You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

611 lines
23 KiB

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions
cd %~dp0
if /i "%1"=="help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="--help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="-help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="/help" goto help
if /i "%1"=="?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="-?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="--?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="/?" goto help
@rem Process arguments.
set config=Release
set target=Build
set target_arch=x64
set target_env=
set noprojgen=
set nobuild=
set sign=
set nosnapshot=
set cctest_args=
set test_args=
set package=
set msi=
set upload=
set licensertf=
set lint_js=
set lint_cpp=
set build_testgc_addon=
set noetw=
set noetw_msi_arg=
set noperfctr=
set noperfctr_msi_arg=
set i18n_arg=
set download_arg=
set build_release=
set enable_vtune_arg=
set configure_flags=
set build_addons=
set dll=
set enable_static=
set build_addons_napi=
set test_node_inspect=
set test_check_deopts=
set js_test_suites=default async-hooks known_issues
set v8_test_options=
set v8_build_options=
set "common_test_suites=%js_test_suites% doctool addons addons-napi&set build_addons=1&set build_addons_napi=1"
set http2_debug=
set nghttp2_debug=
set link_module=
if "%1"=="" goto args-done
if /i "%1"=="debug" set config=Debug&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="release" set config=Release&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="clean" set target=Clean&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="ia32" set target_arch=x86&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="x86" set target_arch=x86&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="x64" set target_arch=x64&goto arg-ok
@rem args should be vs2017 and vs2015. keeping vc2015 for backward compatibility (undocumented)
if /i "%1"=="vc2015" set target_env=vs2015&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="vs2015" set target_env=vs2015&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="vs2017" set target_env=vs2017&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noprojgen" set noprojgen=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nobuild" set nobuild=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosign" set "sign="&echo Note: vcbuild no longer signs by default. "nosign" is redundant.&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="sign" set sign=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosnapshot" set nosnapshot=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noetw" set noetw=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noperfctr" set noperfctr=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="licensertf" set licensertf=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test" set test_args=%test_args% -J %common_test_suites%&set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-ci" set test_args=%test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap %common_test_suites%&set cctest_args=%cctest_args% --gtest_output=tap:cctest.tap&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-addons" set test_args=%test_args% addons&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-addons-napi" set test_args=%test_args% addons-napi&set build_addons_napi=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-simple" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel -J&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-message" set test_args=%test_args% message&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-gc" set test_args=%test_args% gc&set build_testgc_addon=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-tick-processor" set test_args=%test_args% tick-processor&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-internet" set test_args=%test_args% internet&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-pummel" set test_args=%test_args% pummel&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-known-issues" set test_args=%test_args% known_issues&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-async-hooks" set test_args=%test_args% async-hooks&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-all" set test_args=%test_args% gc internet pummel %common_test_suites%&set build_testgc_addon=1&set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-node-inspect" set test_node_inspect=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-check-deopts" set test_check_deopts=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-v8" set test_v8=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-v8-intl" set test_v8_intl=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-v8-benchmarks" set test_v8_benchmarks=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-v8-all" set test_v8=1&set test_v8_intl=1&set test_v8_benchmarks=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="lint-js" set lint_js=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint" set lint_js=1&echo Please use lint-js instead of jslint&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="lint-js-ci" set lint_js_ci=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint-ci" set lint_js_ci=1&echo Please use lint-js-ci instead of jslint-ci&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="lint" set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="lint-ci" set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js_ci=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="package" set package=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="msi" set msi=1&set licensertf=1&set download_arg="--download=all"&set i18n_arg=small-icu&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="build-release" set build_release=1&set sign=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="upload" set upload=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="small-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="full-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="intl-none" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="without-intl" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="download-all" set download_arg="--download=all"&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="ignore-flaky" set test_args=%test_args% --flaky-tests=dontcare&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="enable-vtune" set enable_vtune_arg=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="dll" set dll=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="static" set enable_static=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="no-NODE-OPTIONS" set no_NODE_OPTIONS=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="debug-http2" set debug_http2=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="debug-nghttp2" set debug_nghttp2=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="link-module" set "link_module= --link-module=%2%link_module%"&goto arg-ok-2
echo Error: invalid command line option `%1`.
exit /b 1
goto next-arg
if "%*"=="lint" (
goto lint-cpp
if defined build_release (
set config=Release
set package=1
set msi=1
set licensertf=1
set download_arg="--download=all"
set i18n_arg=small-icu
:: assign path to node_exe
set "node_exe=%config%\node.exe"
set "node_gyp_exe="%node_exe%" deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp"
if "%target_env%"=="vs2015" set "node_gyp_exe=%node_gyp_exe% --msvs_version=2015"
if "%target_env%"=="vs2017" set "node_gyp_exe=%node_gyp_exe% --msvs_version=2017"
if "%config%"=="Debug" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --debug
if defined nosnapshot set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-snapshot
if defined noetw set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-etw& set noetw_msi_arg=/p:NoETW=1
if defined noperfctr set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-perfctr& set noperfctr_msi_arg=/p:NoPerfCtr=1
if defined release_urlbase set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --release-urlbase=%release_urlbase%
if defined download_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %download_arg%
if defined enable_vtune_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --enable-vtune-profiling
if defined dll set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --shared
if defined enable_static set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --enable-static
if defined no_NODE_OPTIONS set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-node-options
REM if defined debug_http2 set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --debug-http2
REM if defined debug_nghttp2 set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --debug-nghttp2
if "%i18n_arg%"=="full-icu" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=full-icu
if "%i18n_arg%"=="small-icu" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=small-icu
if "%i18n_arg%"=="intl-none" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=none
if "%i18n_arg%"=="without-intl" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-intl
if defined config_flags set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %config_flags%
if not exist "%~dp0deps\icu" goto no-depsicu
if "%target%"=="Clean" echo deleting %~dp0deps\icu
if "%target%"=="Clean" rmdir /S /Q %~dp0deps\icu
call :getnodeversion || exit /b 1
if "%target%"=="Clean" rmdir /Q /S "%~dp0%config%\node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%" > nul 2> nul
if defined noprojgen if defined nobuild if not defined sign if not defined msi goto licensertf
@rem Set environment for msbuild
set msvs_host_arch=x86
if _%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_==_AMD64_ set msvs_host_arch=amd64
if _%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%_==_AMD64_ set msvs_host_arch=amd64
@rem usually vcvarsall takes an argument: host + '_' + target
set vcvarsall_arg=%msvs_host_arch%_%target_arch%
@rem unless both host and target are x64
if %target_arch%==x64 if %msvs_host_arch%==amd64 set vcvarsall_arg=amd64
@rem Look for Visual Studio 2017
if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vs2017" goto vs-set-2015
echo Looking for Visual Studio 2017
@rem check if VS2017 is already setup, and for the requested arch
if "_%VisualStudioVersion%_" == "_15.0_" if "_%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%_"=="_%target_arch%_" goto found_vs2017
@rem need to clear VSINSTALLDIR for vcvarsall to work as expected
call tools\msvs\vswhere_usability_wrapper.cmd
if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" goto vs-set-2015
@rem prevent VsDevCmd.bat from changing the current working directory
set vcvars_call="%VCINSTALLDIR%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %vcvarsall_arg%
echo calling: %vcvars_call%
call %vcvars_call%
if errorlevel 1 goto vs-set-2015
echo Found MSVS version %VisualStudioVersion%
goto msbuild-found
@rem Look for Visual Studio 2015
if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vs2015" goto msbuild-not-found
echo Looking for Visual Studio 2015
if not defined VS140COMNTOOLS goto msbuild-not-found
if not exist "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" goto msbuild-not-found
if defined msi (
echo Looking for WiX installation for Visual Studio 2015...
if not exist "%WIX%\SDK\VS2015" (
echo Failed to find WiX install for Visual Studio 2015
echo VS2015 support for WiX is only present starting at version 3.10
goto wix-not-found
@rem check if VS2015 is already setup
if "_%VisualStudioVersion%_" == "_14.0_" if "_%VCVARS_VER%_" == "_140_" goto found_vs2015
call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat"
if not defined VCINSTALLDIR goto msbuild-not-found
@rem Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 does not define VisualStudioVersion
echo Found MSVS version 14.0
goto msbuild-found
echo Failed to find a suitable Visual Studio installation.
echo Try to run in a "Developer Command Prompt" or consult
goto exit
echo Build skipped. To generate installer, you need to install Wix.
goto run
@rem Skip project generation if requested.
if defined noprojgen goto msbuild
@rem Generate the VS project.
call :run-python configure %configure_flags% --dest-cpu=%target_arch% --tag=%TAG% %link_module%
if errorlevel 1 goto create-msvs-files-failed
if not exist node.sln goto create-msvs-files-failed
echo Project files generated.
@rem Skip build if requested.
if defined nobuild goto sign
@rem Build the sln with msbuild.
set "msbcpu=/m:2"
if "%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%"=="1" set "msbcpu=/m:1"
set "msbplatform=Win32"
if "%target_arch%"=="x64" set "msbplatform=x64"
msbuild node.sln %msbcpu% /t:%target% /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%msbplatform% /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if "%target%" == "Clean" goto exit
@rem Skip signing unless the `sign` option was specified.
if not defined sign goto licensertf
call tools\sign.bat Release\node.exe
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign exe&goto exit
@rem Skip license.rtf generation if not requested.
if not defined licensertf goto package
%config%\node tools\license2rtf.js < LICENSE > %config%\license.rtf
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to generate license.rtf&goto exit
if not defined package goto msi
echo Creating package...
cd Release
mkdir node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% > nul 2> nul
mkdir node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\node_modules > nul 2>nul
copy /Y node.exe node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy node.exe && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\LICENSE node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy LICENSE && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\ node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\ node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy && goto package_error
robocopy /e ..\deps\npm node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\node_modules\npm > nul
if errorlevel 8 echo Cannot copy npm package && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npm node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npm && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npm.cmd node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npm.cmd && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npx node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npx && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npx.cmd node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npx.cmd && goto package_error
copy /Y ..\tools\msvs\nodevars.bat node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy nodevars.bat && goto package_error
if not defined noetw (
copy /Y ..\src\res\ node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy && goto package_error
if not defined noperfctr (
copy /Y ..\src\res\ node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%\ > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy && goto package_error
echo Creating node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z
del node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z > nul 2> nul
7z a -r -mx9 -t7z node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot create node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z && goto package_error
echo Creating
del > nul 2> nul
7z a -r -mx9 -tzip node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot create && goto package_error
echo Creating node_pdb.7z
del node_pdb.7z > nul 2> nul
7z a -mx9 -t7z node_pdb.7z node.pdb > nul
echo Creating
del > nul 2> nul
7z a -mx9 -tzip node.pdb > nul
cd ..
echo Package created!
goto package_done
cd ..
exit /b 1
@rem Skip msi generation if not requested
if not defined msi goto run
echo Building node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi
msbuild "%~dp0tools\msvs\msi\nodemsi.sln" /m /t:Clean,Build /p:PlatformToolset=%PLATFORM_TOOLSET% /p:GypMsvsVersion=%GYP_MSVS_VERSION% /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%target_arch% /p:NodeVersion=%NODE_VERSION% /p:FullVersion=%FULLVERSION% /p:DistTypeDir=%DISTTYPEDIR% %noetw_msi_arg% %noperfctr_msi_arg% /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if not defined sign goto upload
call tools\sign.bat node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign msi&goto exit
@rem Skip upload if not requested
if not defined upload goto run
if not defined SSHCONFIG (
echo SSHCONFIG is not set for upload
exit /b 1
if not defined STAGINGSERVER set STAGINGSERVER=node-www
ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "mkdir -p nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%"
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node.exe %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node.exe
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node.lib %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node.lib
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\ %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node_pdb.7z %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node_pdb.7z
scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z
ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "touch nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/ nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%.7z.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%.done && chmod -R ug=rw-x+X,o=r+X nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.* nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%*"
@rem Run tests if requested.
@rem Build test/gc add-on if required.
if "%build_testgc_addon%"=="" goto build-addons
%node_gyp_exe% rebuild --directory="%~dp0test\gc" --nodedir="%~dp0."
if errorlevel 1 goto build-testgc-addon-failed
goto build-addons
echo Failed to build test/gc add-on."
goto exit
if not defined build_addons goto build-addons-napi
if not exist "%node_exe%" (
echo Failed to find node.exe
goto build-addons-napi
echo Building addons
:: clear
for /d %%F in (test\addons\??_*) do (
rd /s /q %%F
:: generate
"%node_exe%" tools\doc\addon-verify.js
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
:: building addons
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /d %%F in (test\addons\*) do (
%node_gyp_exe% rebuild ^
--directory="%%F" ^
if !errorlevel! neq 0 exit /b !errorlevel!
if not defined build_addons_napi goto run-tests
if not exist "%node_exe%" (
echo Failed to find node.exe
goto run-tests
echo Building addons-napi
:: clear
for /d %%F in (test\addons-napi\??_*) do (
rd /s /q %%F
:: building addons-napi
for /d %%F in (test\addons-napi\*) do (
%node_gyp_exe% rebuild ^
--directory="%%F" ^
goto run-tests
if defined test_check_deopts goto node-check-deopts
if defined test_node_inspect goto node-test-inspect
goto node-tests
call :run-python tools\ --mode=release --check-deopts parallel sequential -J
if defined test_node_inspect goto node-test-inspect
goto node-tests
%config%\node tools\test-npm-package.js --install deps\node-inspect test
goto node-tests
if "%test_args%"=="" goto test-v8
if "%config%"=="Debug" set test_args=--mode=debug %test_args%
if "%config%"=="Release" set test_args=--mode=release %test_args%
echo running 'cctest %cctest_args%'
"%config%\cctest" %cctest_args%
REM when building a static library there's no binary to run tests
if defined enable_static goto test-v8
call :run-python tools\ %test_args%
if not defined custom_v8_test goto lint-cpp
call tools/test-v8.bat
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
goto lint-cpp
if not defined lint_cpp goto lint-js
call :run-lint-cpp src\*.c src\*.cc src\*.h test\addons\*.cc test\addons\*.h test\addons-napi\*.cc test\addons-napi\*.h test\cctest\*.cc test\cctest\*.h test\gc\ tools\icu\*.cc tools\icu\*.h
call :run-python tools/
goto lint-js
if "%*"=="" goto exit
echo running lint-cpp '%*'
set cppfilelist=
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('dir /b /s /a %*') do (
set relpath=%%G
set relpath=!relpath:*%~dp0=!
call :add-to-list !relpath! > nul
( endlocal
set cppfilelist=%localcppfilelist%
call :run-python tools/ %cppfilelist% > nul
goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /c:"src\node_root_certs.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
@rem skip subfolders under /src
echo %1 | findstr /r /c:"src\\.*\\.*"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /r /c:"test\\addons\\[0-9].*_.*\.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /r /c:"test\\addons\\[0-9].*_.*\.cc"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /c:"test\\addons-napi\\common.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
set "localcppfilelist=%localcppfilelist% %1"
goto exit
if defined enable_static goto exit
if defined lint_js_ci goto lint-js-ci
if not defined lint_js goto exit
if not exist tools\eslint goto no-lint
echo running lint-js
%config%\node tools\eslint\bin\eslint.js --cache --rule "linebreak-style: 0" --rulesdir=tools\eslint-rules --ext=.js,.md benchmark doc lib test tools
goto exit
echo running lint-js-ci
%config%\node tools\lint-js.js -J -f tap -o test-eslint.tap benchmark doc lib test tools
goto exit
echo Linting is not available through the source tarball.
echo Use the git repo instead: $ git clone
goto exit
echo Failed to create vc project files.
goto exit
echo vcbuild.bat [debug/release] [msi] [test/test-ci/test-all/test-uv/test-internet/test-pummel/test-simple/test-message/test-async-hooks/test-v8/test-v8-intl/test-v8-benchmarks/test-v8-all] [clean] [noprojgen] [small-icu/full-icu/without-intl] [nobuild] [sign] [x86/x64] [vs2015/vs2017] [download-all] [enable-vtune] [lint/lint-ci] [no-NODE-OPTIONS] [link-module path-to-module]
echo Examples:
echo vcbuild.bat : builds release build
echo vcbuild.bat debug : builds debug build
echo vcbuild.bat release msi : builds release build and MSI installer package
echo vcbuild.bat test : builds debug build and runs tests
echo vcbuild.bat build-release : builds the release distribution as used by
echo vcbuild.bat enable-vtune : builds nodejs with Intel VTune profiling support to profile JavaScript
echo vcbuild.bat link-module my_module.js : bundles my_module as built-in module
echo vcbuild.bat lint : runs the C++ and JavaScript linter
goto exit
call tools\msvs\find_python.cmd
if errorlevel 1 echo Could not find python2 & goto :exit
echo %cmd1%
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
goto :EOF
rem ***************
rem Subroutines
rem ***************
set TAG=
:: Call as subroutine for validation of python
call :run-python tools\ > nul
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('"%VCBUILD_PYTHON_LOCATION%" tools\') do set NODE_VERSION=%%i
if not defined NODE_VERSION (
echo Cannot determine current version of Node.js
exit /b 1
if not defined DISTTYPE set DISTTYPE=release
if "%DISTTYPE%"=="release" (
goto distexit
if "%DISTTYPE%"=="custom" (
if not defined CUSTOMTAG (
echo "CUSTOMTAG is not set for DISTTYPE=custom"
exit /b 1
if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="custom" (
if not defined DATESTRING (
echo "DATESTRING is not set for nightly"
exit /b 1
if not defined COMMIT (
echo "COMMIT is not set for nightly"
exit /b 1
if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="nightly" (
if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="next-nightly" (
echo "DISTTYPE is not release, custom, nightly or next-nightly"
exit /b 1
goto :EOF