mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
277 lines
8.6 KiB
277 lines
8.6 KiB
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "v8-platform.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace v8 {
namespace base {
class Mutex;
} // namespace base
namespace platform {
namespace tracing {
const int kTraceMaxNumArgs = 2;
class TraceObject {
union ArgValue {
bool as_bool;
uint64_t as_uint;
int64_t as_int;
double as_double;
const void* as_pointer;
const char* as_string;
TraceObject() {}
void Initialize(
char phase, const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag, const char* name,
const char* scope, uint64_t id, uint64_t bind_id, int num_args,
const char** arg_names, const uint8_t* arg_types,
const uint64_t* arg_values,
std::unique_ptr<v8::ConvertableToTraceFormat>* arg_convertables,
unsigned int flags);
void UpdateDuration();
void InitializeForTesting(
char phase, const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag, const char* name,
const char* scope, uint64_t id, uint64_t bind_id, int num_args,
const char** arg_names, const uint8_t* arg_types,
const uint64_t* arg_values,
std::unique_ptr<v8::ConvertableToTraceFormat>* arg_convertables,
unsigned int flags, int pid, int tid, int64_t ts, int64_t tts,
uint64_t duration, uint64_t cpu_duration);
int pid() const { return pid_; }
int tid() const { return tid_; }
char phase() const { return phase_; }
const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag() const {
return category_enabled_flag_;
const char* name() const { return name_; }
const char* scope() const { return scope_; }
uint64_t id() const { return id_; }
uint64_t bind_id() const { return bind_id_; }
int num_args() const { return num_args_; }
const char** arg_names() { return arg_names_; }
uint8_t* arg_types() { return arg_types_; }
ArgValue* arg_values() { return arg_values_; }
std::unique_ptr<v8::ConvertableToTraceFormat>* arg_convertables() {
return arg_convertables_;
unsigned int flags() const { return flags_; }
int64_t ts() { return ts_; }
int64_t tts() { return tts_; }
uint64_t duration() { return duration_; }
uint64_t cpu_duration() { return cpu_duration_; }
int pid_;
int tid_;
char phase_;
const char* name_;
const char* scope_;
const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag_;
uint64_t id_;
uint64_t bind_id_;
int num_args_ = 0;
const char* arg_names_[kTraceMaxNumArgs];
uint8_t arg_types_[kTraceMaxNumArgs];
ArgValue arg_values_[kTraceMaxNumArgs];
char* parameter_copy_storage_ = nullptr;
unsigned int flags_;
int64_t ts_;
int64_t tts_;
uint64_t duration_;
uint64_t cpu_duration_;
// Disallow copy and assign
TraceObject(const TraceObject&) = delete;
void operator=(const TraceObject&) = delete;
class TraceWriter {
TraceWriter() {}
virtual ~TraceWriter() {}
virtual void AppendTraceEvent(TraceObject* trace_event) = 0;
virtual void Flush() = 0;
static TraceWriter* CreateJSONTraceWriter(std::ostream& stream);
// Disallow copy and assign
TraceWriter(const TraceWriter&) = delete;
void operator=(const TraceWriter&) = delete;
class TraceBufferChunk {
explicit TraceBufferChunk(uint32_t seq);
void Reset(uint32_t new_seq);
bool IsFull() const { return next_free_ == kChunkSize; }
TraceObject* AddTraceEvent(size_t* event_index);
TraceObject* GetEventAt(size_t index) { return &chunk_[index]; }
uint32_t seq() const { return seq_; }
size_t size() const { return next_free_; }
static const size_t kChunkSize = 64;
size_t next_free_ = 0;
TraceObject chunk_[kChunkSize];
uint32_t seq_;
// Disallow copy and assign
TraceBufferChunk(const TraceBufferChunk&) = delete;
void operator=(const TraceBufferChunk&) = delete;
class TraceBuffer {
TraceBuffer() {}
virtual ~TraceBuffer() {}
virtual TraceObject* AddTraceEvent(uint64_t* handle) = 0;
virtual TraceObject* GetEventByHandle(uint64_t handle) = 0;
virtual bool Flush() = 0;
static const size_t kRingBufferChunks = 1024;
static TraceBuffer* CreateTraceBufferRingBuffer(size_t max_chunks,
TraceWriter* trace_writer);
// Disallow copy and assign
TraceBuffer(const TraceBuffer&) = delete;
void operator=(const TraceBuffer&) = delete;
// Options determines how the trace buffer stores data.
enum TraceRecordMode {
// Record until the trace buffer is full.
// Record until the user ends the trace. The trace buffer is a fixed size
// and we use it as a ring buffer during recording.
// Record until the trace buffer is full, but with a huge buffer size.
// Echo to console. Events are discarded.
class TraceConfig {
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringList;
static TraceConfig* CreateDefaultTraceConfig();
: enable_sampling_(false),
enable_argument_filter_(false) {}
TraceRecordMode GetTraceRecordMode() const { return record_mode_; }
bool IsSamplingEnabled() const { return enable_sampling_; }
bool IsSystraceEnabled() const { return enable_systrace_; }
bool IsArgumentFilterEnabled() const { return enable_argument_filter_; }
void SetTraceRecordMode(TraceRecordMode mode) { record_mode_ = mode; }
void EnableSampling() { enable_sampling_ = true; }
void EnableSystrace() { enable_systrace_ = true; }
void EnableArgumentFilter() { enable_argument_filter_ = true; }
void AddIncludedCategory(const char* included_category);
void AddExcludedCategory(const char* excluded_category);
bool IsCategoryGroupEnabled(const char* category_group) const;
TraceRecordMode record_mode_;
bool enable_sampling_ : 1;
bool enable_systrace_ : 1;
bool enable_argument_filter_ : 1;
StringList included_categories_;
StringList excluded_categories_;
// Disallow copy and assign
TraceConfig(const TraceConfig&) = delete;
void operator=(const TraceConfig&) = delete;
class TracingController {
// The pointer returned from GetCategoryGroupEnabledInternal() points to a
// value with zero or more of the following bits. Used in this class only.
// The TRACE_EVENT macros should only use the value as a bool.
// These values must be in sync with macro values in TraceEvent.h in Blink.
enum CategoryGroupEnabledFlags {
// Category group enabled for the recording mode.
// Category group enabled by SetEventCallbackEnabled().
// Category group enabled to export events to ETW.
void Initialize(TraceBuffer* trace_buffer);
const uint8_t* GetCategoryGroupEnabled(const char* category_group);
static const char* GetCategoryGroupName(const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag);
uint64_t AddTraceEvent(
char phase, const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag, const char* name,
const char* scope, uint64_t id, uint64_t bind_id, int32_t num_args,
const char** arg_names, const uint8_t* arg_types,
const uint64_t* arg_values,
std::unique_ptr<v8::ConvertableToTraceFormat>* arg_convertables,
unsigned int flags);
void UpdateTraceEventDuration(const uint8_t* category_enabled_flag,
const char* name, uint64_t handle);
void StartTracing(TraceConfig* trace_config);
void StopTracing();
void AddTraceStateObserver(Platform::TraceStateObserver* observer);
void RemoveTraceStateObserver(Platform::TraceStateObserver* observer);
const uint8_t* GetCategoryGroupEnabledInternal(const char* category_group);
void UpdateCategoryGroupEnabledFlag(size_t category_index);
void UpdateCategoryGroupEnabledFlags();
std::unique_ptr<TraceBuffer> trace_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<TraceConfig> trace_config_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Mutex> mutex_;
std::unordered_set<Platform::TraceStateObserver*> observers_;
Mode mode_ = DISABLED;
// Disallow copy and assign
TracingController(const TracingController&) = delete;
void operator=(const TracingController&) = delete;
} // namespace tracing
} // namespace platform
} // namespace v8