env: node: true # enable ECMAScript features ecmaFeatures: blockBindings: true templateStrings: true octalLiterals: true binaryLiterals: true generators: true forOf: true rules: # Possible Errors # list: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/master/docs/rules#possible-errors ## check debugger sentence no-debugger: 2 ## check duplicate arguments no-dupe-args: 2 ## check duplicate object keys no-dupe-keys: 2 ## check duplicate switch-case no-duplicate-case: 2 ## disallow assignment of exceptional params no-ex-assign: 2 ## disallow use of reserved words as keys like enum, class no-reserved-keys: 2 ## disallow unreachable code no-unreachable: 2 ## require valid typeof compared string like typeof foo === 'strnig' valid-typeof: 2 # Best Practices # list: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/master/docs/rules#best-practices ## require falls through comment on switch-case no-fallthrough: 2 # Stylistic Issues # list: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/master/docs/rules#stylistic-issues ## use single quote, we can use double quote when escape chars quotes: - 2 - "single" - "avoid-escape" ## 2 space indentation indent: - 2 - 2 ## add space after comma ## set to 'warn' because of https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/2408 comma-spacing: 1 ## put semi-colon semi: 2 ## require spaces operator like var sum = 1 + 1; space-infix-ops: 2 ## require spaces return, throw, case space-return-throw-case: 2 ## no space before function, eg. 'function()' space-before-function-paren: [2, "never"] ## require space before blocks, eg 'function() {' space-before-blocks: [2, "always"] ## require parens for Constructor new-parens: 2 ## max 80 length max-len: - 2 - 80 - 2 # Strict Mode # list: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/master/docs/rules#strict-mode ## 'use strict' on top strict: - 2 - "global" # Global scoped method and vars globals: DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST: true LTTNG_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST: true COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST: true DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE: true LTTNG_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE: true COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE: true DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST: true LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST: true COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST: true DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE: true LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE: true COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE: true DTRACE_NET_STREAM_END: true LTTNG_NET_STREAM_END: true COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION_CLOSE: true DTRACE_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION: true LTTNG_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION: true COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION: true