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// only remove the thing if it's a symlink into a specific folder.
// This is a very common use-case of npm's, but not so common elsewhere.
module.exports = gentlyRm
var npm = require('../npm.js')
var log = require('npmlog')
var resolve = require('path').resolve
var dirname = require('path').dirname
var lstat = require('graceful-fs').lstat
var readlink = require('graceful-fs').readlink
var isInside = require('path-is-inside')
var vacuum = require('fs-vacuum')
var some = require('async-some')
var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
var normalize = require('path').normalize
var readCmdShim = require('read-cmd-shim')
var iferr = require('iferr')
function gentlyRm (target, gently, base, cb) {
if (!cb) {
cb = base
base = undefined
if (!cb) {
cb = gently
gently = false
'is being', gently ? 'gently removed' : 'purged',
base ? 'from base ' + base : ''
// never rm the root, prefix, or bin dirs
// globals included because of `npm link` -- as far as the package requesting
// the link is concerned, the linked package is always installed globally
var prefixes = [
var resolved = normalize(resolve(npm.prefix, target))
if (prefixes.indexOf(resolved) !== -1) {
log.verbose('gentlyRm', resolved, "is part of npm and can't be removed")
return cb(new Error('May not delete: ' + resolved))
follow(resolved, function (realpath) {
var options = { log: log.silly.bind(log, 'vacuum-fs') }
if (npm.config.get('force') || !gently) options.purge = true
if (base) options.base = normalize(resolve(npm.prefix, base))
if (!gently) {
log.verbose('gentlyRm', "don't care about contents; nuking", resolved)
return vacuum(resolved, options, cb)
var parent = options.base = normalize(base ? resolve(npm.prefix, base) : npm.prefix)
// is the parent directory managed by npm?
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'verifying', parent, 'is an npm working directory')
some(prefixes, isManaged(parent), function (er, matched) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (!matched) {
log.error('gentlyRm', 'containing path', parent, "isn't under npm's control")
return clobberFail(resolved, parent, cb)
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'containing path', parent, "is under npm's control, in", matched)
// is the target directly contained within the (now known to be
// managed) parent?
if (isInside(resolved, parent)) {
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'deletion target', resolved, 'is under', parent)
log.verbose('gentlyRm', 'vacuuming from', resolved, 'up to', parent)
options.base = parent
return vacuum(resolved, options, cb)
log.silly('gentlyRm', realpath, 'is not under', parent)
// the target isn't directly within the parent, but is it itself managed?
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'verifying', realpath, 'is an npm working directory')
some(prefixes, isManaged(realpath), function (er, matched) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (matched) {
log.silly('gentlyRm', resolved, "is under npm's control, in", matched)
if (isInside(realpath, parent)) {
log.silly('gentlyRm', realpath, 'is controlled by', parent)
options.base = matched
log.verbose('gentlyRm', 'removing', resolved, 'with base', options.base)
return vacuum(resolved, options, cb)
} else if (resolved !== realpath) {
log.warn('gentlyRm', 'not removing', resolved, "as it wasn't installed by", parent)
return cb()
log.verbose('gentlyRm', resolved, "is not under npm's control")
// the target isn't managed directly, but maybe it's a link...
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'checking to see if', resolved, 'is a link')
readLinkOrShim(resolved, function (er, link) {
if (er) {
// race conditions are common when unbuilding
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') return cb(null)
return cb(er)
if (!link) {
log.error('gentlyRm', resolved, 'is outside', parent, 'and not a link')
return clobberFail(resolved, parent, cb)
// ...and maybe the link source, when read...
log.silly('gentlyRm', resolved, 'is a link')
// inside the managed parent
var source = resolve(dirname(resolved), link)
if (isInside(source, parent)) {
log.silly('gentlyRm', source, 'symlink target', resolved, 'is inside', parent)
log.verbose('gentlyRm', 'vacuuming', resolved)
return vacuum(resolved, options, cb)
log.error('gentlyRm', source, 'symlink target', resolved, 'is not controlled by npm', parent)
return clobberFail(target, parent, cb)
var resolvedPaths = {}
function isManaged (target) {
return function predicate (path, cb) {
if (!path) {
log.verbose('isManaged', 'no path passed for target', target)
return cb(null, false)
asyncMap([path, target], resolveSymlink, function (er, results) {
if (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') return cb(null, false)
return cb(er)
var path = results[0]
var target = results[1]
var inside = isInside(target, path)
if (!inside) log.silly('isManaged', target, 'is not inside', path)
return cb(null, inside && path)
function resolveSymlink (toResolve, cb) {
var resolved = resolve(npm.prefix, toResolve)
// if the path has already been memoized, return immediately
var cached = resolvedPaths[resolved]
if (cached) return cb(null, cached)
// otherwise, check the path
readLinkOrShim(resolved, function (er, source) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// if it's not a link, cache & return the path itself
if (!source) {
resolvedPaths[resolved] = resolved
return cb(null, resolved)
// otherwise, cache & return the link's source
resolved = resolve(resolved, source)
resolvedPaths[resolved] = resolved
cb(null, resolved)
function clobberFail (target, root, cb) {
var er = new Error('Refusing to delete: ' + target + ' not in ' + root)
er.code = 'EEXIST'
er.path = target
return cb(er)
function readLinkOrShim (path, cb) {
lstat(path, iferr(cb, function (stat) {
if (stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
readlink(path, cb)
} else {
readCmdShim(path, function (er, source) {
if (!er) return cb(null, source)
// lstat wouldn't return an error on these, so we don't either.
if (er.code === 'ENOTASHIM' || er.code === 'EISDIR') {
return cb(null, null)
} else {
return cb(er)
function follow (path, cb) {
readLinkOrShim(path, function (er, source) {
if (!source) return cb(path)
cb(normalize(resolve(dirname(path), source)))