You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

367 lines
9.8 KiB

'use strict';
const common = require('./common.js');
const fs = require('fs');
const marked = require('marked');
const path = require('path');
const preprocess = require('./preprocess.js');
const typeParser = require('./type-parser.js');
module.exports = toHTML;
const STABILITY_TEXT_REG_EXP = /(.*:)\s*(\d)([\s\S]*)/;
// customized heading without id attribute
var renderer = new marked.Renderer();
renderer.heading = function(text, level) {
return '<h' + level + '>' + text + '</h' + level + '>\n';
renderer: renderer
// TODO(chrisdickinson): never stop vomitting / fix this.
var gtocPath = path.resolve(path.join(
var gtocLoading = null;
var gtocData = null;
* opts: input, filename, template, nodeVersion.
function toHTML(opts, cb) {
var template = opts.template;
var nodeVersion = opts.nodeVersion || process.version;
if (gtocData) {
return onGtocLoaded();
if (gtocLoading === null) {
gtocLoading = [onGtocLoaded];
return loadGtoc(function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
gtocData = data;
gtocLoading.forEach(function(xs) {
if (gtocLoading) {
return gtocLoading.push(onGtocLoaded);
function onGtocLoaded() {
var lexed = marked.lexer(opts.input);
fs.readFile(template, 'utf8', function(er, template) {
if (er) return cb(er);
lexed: lexed,
filename: opts.filename,
template: template,
nodeVersion: nodeVersion,
}, cb);
function loadGtoc(cb) {
fs.readFile(gtocPath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) return cb(err);
preprocess(gtocPath, data, function(err, data) {
if (err) return cb(err);
data = marked(data).replace(/<a href="(.*?)"/gm, function(a, m) {
return '<a class="nav-' + toID(m) + '" href="' + m + '"';
return cb(null, data);
function toID(filename) {
return filename
.replace('.html', '')
.replace(/[^\w\-]/g, '-')
.replace(/-+/g, '-');
* opts: lexed, filename, template, nodeVersion.
function render(opts, cb) {
var lexed = opts.lexed;
var filename = opts.filename;
var template = opts.template;
var nodeVersion = opts.nodeVersion || process.version;
// get the section
var section = getSection(lexed);
filename = path.basename(filename, '.md');
lexed = parseLists(lexed);
// generate the table of contents.
// this mutates the lexed contents in-place.
buildToc(lexed, filename, function(er, toc) {
if (er) return cb(er);
var id = toID(path.basename(filename));
template = template.replace(/__ID__/g, id);
template = template.replace(/__FILENAME__/g, filename);
template = template.replace(/__SECTION__/g, section || 'Index');
template = template.replace(/__VERSION__/g, nodeVersion);
template = template.replace(/__TOC__/g, toc);
template = template.replace(
gtocData.replace('class="nav-' + id, 'class="nav-' + id + ' active')
// content has to be the last thing we do with
// the lexed tokens, because it's destructive.
const content = marked.parser(lexed);
template = template.replace(/__CONTENT__/g, content);
cb(null, template);
// handle general body-text replacements
// for example, link man page references to the actual page
function parseText(lexed) {
lexed.forEach(function(tok) {
if (tok.text && tok.type !== 'code') {
tok.text = linkManPages(tok.text);
tok.text = linkJsTypeDocs(tok.text);
// just update the list item text in-place.
// lists that come right after a heading are what we're after.
function parseLists(input) {
var state = null;
var savedState = [];
var depth = 0;
var output = [];
let headingIndex = -1;
let heading = null;
output.links = input.links;
input.forEach(function(tok, index) {
if (tok.type === 'blockquote_start') {
if (tok.type === 'blockquote_end' && state === 'MAYBE_STABILITY_BQ') {
state = savedState.pop();
if ((tok.type === 'paragraph' && state === 'MAYBE_STABILITY_BQ') ||
tok.type === 'code') {
if (tok.text.match(/Stability:.*/g)) {
const stabilityMatch = tok.text.match(STABILITY_TEXT_REG_EXP);
const stability = Number(stabilityMatch[2]);
const isStabilityIndex =
index - 2 === headingIndex || // general
index - 3 === headingIndex; // with api_metadata block
if (heading && isStabilityIndex) {
heading.stability = stability;
headingIndex = -1;
heading = null;
tok.text = parseAPIHeader(tok.text);
output.push({ type: 'html', text: tok.text });
} else if (state === 'MAYBE_STABILITY_BQ') {
output.push({ type: 'blockquote_start' });
state = savedState.pop();
if (state === null ||
(state === 'AFTERHEADING' && tok.type === 'heading')) {
if (tok.type === 'heading') {
headingIndex = index;
heading = tok;
if (state === 'AFTERHEADING') {
if (tok.type === 'list_start') {
state = 'LIST';
if (depth === 0) {
output.push({ type: 'html', text: '<div class="signature">' });
if (tok.type === 'html' && common.isYAMLBlock(tok.text)) {
tok.text = parseYAML(tok.text);
state = null;
if (state === 'LIST') {
if (tok.type === 'list_start') {
if (tok.type === 'list_end') {
if (depth === 0) {
state = null;
output.push({ type: 'html', text: '</div>' });
return output;
function parseYAML(text) {
const meta = common.extractAndParseYAML(text);
const html = ['<div class="api_metadata">'];
if (meta.added) {
html.push(`<span>Added in: ${meta.added.join(', ')}</span>`);
if (meta.deprecated) {
html.push(`<span>Deprecated since: ${meta.deprecated.join(', ')} </span>`);
return html.join('\n');
// Syscalls which appear in the docs, but which only exist in BSD / OSX
var BSD_ONLY_SYSCALLS = new Set(['lchmod']);
// Handle references to man pages, eg "open(2)" or "lchmod(2)"
// Returns modified text, with such refs replace with HTML links, for example
// '<a href="">open(2)</a>'
function linkManPages(text) {
return text.replace(/ ([a-z.]+)\((\d)\)/gm, function(match, name, number) {
// name consists of lowercase letters, number is a single digit
var displayAs = name + '(' + number + ')';
if (BSD_ONLY_SYSCALLS.has(name)) {
return ' <a href="' + name +
'&sektion=' + number + '">' + displayAs + '</a>';
} else {
return ' <a href="' + number +
'/' + name + '.' + number + '.html">' + displayAs + '</a>';
function linkJsTypeDocs(text) {
var parts = text.split('`');
var i;
var typeMatches;
// Handle types, for example the source Markdown might say
// "This argument should be a {Number} or {String}"
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
typeMatches = parts[i].match(/\{([^\}]+)\}/g);
if (typeMatches) {
typeMatches.forEach(function(typeMatch) {
parts[i] = parts[i].replace(typeMatch, typeParser.toLink(typeMatch));
//XXX maybe put more stuff here?
return parts.join('`');
function parseAPIHeader(text) {
text = text.replace(
'<pre class="api_stability api_stability_$2">$1 $2$3</pre>'
return text;
// section is just the first heading
function getSection(lexed) {
for (var i = 0, l = lexed.length; i < l; i++) {
var tok = lexed[i];
if (tok.type === 'heading') return tok.text;
return '';
function buildToc(lexed, filename, cb) {
var toc = [];
var depth = 0;
const startIncludeRefRE = /^\s*<!-- \[start-include:(.+)\] -->\s*$/;
const endIncludeRefRE = /^\s*<!-- \[end-include:(.+)\] -->\s*$/;
const realFilenames = [filename];
lexed.forEach(function(tok) {
// Keep track of the current filename along @include directives.
if (tok.type === 'html') {
let match;
if ((match = tok.text.match(startIncludeRefRE)) !== null)
else if (tok.text.match(endIncludeRefRE))
if (tok.type !== 'heading') return;
if (tok.depth - depth > 1) {
return cb(new Error('Inappropriate heading level\n' +
depth = tok.depth;
const realFilename = path.basename(realFilenames[0], '.md');
const id = getId(realFilename + '_' + tok.text.trim());
toc.push(new Array((depth - 1) * 2 + 1).join(' ') +
'* <span class="stability_' + tok.stability + '">' +
'<a href="#' + id + '">' + tok.text + '</a></span>');
tok.text += '<span><a class="mark" href="#' + id + '" ' +
'id="' + id + '">#</a></span>';
toc = marked.parse(toc.join('\n'));
cb(null, toc);
var idCounters = {};
function getId(text) {
text = text.toLowerCase();
text = text.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '_');
text = text.replace(/^_+|_+$/, '');
text = text.replace(/^([^a-z])/, '_$1');
if (idCounters.hasOwnProperty(text)) {
text += '_' + (++idCounters[text]);
} else {
idCounters[text] = 0;
return text;