// One shot call to connect a TLS client and server based on options to // tls.createServer() and tls.connect(), so assertions can be made on both ends // of the connection. 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); // Check if Node was compiled --without-ssl and if so exit early // as the require of tls will otherwise throw an Error. if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const tls = require('tls'); const util = require('util'); exports.assert = require('assert'); exports.debug = util.debuglog('test'); exports.tls = tls; // Pre-load keys from common fixtures for ease of use by tests. const keys = exports.keys = { agent1: load('agent1', 'ca1'), agent2: load('agent2', 'agent2'), agent3: load('agent3', 'ca2'), agent4: load('agent4', 'ca2'), agent5: load('agent5', 'ca2'), agent6: load('agent6', 'ca1'), agent7: load('agent7', 'fake-cnnic-root'), ec: load('ec', 'ec'), }; function load(cert, issuer) { issuer = issuer || cert; // Assume self-signed if no issuer const id = { key: fixtures.readKey(cert + '-key.pem', 'binary'), cert: fixtures.readKey(cert + '-cert.pem', 'binary'), ca: fixtures.readKey(issuer + '-cert.pem', 'binary'), }; return id; } exports.connect = function connect(options, callback) { callback = common.mustCall(callback); const server = {}; const client = {}; const pair = { server: server, client: client, }; tls.createServer(options.server, function(conn) { server.conn = conn; conn.pipe(conn); maybeCallback() }).listen(0, function() { server.server = this; const optClient = util._extend({ port: this.address().port, }, options.client); tls.connect(optClient) .on('secureConnect', function() { client.conn = this; maybeCallback(); }) .on('error', function(err) { client.err = err; client.conn = this; maybeCallback(); }); }); function maybeCallback() { if (!callback) return; if (server.conn && (client.conn || client.err)) { const err = pair.client.err || pair.server.err; callback(err, pair, cleanup); callback = null; function cleanup() { if (server.server) server.server.close(); if (client.conn) client.conn.end(); } } } }