var common = require('../common-tap.js') var test = require('tap').test var npm = require('../../') var osenv = require('osenv') var path = require('path') var fs = require('fs') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var which = require('which') var spawn = require('child_process').spawn var pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, 'version-git-not-clean') var cache = path.resolve(pkg, 'cache') test('npm version with working directory not clean', function (t) { setup() npm.load({ cache: cache, registry: common.registry, prefix: pkg }, function () { which('git', function (err, git) { t.ifError(err, 'git found') function addPackageJSON (_cb) { var data = JSON.stringify({ name: 'blah', version: '0.1.2' }) fs.writeFile('package.json', data, function () { var child = spawn(git, ['add', 'package.json']) child.on('exit', function () { var child2 = spawn(git, ['commit', 'package.json', '-m', 'init']) var out = '' child2.stdout.on('data', function (d) { out += d.toString() }) child2.on('exit', function () { return _cb(out) }) }) }) } common.makeGitRepo({path: pkg}, function () { addPackageJSON(function () { var data = JSON.stringify({ name: 'blah', version: '0.1.3' }) fs.writeFile('package.json', data, function () { npm.commands.version(['patch'], function (err) { if (!err) {'should fail on non-clean working directory') } else { t.ok(err.message.match(/Git working directory not clean./)) t.ok(err.message.match(/M package.json/)) } t.end() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) test('npm version --force with working directory not clean', function (t) { npm.load({ cache: cache, registry: common.registry, prefix: pkg }, function () { common.npm( [ '--force', 'version', 'patch' ], {cwd: pkg, env: {PATH: process.env.PATH}}, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) { t.ifError(err, 'npm version ran without issue') t.notOk(code, 'exited with a non-error code') var errorLines = stderr.trim().split('\n') .map(function (line) { return line.trim() }) .filter(function (line) { return !line.indexOf('using --force') }) t.notOk(errorLines.length, 'no error output') t.end() }) }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { // windows fix for locked files process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir()) rimraf.sync(pkg) t.end() }) function setup () { mkdirp.sync(pkg) mkdirp.sync(cache) process.chdir(pkg) }