'use strict'; const Path = require('path'); const { test } = require('tap'); const startCLI = require('./start-cli'); test('list scripts', (t) => { const script = Path.join('examples', 'three-lines.js'); const cli = startCLI([script]); function onFatal(error) { cli.quit(); throw error; } return cli.waitForInitialBreak() .then(() => cli.waitForPrompt()) .then(() => cli.command('scripts')) .then(() => { t.match( cli.output, /^\* \d+: examples(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/, 'lists the user script'); t.notMatch( cli.output, /\d+: module\.js /, 'omits node-internal scripts'); }) .then(() => cli.command('scripts(true)')) .then(() => { t.match( cli.output, /\* \d+: examples(?:\/|\\)three-lines\.js/, 'lists the user script'); t.match( cli.output, /\d+: module\.js /, 'includes node-internal scripts'); }) .then(() => cli.quit()) .then(null, onFatal); });