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.\" Generated with Ronnjs/v0.1
.TH "NPM\-LOAD" "3" "May 2012" "" ""
\fBnpm-load\fR \-\- Load config settings
npm\.load(conf, cb)
npm\.load() must be called before any other function call\. Both parameters are
optional, but the second is recommended\.
The first parameter is an object hash of command\-line config params, and the
second parameter is a callback that will be called when npm is loaded and
ready to serve\.
The first parameter should follow a similar structure as the package\.json
config object\.
For example, to emulate the \-\-dev flag, pass an object that looks like this:
.IP "" 4
"dev": true
.IP "" 0
For a list of all the available command\-line configs, see \fBnpm help config\fR