, nonce: challenge.nonce, uri: self.uri.path, qop: challenge.qop, response: digestResponse, nc: 1, cnonce: '' } authHeader = [] for (var k in authValues) { authHeader.push(k + '="' + authValues[k] + '"') } authHeader = 'Digest ' + authHeader.join(', ') self.setHeader('authorization', authHeader) self._sentAuth = true redirectTo = self.uri break } } if (redirectTo) { debug('redirect to', redirectTo) // ignore any potential response body. it cannot possibly be useful // to us at this point. if (self._paused) response.resume() if (self._redirectsFollowed >= self.maxRedirects) { self.emit('error', new Error("Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop "+self.uri.href)) return } self._redirectsFollowed += 1 if (!isUrl.test(redirectTo)) { redirectTo = url.resolve(self.uri.href, redirectTo) } var uriPrev = self.uri self.uri = url.parse(redirectTo) // handle the case where we change protocol from https to http or vice versa if (self.uri.protocol !== uriPrev.protocol) { self._updateProtocol() } self.redirects.push( { statusCode : response.statusCode , redirectUri: redirectTo } ) if (self.followAllRedirects && response.statusCode != 401) self.method = 'GET' // self.method = 'GET' // Force all redirects to use GET || commented out fixes #215 delete self.src delete self.req delete self.agent delete self._started if (response.statusCode != 401) { // Remove parameters from the previous response, unless this is the second request // for a server that requires digest authentication. delete self.body delete self._form if (self.headers) { if (self.hasHeader('host')) delete self.headers[self.hasHeader('host')] if (self.hasHeader('content-type')) delete self.headers[self.hasHeader('content-type')] if (self.hasHeader('content-length')) delete self.headers[self.hasHeader('content-length')] } } self.emit('redirect'); self.init() return // Ignore the rest of the response } else { self._redirectsFollowed = self._redirectsFollowed || 0 // Be a good stream and emit end when the response is finished. // Hack to emit end on close because of a core bug that never fires end response.on('close', function () { if (!self._ended) self.response.emit('end') }) if (self.encoding) { if (self.dests.length !== 0) { console.error("Ignoring encoding parameter as this stream is being piped to another stream which makes the encoding option invalid.") } else { response.setEncoding(self.encoding) } } self.emit('response', response) self.dests.forEach(function (dest) { self.pipeDest(dest) }) response.on("data", function (chunk) { self._destdata = true self.emit("data", chunk) }) response.on("end", function (chunk) { self._ended = true self.emit("end", chunk) }) response.on("close", function () {self.emit("close")}) if (self.callback) { var buffer = [] var bodyLen = 0 self.on("data", function (chunk) { buffer.push(chunk) bodyLen += chunk.length }) self.on("end", function () { debug('end event', self.uri.href) if (self._aborted) { debug('aborted', self.uri.href) return } if (buffer.length && Buffer.isBuffer(buffer[0])) { debug('has body', self.uri.href, bodyLen) var body = new Buffer(bodyLen) var i = 0 buffer.forEach(function (chunk) { chunk.copy(body, i, 0, chunk.length) i += chunk.length }) if (self.encoding === null) { response.body = body } else { response.body = body.toString(self.encoding) } } else if (buffer.length) { // The UTF8 BOM [0xEF,0xBB,0xBF] is converted to [0xFE,0xFF] in the JS UTC16/UCS2 representation. // Strip this value out when the encoding is set to 'utf8', as upstream consumers won't expect it and it breaks JSON.parse(). if (self.encoding === 'utf8' && buffer[0].length > 0 && buffer[0][0] === "\uFEFF") { buffer[0] = buffer[0].substring(1) } response.body = buffer.join('') } if (self._json) { try { response.body = JSON.parse(response.body) } catch (e) {} } debug('emitting complete', self.uri.href) if(response.body == undefined && !self._json) { response.body = ""; } self.emit('complete', response, response.body) }) } //if no callback else{ self.on("end", function () { if (self._aborted) { debug('aborted', self.uri.href) return } self.emit('complete', response); }); } } debug('finish init function', self.uri.href) } Request.prototype.abort = function () { this._aborted = true if (this.req) { this.req.abort() } else if (this.response) { this.response.abort() } this.emit("abort") } Request.prototype.pipeDest = function (dest) { var response = this.response // Called after the response is received if (dest.headers && !dest.headersSent) { if (hasHeader('content-type', response.headers)) { var ctname = hasHeader('content-type', response.headers) if (dest.setHeader) dest.setHeader(ctname, response.headers[ctname]) else dest.headers[ctname] = response.headers[ctname] } if (hasHeader('content-length', response.headers)) { var clname = hasHeader('content-length', response.headers) if (dest.setHeader) dest.setHeader(clname, response.headers[clname]) else dest.headers[clname] = response.headers[clname] } } if (dest.setHeader && !dest.headersSent) { for (var i in response.headers) { dest.setHeader(i, response.headers[i]) } dest.statusCode = response.statusCode } if (this.pipefilter) this.pipefilter(response, dest) } // Composable API Request.prototype.setHeader = function (name, value, clobber) { if (clobber === undefined) clobber = true if (clobber || !this.hasHeader(name)) this.headers[name] = value else this.headers[this.hasHeader(name)] += ',' + value return this } Request.prototype.setHeaders = function (headers) { for (var i in headers) {this.setHeader(i, headers[i])} return this } Request.prototype.hasHeader = function (header, headers) { var headers = Object.keys(headers || this.headers) , lheaders = (h) {return h.toLowerCase()}) ; header = header.toLowerCase() for (var i=0;i