'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const { spawnSync, fork } = require('child_process'); const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); const initHooks = require('./init-hooks'); const arg = process.argv[2]; switch (arg) { case 'test_init_callback': initHooks({ oninit: common.mustCall(() => { throw new Error(arg); }) }).enable(); async_hooks.emitInit( async_hooks.newUid(), `${arg}_type`, async_hooks.executionAsyncId() ); return; case 'test_callback': initHooks({ onbefore: common.mustCall(() => { throw new Error(arg); }) }).enable(); const newAsyncId = async_hooks.newUid(); async_hooks.emitInit( newAsyncId, `${arg}_type`, async_hooks.executionAsyncId() ); async_hooks.emitBefore(newAsyncId, async_hooks.executionAsyncId()); return; case 'test_callback_abort': initHooks({ oninit: common.mustCall(() => { throw new Error(arg); }) }).enable(); async_hooks.emitInit( async_hooks.newUid(), `${arg}_type`, async_hooks.executionAsyncId() ); return; } // this part should run only for the master test assert.ok(!arg); { // console.log should stay until this test's flakiness is solved console.log('start case 1'); console.time('end case 1'); const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, [__filename, 'test_init_callback']); assert.ifError(child.error); const test_init_first_line = child.stderr.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g)[0]; assert.strictEqual(test_init_first_line, 'Error: test_init_callback'); assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1); console.timeEnd('end case 1'); } { console.log('start case 2'); console.time('end case 2'); const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, [__filename, 'test_callback']); assert.ifError(child.error); const test_callback_first_line = child.stderr.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g)[0]; assert.strictEqual(test_callback_first_line, 'Error: test_callback'); assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1); console.timeEnd('end case 2'); } { console.log('start case 3'); console.time('end case 3'); // Timeout is set because this case is known to be problematic, so stderr is // logged for further analysis. // Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/13527 // Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13559 const opts = { execArgv: ['--abort-on-uncaught-exception'], silent: true }; const child = fork(__filename, ['test_callback_abort'], opts); let stdout = ''; child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { stdout += data; }); let stderr = ''; child.stderr.on('data', (data) => { stderr += data; }); const tO = setTimeout(() => { console.log(stderr); child.kill('SIGKILL'); process.exit(1); }, 15 * 1000); tO.unref(); child.on('close', (code, signal) => { clearTimeout(tO); if (common.isWindows) { assert.strictEqual(code, 3); assert.strictEqual(signal, null); } else { assert.strictEqual(code, null); // most posix systems will show 'SIGABRT', but alpine34 does not if (signal !== 'SIGABRT') { console.log(`parent recived signal ${signal}\nchild's stderr:`); console.log(stderr); process.exit(1); } assert.strictEqual(signal, 'SIGABRT'); } assert.strictEqual(stdout, ''); const firstLineStderr = stderr.split(/[\r\n]+/g)[0].trim(); assert.strictEqual(firstLineStderr, 'Error: test_callback_abort'); }); console.timeEnd('end case 3'); }