You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// utilities for working with the js-registry site.
module.exports = RegClient
var join = require('path').join
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var npmlog
try {
npmlog = require('npmlog')
} catch (er) {
npmlog = {
error: noop,
warn: noop,
info: noop,
verbose: noop,
silly: noop,
http: noop,
pause: noop,
resume: noop
function noop () {}
function RegClient (config) {
this.config = Object.create(config || {})
this.config.proxy = this.config.proxy || {}
if (!this.config.proxy.https && this.config.proxy.http) {
this.config.proxy.https = this.config.proxy.http
this.config.ssl = this.config.ssl || {}
if (this.config.ssl.strict === undefined) this.config.ssl.strict = true
this.config.retry = this.config.retry || {}
if (typeof this.config.retry.retries !== 'number') this.config.retry.retries = 2
if (typeof this.config.retry.factor !== 'number') this.config.retry.factor = 10
if (typeof this.config.retry.minTimeout !== 'number') this.config.retry.minTimeout = 10000
if (typeof this.config.retry.maxTimeout !== 'number') this.config.retry.maxTimeout = 60000
this.config.userAgent = this.config.userAgent || 'node/' + process.version
this.config.defaultTag = this.config.defaultTag || 'latest'
this.log = this.config.log || npmlog
delete this.config.log
var client = this
fs.readdirSync(join(__dirname, 'lib')).forEach(function (f) {
var entry = join(__dirname, 'lib', f)
// lib/group-name/operation.js -> client.groupName.operation
var stat = fs.statSync(entry)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
var groupName = f.replace(/-([a-z])/, dashToCamel)
fs.readdirSync(entry).forEach(function (f) {
if (!f.match(/\.js$/)) return
if (!client[groupName]) {
// keep client.groupName.operation from stomping client.operation
client[groupName] = Object.create(client)
var name = f.replace(/\.js$/, '').replace(/-([a-z])/, dashToCamel)
client[groupName][name] = require(join(entry, f))
if (!f.match(/\.js$/)) return
var name = f.replace(/\.js$/, '').replace(/-([a-z])/, dashToCamel)
client[name] = require(entry)
function dashToCamel (_, l) {
return l.toUpperCase()