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// remove a package.
module.exports = uninstall
uninstall.usage = "npm uninstall <name>[@<version> [<name>[@<version>] ...]"
+ "\nnpm rm <name>[@<version> [<name>[@<version>] ...]"
uninstall.completion = require("./utils/completion/installed-shallow.js")
var fs = require("graceful-fs")
, log = require("npmlog")
, readJson = require("read-package-json")
, path = require("path")
, npm = require("./npm.js")
, asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
function uninstall (args, cb) {
// this is super easy
// get the list of args that correspond to package names in either
// the global npm.dir,
// then call unbuild on all those folders to pull out their bins
// and mans and whatnot, and then delete the folder.
var nm = npm.dir
if (args.length === 1 && args[0] === ".") args = []
if (args.length) return uninstall_(args, nm, cb)
// remove this package from the global space, if it's installed there
if (npm.config.get("global")) return cb(uninstall.usage)
readJson(path.resolve(npm.prefix, "package.json"), function (er, pkg) {
if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
if (er) return cb(uninstall.usage)
uninstall_( []
, npm.dir
, cb )
function uninstall_ (args, nm, cb) {
// if we've been asked to --save or --save-dev or --save-optional,
// then also remove it from the associated dependencies hash.
var s = npm.config.get('save')
, d = npm.config.get('save-dev')
, o = npm.config.get('save-optional')
if (s || d || o) {
cb = saver(args, nm, cb)
asyncMap(args, function (arg, cb) {
// uninstall .. should not delete /usr/local/lib/node_modules/..
var p = path.join(path.resolve(nm), path.join("/", arg))
if (path.resolve(p) === nm) {
log.warn("uninstall", "invalid argument: %j", arg)
return cb(null, [])
fs.lstat(p, function (er) {
if (er) {
log.warn("uninstall", "not installed in %s: %j", nm, arg)
return cb(null, [])
cb(null, p)
}, function (er, folders) {
if (er) return cb(er)
asyncMap(folders, npm.commands.unbuild, cb)
function saver (args, nm, cb_) {
return cb
function cb (er, data) {
var s = npm.config.get('save')
, d = npm.config.get('save-dev')
, o = npm.config.get('save-optional')
if (er || !(s || d || o)) return cb_(er, data)
var pj = path.resolve(nm, '..', 'package.json')
// don't use readJson here, because we don't want all the defaults
// filled in, for mans and other bs.
fs.readFile(pj, 'utf8', function (er, json) {
var pkg
try {
pkg = JSON.parse(json)
} catch (_) {}
if (!pkg) return cb_(null, data)
var bundle
if (npm.config.get('save-bundle')) {
bundle = pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies
if (!Array.isArray(bundle)) bundle = undefined
var changed = false
args.forEach(function (a) {
; [ [s, 'dependencies']
, [o, 'optionalDependencies']
, [d, 'devDependencies'] ].forEach(function (f) {
var flag = f[0]
, field = f[1]
if (!flag || !pkg[field] || !pkg[field].hasOwnProperty(a)) return
changed = true
if (bundle) {
var i = bundle.indexOf(a)
if (i !== -1) bundle.splice(i, 1)
delete pkg[field][a]
if (!changed) return cb_(null, data)
if (bundle) {
delete pkg.bundledDependencies
if (bundle.length) {
pkg.bundleDependencies = bundle
} else {
delete pkg.bundleDependencies
fs.writeFile(pj, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + "\n", function (er) {
return cb_(er, data)