'use strict'; // Flags: --expose-gc const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const vm = require('vm'); assert.strictEqual(typeof global.gc, 'function', 'Run this test with --expose-gc'); common.globalCheck = false; // Run a string const result = vm.runInNewContext('\'passed\';'); assert.strictEqual('passed', result); // Thrown error assert.throws(() => { vm.runInNewContext('throw new Error(\'test\');'); }, /^Error: test$/); global.hello = 5; vm.runInNewContext('hello = 2'); assert.strictEqual(5, global.hello); // Pass values in and out global.code = 'foo = 1;' + 'bar = 2;' + 'if (baz !== 3) throw new Error(\'test fail\');'; global.foo = 2; global.obj = { foo: 0, baz: 3 }; /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const baz = vm.runInNewContext(global.code, global.obj); /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ assert.strictEqual(1, global.obj.foo); assert.strictEqual(2, global.obj.bar); assert.strictEqual(2, global.foo); // Call a function by reference function changeFoo() { global.foo = 100; } vm.runInNewContext('f()', { f: changeFoo }); assert.strictEqual(global.foo, 100); // Modify an object by reference const f = { a: 1 }; vm.runInNewContext('f.a = 2', { f: f }); assert.strictEqual(f.a, 2); // Use function in context without referencing context const fn = vm.runInNewContext('(function() { obj.p = {}; })', { obj: {} }); global.gc(); fn(); // Should not crash