'use strict'; const common = require('../../common'); const assert = require('assert'); // Testing api calls for arrays const test_array = require(`./build/${common.buildType}/test_array`); const array = [ 1, 9, 48, 13493, 9459324, { name: 'hello' }, [ 'world', 'node', 'abi' ] ]; assert.throws( () => { test_array.TestGetElement(array, array.length + 1); }, /^Error: assertion \(\(\(uint32_t\)index < length\)\) failed: Index out of bounds!$/ ); assert.throws( () => { test_array.TestGetElement(array, -2); }, /^Error: assertion \(index >= 0\) failed: Invalid index\. Expects a positive integer\.$/ ); array.forEach(function(element, index) { assert.strictEqual(test_array.TestGetElement(array, index), element); }); assert.deepStrictEqual(test_array.New(array), array); assert(test_array.TestHasElement(array, 0)); assert.strictEqual(test_array.TestHasElement(array, array.length + 1), false); assert(test_array.NewWithLength(0) instanceof Array); assert(test_array.NewWithLength(1) instanceof Array); // check max allowed length for an array 2^32 -1 assert(test_array.NewWithLength(4294967295) instanceof Array); { // Verify that array elements can be deleted. const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; assert.strictEqual(arr.length, 4); assert.strictEqual(2 in arr, true); assert.strictEqual(test_array.TestDeleteElement(arr, 2), true); assert.strictEqual(arr.length, 4); assert.strictEqual(2 in arr, false); }