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931 lines
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931 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax --harmony-regexp-subclass
// Flags: --expose-gc
"use strict";
function checkPrototypeChain(object, constructors) {
var proto = object.__proto__;
for (var i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) {
assertEquals(constructors[i].prototype, proto);
assertEquals(constructors[i], proto.constructor);
proto = proto.__proto__;
(function() {
class A extends Object {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var s = new A("foo");
assertTrue(s instanceof Object);
assertTrue(s instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof s);
checkPrototypeChain(s, [A, Object]);
assertEquals(42, s.a);
assertEquals(4.2, s.d);
assertEquals(153, s.o.foo);
var s1 = new A("bar");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(s, s1));
var n = new A(153);
assertTrue(n instanceof Object);
assertTrue(n instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof s);
checkPrototypeChain(s, [A, Object]);
assertEquals(42, n.a);
assertEquals(4.2, n.d);
assertEquals(153, n.o.foo);
var n1 = new A(312);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(n, n1));
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(n, s));
var b = new A(true);
assertTrue(b instanceof Object);
assertTrue(b instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof s);
checkPrototypeChain(s, [A, Object]);
assertEquals(42, b.a);
assertEquals(4.2, b.d);
assertEquals(153, b.o.foo);
var b1 = new A(true);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(b, b1));
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(b, s));
(function() {
class A extends Function {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var sloppy_func = new A("");
var strict_func = new A("'use strict';");
assertNull(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sloppy_func, "caller").value);
assertEquals(undefined, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(strict_func, "caller"));
function CheckFunction(func) {
assertEquals("function", typeof func);
assertTrue(func instanceof Object);
assertTrue(func instanceof Function);
assertTrue(func instanceof A);
checkPrototypeChain(func, [A, Function, Object]);
assertEquals(42, func.a);
assertEquals(4.2, func.d);
assertEquals(153, func.o.foo);
assertTrue(undefined !== func.prototype);
func.prototype.bar = "func.bar";
var obj = new func();
assertTrue(obj instanceof Object);
assertTrue(obj instanceof func);
assertEquals("object", typeof obj);
assertEquals(113, obj.foo);
assertEquals("func.bar", obj.bar);
delete func.prototype.bar;
var source = "this.foo = 113;";
// Sloppy function
var sloppy_func = new A(source);
assertTrue(undefined !== sloppy_func.prototype);
CheckFunction(sloppy_func, false);
var sloppy_func1 = new A("return 312;");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(sloppy_func, sloppy_func1));
// Strict function
var strict_func = new A("'use strict'; " + source);
assertFalse(%HaveSameMap(strict_func, sloppy_func));
CheckFunction(strict_func, false);
var strict_func1 = new A("'use strict'; return 312;");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(strict_func, strict_func1));
(function() {
class A extends Boolean {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A(true);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Boolean);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, Boolean]);
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(false);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
function TestErrorSubclassing(error) {
class A extends error {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A("message");
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof error);
assertTrue(o instanceof Error);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
if (error == Error) {
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, Error, Object]);
} else {
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, error, Error, Object]);
assertEquals("message", o.message);
assertEquals(error.name + ": message", o.toString());
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A("achtung!");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
(function() {
class A extends Number {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A(153);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Number);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, Number, Object]);
assertEquals(153, o.valueOf());
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(312);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
class A extends Date {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A(1234567890);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Date);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, Date, Object]);
assertEquals(1234567890, o.getTime());
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(2015, 10, 29);
assertEquals(2015, o1.getFullYear());
assertEquals(10, o1.getMonth());
assertEquals(29, o1.getDate());
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
class A extends String {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A("foo");
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof String);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, String, Object]);
assertEquals("foo", o.valueOf());
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A("bar");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
class A extends RegExp {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A("o(..)h", "g");
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof RegExp);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, RegExp, Object]);
assertArrayEquals(["ouch", "uc"], o.exec("boom! ouch! bam!"));
assertEquals("o(..)h", o.source);
assertEquals(10, o.lastIndex);
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(7);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function TestArraySubclassing() {
class A extends Array {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new Array(13);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Array);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [Array, Object]);
assertEquals(13, o.length);
var o = new A(10);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Array);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, Array, Object]);
assertEquals(10, o.length);
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(7);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
var TypedArray = Uint8Array.__proto__;
function TestTypedArraySubclassing(array) {
class A extends array {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new array(13);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof TypedArray);
assertTrue(o instanceof array);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [array, TypedArray, Object]);
assertEquals(13, o.length);
var o = new A(10);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof TypedArray);
assertTrue(o instanceof array);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, array, TypedArray, Object]);
assertEquals(10, o.length);
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(7);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
function TestMapSetSubclassing(container, is_map) {
var keys = [{name: "banana"}, {name: "cow"}, {name: "orange"}, {name: "chicken"}, {name: "apple"}];
class A extends container {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A();
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof container);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, container, Object]);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (is_map) {
o.set(keys[i], (i + 1) * 11);
} else {
if (is_map) {
assertEquals(11, o.get(keys[0]));
assertEquals(undefined, o.get(keys[1]));
assertEquals(33, o.get(keys[2]));
assertEquals(undefined, o.get(keys[3]));
assertEquals(55, o.get(keys[4]));
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A();
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
TestMapSetSubclassing(Map, true);
TestMapSetSubclassing(WeakMap, true);
TestMapSetSubclassing(Set, false);
TestMapSetSubclassing(WeakSet, false);
(function() {
class A extends ArrayBuffer {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A(16);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof ArrayBuffer);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, ArrayBuffer, Object]);
assertEquals(16, o.byteLength);
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A("bar");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
class MyInt32Array extends Int32Array {
constructor(v, name) {
this.name = name;
class MyUint32Array extends Uint32Array {
constructor(v, name) {
this.name = name;
var int32view = new MyInt32Array(o, "cats");
var uint32view = new MyUint32Array(o, "dogs");
int32view[0] = -2;
uint32view[1] = 0xffffffff;
assertEquals("cats", int32view.name);
assertEquals("dogs", uint32view.name);
assertEquals(-2, int32view[0]);
assertEquals(-1, int32view[1]);
assertEquals(0xfffffffe, uint32view[0]);
assertEquals(0xffffffff, uint32view[1]);
(function() {
class A extends DataView {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
var o = new A(buffer);
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof DataView);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, DataView, Object]);
o.setUint32(0, 0xcafebabe, false);
assertEquals(0xcafebabe, o.getUint32(0, false));
assertEquals(0xbebafeca, o.getUint32(0, true));
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
var o1 = new A(buffer);
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
var GeneratorFunction = (function*() {}).constructor;
class A extends GeneratorFunction {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var sloppy_func = new A("yield 153;");
var strict_func = new A("'use strict'; yield 153;");
// Unfortunately the difference is not observable from outside.
assertEquals(undefined, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sloppy_func, "caller"));
assertEquals(undefined, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(strict_func, "caller"));
function CheckFunction(func) {
assertEquals("function", typeof func);
assertTrue(func instanceof Object);
assertTrue(func instanceof Function);
assertTrue(func instanceof GeneratorFunction);
assertTrue(func instanceof A);
checkPrototypeChain(func, [A, GeneratorFunction, Function, Object]);
assertEquals(42, func.a);
assertEquals(4.2, func.d);
assertEquals(153, func.o.foo);
assertTrue(undefined !== func.prototype);
func.prototype.bar = "func.bar";
var obj = func(); // Generator object.
assertTrue(obj instanceof Object);
assertTrue(obj instanceof func);
assertEquals("object", typeof obj);
assertEquals("func.bar", obj.bar);
delete func.prototype.bar;
assertPropertiesEqual({done: false, value: 1}, obj.next());
assertPropertiesEqual({done: false, value: 1}, obj.next());
assertPropertiesEqual({done: false, value: 2}, obj.next());
assertPropertiesEqual({done: false, value: 3}, obj.next());
assertPropertiesEqual({done: false, value: 5}, obj.next());
assertPropertiesEqual({done: false, value: 8}, obj.next());
assertPropertiesEqual({done: true, value: undefined}, obj.next());
var source = "yield 1; yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; yield 5; yield 8;";
// Sloppy generator function
var sloppy_func = new A(source);
assertTrue(undefined !== sloppy_func.prototype);
CheckFunction(sloppy_func, false);
var sloppy_func1 = new A("yield 312;");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(sloppy_func, sloppy_func1));
// Strict generator function
var strict_func = new A("'use strict'; " + source);
assertFalse(%HaveSameMap(strict_func, sloppy_func));
CheckFunction(strict_func, false);
var strict_func1 = new A("'use strict'; yield 312;");
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(strict_func, strict_func1));
(function() {
class A extends Promise {
constructor(...args) {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a = 42;
this.d = 4.2;
this.o = {foo:153};
var o = new A(function(resolve, reject) {
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Promise);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [A, Promise, Object]);
assertEquals(42, o.a);
assertEquals(4.2, o.d);
assertEquals(153, o.o.foo);
function(val) { assertEquals("ok", val); },
function(reason) { assertUnreachable(); })
.catch(function(reason) { %AbortJS("catch handler called: " + reason); });
var o1 = new A(function(resolve, reject) {
function(val) { assertUnreachable(); },
function(reason) { assertEquals("fail", reason); })
.catch(function(reason) { %AbortJS("catch handler called: " + reason); });
assertTrue(%HaveSameMap(o, o1));
(function() {
class A extends Boolean {
constructor() {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.a00 = 0
this.a01 = 0
this.a02 = 0
this.a03 = 0
this.a04 = 0
this.a05 = 0
this.a06 = 0
this.a07 = 0
this.a08 = 0
this.a09 = 0
this.a10 = 0
this.a11 = 0
this.a12 = 0
this.a13 = 0
this.a14 = 0
this.a15 = 0
this.a16 = 0
this.a17 = 0
this.a18 = 0
this.a19 = 0
class B extends A {
constructor() {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.b00 = 0
this.b01 = 0
this.b02 = 0
this.b03 = 0
this.b04 = 0
this.b05 = 0
this.b06 = 0
this.b07 = 0
this.b08 = 0
this.b09 = 0
this.b10 = 0
this.b11 = 0
this.b12 = 0
this.b13 = 0
this.b14 = 0
this.b15 = 0
this.b16 = 0
this.b17 = 0
this.b18 = 0
this.b19 = 0
class C extends B {
constructor() {
assertFalse(new.target === undefined);
this.c00 = 0
this.c01 = 0
this.c02 = 0
this.c03 = 0
this.c04 = 0
this.c05 = 0
this.c06 = 0
this.c07 = 0
this.c08 = 0
this.c09 = 0
this.c10 = 0
this.c11 = 0
this.c12 = 0
this.c13 = 0
this.c14 = 0
this.c15 = 0
this.c16 = 0
this.c17 = 0
this.c18 = 0
this.c19 = 0
var o = new C();
assertTrue(o instanceof Object);
assertTrue(o instanceof Boolean);
assertTrue(o instanceof A);
assertTrue(o instanceof B);
assertTrue(o instanceof C);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
checkPrototypeChain(o, [C, B, A, Boolean, Object]);
(function() {
assertThrows("class A extends undefined {}");
assertThrows("class B extends NaN {}");
assertThrows("class C extends Infinity {}");
(function() {
class A extends null {}
assertThrows("new A");
(function() {
class A extends Symbol {}
assertThrows("new A");
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var o = Reflect.construct(
Number, [{valueOf() { f.prototype=p2; return 10; }}], f);
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === f.prototype);
assertTrue(p2 === f.prototype);
assertFalse(p === o.__proto__);
assertEquals(10, Number.prototype.valueOf.call(o));
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var o = Reflect.construct(
String, [{toString() { f.prototype=p2; return "biep"; }}], f);
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === f.prototype);
assertTrue(p2 === o.__proto__);
assertFalse(p === o.__proto__);
assertEquals("biep", String.prototype.toString.call(o));
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var o = Reflect.construct(
Date, [{valueOf() { f.prototype=p2; return 1447836899614; }}], f);
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === f.prototype);
assertTrue(p2 === f.prototype);
assertFalse(p === o.__proto__);
assertEquals(new Date(1447836899614).toString(),
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var o = Reflect.construct(
Date, [2015, {valueOf() { f.prototype=p2; return 10; }}], f);
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === f.prototype);
assertTrue(p2 === f.prototype);
assertFalse(p === o.__proto__);
assertEquals(new Date(2015, 10).getYear(), Date.prototype.getYear.call(o));
assertEquals(new Date(2015, 10).getMonth(), Date.prototype.getMonth.call(o));
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var o = Reflect.construct(
DataView, [new ArrayBuffer(100),
{valueOf(){ f.prototype=p2; return 5; }}], f);
var byteOffset = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
DataView.prototype, "byteOffset").get;
var byteLength = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
DataView.prototype, "byteLength").get;
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === f.prototype);
assertTrue(p2 === f.prototype);
assertFalse(p === o.__proto__);
assertEquals(5, byteOffset.call(o));
assertEquals(95, byteLength.call(o));
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var o = Reflect.construct(
DataView, [new ArrayBuffer(100),
30, {valueOf() { f.prototype=p2; return 5; }}], f);
var byteOffset = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
DataView.prototype, "byteOffset").get;
var byteLength = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
DataView.prototype, "byteLength").get;
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === f.prototype);
assertTrue(p2 === f.prototype);
assertFalse(p === o.__proto__);
assertEquals(30, byteOffset.call(o));
assertEquals(5, byteLength.call(o));
(function() {
function f() {}
var p = f.prototype;
var p2 = {};
var p3 = {};
var log = [];
var pattern = {toString() {
f.prototype = p3; return "biep" }};
Object.defineProperty(pattern, Symbol.match, {
get() { log.push("match"); f.prototype = p2; return false; }});
var o = Reflect.construct(RegExp, [pattern], f);
assertEquals(["match", "tostring"], log);
// TODO(littledan): Is the RegExp constructor correct to create
// the internal slots and do these type checks this way?
assertEquals("biep", %_RegExpSource(o));
assertThrows(() => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype,
assertEquals("/undefined/undefined", RegExp.prototype.toString.call(o));
assertTrue(o.__proto__ === p2);
assertTrue(f.prototype === p3);