var fs = require('graceful-fs') var path = require('path') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var osenv = require('osenv') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var test = require('tap').test var common = require('../common-tap.js') var npm = require('../../') var pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, 'version-lifecycle') var cache = path.resolve(pkg, 'cache') var npmrc = path.resolve(pkg, './.npmrc') var configContents = 'sign-git-tag=false\n' test('npm version with failing preversion lifecycle script', function (t) { setup() fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({ author: 'Alex Wolfe', name: 'version-lifecycle', version: '0.0.0', description: 'Test for npm version if preversion script fails', scripts: { preversion: './' } }), 'utf8') fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, ''), 'exit 50', 'utf8') fs.chmodSync(path.resolve(pkg, ''), 448) npm.load({cache: cache, registry: common.registry}, function () { var version = require('../../lib/version') version(['patch'], function (err) { t.ok(err) t.ok(err.message.match(/Exit status 50/)) t.end() }) }) }) test('npm version with failing version lifecycle script', function (t) { setup() fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({ author: 'Alex Wolfe', name: 'version-lifecycle', version: '0.0.0', description: 'Test for npm version if postversion script fails', scripts: { version: './' } }), 'utf8') fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, ''), 'exit 50', 'utf8') fs.chmodSync(path.resolve(pkg, ''), 448) npm.load({cache: cache, registry: common.registry}, function () { var version = require('../../lib/version') version(['patch'], function (err) { t.ok(err) t.ok(err.message.match(/Exit status 50/)) t.end() }) }) }) test('npm version with failing postversion lifecycle script', function (t) { setup() fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({ author: 'Alex Wolfe', name: 'version-lifecycle', version: '0.0.0', description: 'Test for npm version if postversion script fails', scripts: { postversion: './' } }), 'utf8') fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, ''), 'exit 50', 'utf8') fs.chmodSync(path.resolve(pkg, ''), 448) npm.load({cache: cache, registry: common.registry}, function () { var version = require('../../lib/version') version(['patch'], function (err) { t.ok(err) t.ok(err.message.match(/Exit status 50/)) t.end() }) }) }) test('npm version execution order', function (t) { setup() fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({ author: 'Alex Wolfe', name: 'version-lifecycle', version: '0.0.0', description: 'Test for npm version if postversion script fails', scripts: { preversion: './', version: './', postversion: './' } }), 'utf8') makeScript('preversion') makeScript('version') makeScript('postversion') npm.load({cache: cache, registry: common.registry}, function () { common.makeGitRepo({path: pkg}, function (err, git) { t.ifError(err, 'git bootstrap ran without error') var version = require('../../lib/version') version(['patch'], function (err) { t.ifError(err, 'version command complete') t.equal('0.0.0', readPackage('preversion').version, 'preversion') t.deepEqual(readStatus('preversion', t), { 'preversion-package.json': 'A' }) t.equal('0.0.1', readPackage('version').version, 'version') t.deepEqual(readStatus('version', t), { 'package.json': 'M', 'preversion-package.json': 'A', 'version-package.json': 'A' }) t.equal('0.0.1', readPackage('postversion').version, 'postversion') t.deepEqual(readStatus('postversion', t), { 'postversion-package.json': 'A' }) t.end() }) }) }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir()) rimraf.sync(pkg) t.end() }) function setup () { mkdirp.sync(pkg) mkdirp.sync(path.join(pkg, 'node_modules')) mkdirp.sync(cache) fs.writeFileSync(npmrc, configContents, 'ascii') process.chdir(pkg) } function makeScript (lifecycle) { var contents = [ 'cp package.json ' + lifecycle + '-package.json', 'git add ' + lifecycle + '-package.json', 'git status --porcelain > ' + lifecycle + '-git.txt' ].join('\n') var scriptPath = path.join(pkg, lifecycle + '.sh') fs.writeFileSync(scriptPath, contents, 'utf-8') fs.chmodSync(scriptPath, 448) } function readPackage (lifecycle) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(pkg, lifecycle + '-package.json'), 'utf-8')) } function readStatus (lifecycle, t) { var status = {} fs.readFileSync(path.join(pkg, lifecycle + '-git.txt'), 'utf-8') .trim() .split('\n') .forEach(function (line) { line = line.trim() if (line && !line.match(/^\?\? /)) { var parts = line.split(/\s+/) t.equal(parts.length, 2, lifecycle + ' : git status has too many words : ' + line) status[parts[1].trim()] = parts[0].trim() } }) return status }