'use strict' var validate = require('aproba') var npa = require('npm-package-arg') var flattenTree = require('./flatten-tree.js') function nonRegistrySource (pkg) { validate('O', arguments) var requested = pkg._requested || (pkg._from && npa(pkg._from)) if (!requested) return false if (requested.type === 'hosted') return true if (requested.type === 'local') return true return false } function pkgAreEquiv (aa, bb) { var aaSha = (aa.dist && aa.dist.shasum) || aa._shasum var bbSha = (bb.dist && bb.dist.shasum) || bb._shasum if (aaSha === bbSha) return true if (aaSha || bbSha) return false if (nonRegistrySource(aa) || nonRegistrySource(bb)) return false if (aa.version === bb.version) return true return false } function getNameAndVersion (pkg) { var versionspec = pkg._shasum if (!versionspec && nonRegistrySource(pkg)) { if (pkg._requested) { versionspec = pkg._requested.spec } else if (pkg._from) { versionspec = npa(pkg._from).spec } } if (!versionspec) { versionspec = pkg.version } return pkg.name + '@' + versionspec } function pushAll (aa, bb) { Array.prototype.push.apply(aa, bb) } module.exports = function (oldTree, newTree, differences, log, next) { validate('OOAOF', arguments) pushAll(differences, sortActions(diffTrees(oldTree, newTree))) log.finish() next() } function isLink (node) { return node && node.isLink } function requiredByAllLinked (node) { if (!node.requiredBy.length) return false return node.requiredBy.filter(isLink).length === node.requiredBy.length } function isNotTopOrExtraneous (node) { return !node.isTop && !node.userRequired && !node.existing } var sortActions = module.exports.sortActions = function (differences) { var actions = {} differences.forEach(function (action) { var child = action[1] actions[child.location] = action }) var sorted = [] var added = {} var sortedlocs = Object.keys(actions).sort(sortByLocation) // We're going to sort the actions taken on top level dependencies first, before // considering the order of transitive deps. Because we're building our list // from the bottom up, this means we will return a list with top level deps LAST. // This is important in terms of keeping installations as consistent as possible // as folks add new dependencies. var toplocs = sortedlocs.filter(function (location) { var mod = actions[location][1] if (!mod.requiredBy) return true // If this module is required by any non-top level module // or by any extraneous module, eg user requested or existing // then we don't want to give this priority sorting. return !mod.requiredBy.some(isNotTopOrExtraneous) }) toplocs.concat(sortedlocs).forEach(function (location) { sortByDeps(actions[location]) }) function sortByLocation (aa, bb) { return bb.localeCompare(aa) } function sortModuleByLocation (aa, bb) { return sortByLocation(aa && aa.location, bb && bb.location) } function sortByDeps (action) { var mod = action[1] if (added[mod.location]) return added[mod.location] = action if (!mod.requiredBy) mod.requiredBy = [] mod.requiredBy.sort(sortModuleByLocation).forEach(function (mod) { if (actions[mod.location]) sortByDeps(actions[mod.location]) }) sorted.unshift(action) } return sorted } function diffTrees (oldTree, newTree) { validate('OO', arguments) var differences = [] var flatOldTree = flattenTree(oldTree) var flatNewTree = flattenTree(newTree) var toRemove = {} var toRemoveByNameAndVer = {} // find differences Object.keys(flatOldTree).forEach(function (flatname) { if (flatNewTree[flatname]) return var pkg = flatOldTree[flatname] toRemove[flatname] = pkg var namever = getNameAndVersion(pkg.package) if (!toRemoveByNameAndVer[namever]) toRemoveByNameAndVer[namever] = [] toRemoveByNameAndVer[namever].push(flatname) }) Object.keys(flatNewTree).forEach(function (path) { var pkg = flatNewTree[path] pkg.oldPkg = flatOldTree[path] pkg.isInLink = (pkg.oldPkg && isLink(pkg.oldPkg.parent)) || (pkg.parent && isLink(pkg.parent)) || requiredByAllLinked(pkg) if (pkg.oldPkg) { if (!pkg.userRequired && pkgAreEquiv(pkg.oldPkg.package, pkg.package)) return if (!pkg.isInLink && (isLink(pkg.oldPkg) || isLink(pkg))) { differences.push(['update-linked', pkg]) } else { differences.push(['update', pkg]) } } else { var vername = getNameAndVersion(pkg.package) if (toRemoveByNameAndVer[vername] && toRemoveByNameAndVer[vername].length && !pkg.fromBundle) { var flatname = toRemoveByNameAndVer[vername].shift() pkg.fromPath = toRemove[flatname].path differences.push(['move', pkg]) delete toRemove[flatname] } else { differences.push(['add', pkg]) } } }) Object .keys(toRemove) .map(function (path) { return toRemove[path] }) .forEach(function (pkg) { differences.push(['remove', pkg]) }) return differences }