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820 lines
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// Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
"use strict";
// This file relies on the fact that the following declarations have been made
// in v8natives.js:
// var $isFinite = GlobalIsFinite;
var $Date = global.Date;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file contains date support implemented in JavaScript.
// Helper function to throw error.
function ThrowDateTypeError() {
throw new $TypeError('this is not a Date object.');
var timezone_cache_time = NAN;
var timezone_cache_timezone;
function LocalTimezone(t) {
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return "";
if (t == timezone_cache_time) {
return timezone_cache_timezone;
var timezone = %DateLocalTimezone(t);
timezone_cache_time = t;
timezone_cache_timezone = timezone;
return timezone;
function UTC(time) {
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(time)) return time;
// local_time_offset is needed before the call to DaylightSavingsOffset,
// so it may be uninitialized.
return %DateToUTC(time);
// ECMA 262 -
function MakeTime(hour, min, sec, ms) {
if (!$isFinite(hour)) return NAN;
if (!$isFinite(min)) return NAN;
if (!$isFinite(sec)) return NAN;
if (!$isFinite(ms)) return NAN;
return TO_INTEGER(hour) * msPerHour
+ TO_INTEGER(min) * msPerMinute
+ TO_INTEGER(sec) * msPerSecond
// ECMA 262 -
function TimeInYear(year) {
return DaysInYear(year) * msPerDay;
// Compute number of days given a year, month, date.
// Note that month and date can lie outside the normal range.
// For example:
// MakeDay(2007, -4, 20) --> MakeDay(2006, 8, 20)
// MakeDay(2007, -33, 1) --> MakeDay(2004, 3, 1)
// MakeDay(2007, 14, -50) --> MakeDay(2007, 8, 11)
function MakeDay(year, month, date) {
if (!$isFinite(year) || !$isFinite(month) || !$isFinite(date)) return NAN;
// Convert to integer and map -0 to 0.
if (year < kMinYear || year > kMaxYear ||
month < kMinMonth || month > kMaxMonth) {
return NAN;
// Now we rely on year and month being SMIs.
return %DateMakeDay(year | 0, month | 0) + date - 1;
// ECMA 262 -
function MakeDate(day, time) {
var time = day * msPerDay + time;
// Some of our runtime funtions for computing UTC(time) rely on
// times not being significantly larger than MAX_TIME_MS. If there
// is no way that the time can be within range even after UTC
// conversion we return NaN immediately instead of relying on
// TimeClip to do it.
if ($abs(time) > MAX_TIME_BEFORE_UTC) return NAN;
return time;
// ECMA 262 -
function TimeClip(time) {
if (!$isFinite(time)) return NAN;
if ($abs(time) > MAX_TIME_MS) return NAN;
return TO_INTEGER(time);
// The Date cache is used to limit the cost of parsing the same Date
// strings over and over again.
var Date_cache = {
// Cached time value.
time: 0,
// String input for which the cached time is valid.
string: null
function DateConstructor(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, ms) {
if (!%_IsConstructCall()) {
// ECMA 262 - 15.9.2
return (new $Date()).toString();
// ECMA 262 - 15.9.3
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
var value;
if (argc == 0) {
value = %DateCurrentTime();
SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, value);
} else if (argc == 1) {
if (IS_NUMBER(year)) {
value = year;
} else if (IS_STRING(year)) {
// Probe the Date cache. If we already have a time value for the
// given time, we re-use that instead of parsing the string again.
var cache = Date_cache;
if (cache.string === year) {
value = cache.time;
} else {
value = DateParse(year);
if (!NUMBER_IS_NAN(value)) {
cache.time = value;
cache.string = year;
} else {
// According to ECMA 262, no hint should be given for this
// conversion. However, ToPrimitive defaults to STRING_HINT for
// Date objects which will lose precision when the Date
// constructor is called with another Date object as its
// argument. We therefore use NUMBER_HINT for the conversion,
// which is the default for everything else than Date objects.
// This makes us behave like KJS and SpiderMonkey.
var time = ToPrimitive(year, NUMBER_HINT);
value = IS_STRING(time) ? DateParse(time) : ToNumber(time);
SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, value);
} else {
year = ToNumber(year);
month = ToNumber(month);
date = argc > 2 ? ToNumber(date) : 1;
hours = argc > 3 ? ToNumber(hours) : 0;
minutes = argc > 4 ? ToNumber(minutes) : 0;
seconds = argc > 5 ? ToNumber(seconds) : 0;
ms = argc > 6 ? ToNumber(ms) : 0;
year = (!NUMBER_IS_NAN(year) &&
0 <= TO_INTEGER(year) &&
TO_INTEGER(year) <= 99) ? 1900 + TO_INTEGER(year) : year;
var day = MakeDay(year, month, date);
var time = MakeTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ms);
value = MakeDate(day, time);
SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, value);
var WeekDays = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
var Months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
function TwoDigitString(value) {
return value < 10 ? "0" + value : "" + value;
function DateString(date) {
return WeekDays[LOCAL_WEEKDAY(date)] + ' '
+ Months[LOCAL_MONTH(date)] + ' '
+ TwoDigitString(LOCAL_DAY(date)) + ' '
+ LOCAL_YEAR(date);
var LongWeekDays = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
var LongMonths = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
function LongDateString(date) {
return LongWeekDays[LOCAL_WEEKDAY(date)] + ', '
+ LongMonths[LOCAL_MONTH(date)] + ' '
+ TwoDigitString(LOCAL_DAY(date)) + ', '
+ LOCAL_YEAR(date);
function TimeString(date) {
return TwoDigitString(LOCAL_HOUR(date)) + ':'
+ TwoDigitString(LOCAL_MIN(date)) + ':'
+ TwoDigitString(LOCAL_SEC(date));
function TimeStringUTC(date) {
return TwoDigitString(UTC_HOUR(date)) + ':'
+ TwoDigitString(UTC_MIN(date)) + ':'
+ TwoDigitString(UTC_SEC(date));
function LocalTimezoneString(date) {
var timezone = LocalTimezone(UTC_DATE_VALUE(date));
var timezoneOffset = -TIMEZONE_OFFSET(date);
var sign = (timezoneOffset >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
var hours = FLOOR((sign * timezoneOffset)/60);
var min = FLOOR((sign * timezoneOffset)%60);
var gmt = ' GMT' + ((sign == 1) ? '+' : '-') +
TwoDigitString(hours) + TwoDigitString(min);
return gmt + ' (' + timezone + ')';
function DatePrintString(date) {
return DateString(date) + ' ' + TimeString(date);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reused output buffer. Used when parsing date strings.
var parse_buffer = $Array(8);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateParse(string) {
var arr = %DateParseString(ToString(string), parse_buffer);
if (IS_NULL(arr)) return NAN;
var day = MakeDay(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]);
var time = MakeTime(arr[3], arr[4], arr[5], arr[6]);
var date = MakeDate(day, time);
if (IS_NULL(arr[7])) {
return TimeClip(UTC(date));
} else {
return TimeClip(date - arr[7] * 1000);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateUTC(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, ms) {
year = ToNumber(year);
month = ToNumber(month);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
date = argc > 2 ? ToNumber(date) : 1;
hours = argc > 3 ? ToNumber(hours) : 0;
minutes = argc > 4 ? ToNumber(minutes) : 0;
seconds = argc > 5 ? ToNumber(seconds) : 0;
ms = argc > 6 ? ToNumber(ms) : 0;
year = (!NUMBER_IS_NAN(year) &&
0 <= TO_INTEGER(year) &&
TO_INTEGER(year) <= 99) ? 1900 + TO_INTEGER(year) : year;
var day = MakeDay(year, month, date);
var time = MakeTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ms);
return TimeClip(MakeDate(day, time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateNow() {
return %DateCurrentTime();
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this)
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return kInvalidDate;
var time_zone_string = LocalTimezoneString(this)
return DatePrintString(this) + time_zone_string;
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToDateString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return kInvalidDate;
return DateString(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToTimeString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return kInvalidDate;
var time_zone_string = LocalTimezoneString(this);
return TimeString(this) + time_zone_string;
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToLocaleString() {
return %_CallFunction(this, DateToString);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToLocaleDateString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return kInvalidDate;
return LongDateString(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToLocaleTimeString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return kInvalidDate;
return TimeString(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateValueOf() {
return UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetTime() {
return UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetFullYear() {
return LOCAL_YEAR(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCFullYear() {
return UTC_YEAR(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetMonth() {
return LOCAL_MONTH(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCMonth() {
return UTC_MONTH(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetDate() {
return LOCAL_DAY(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCDate() {
return UTC_DAY(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetDay() {
return LOCAL_WEEKDAY(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCDay() {
return UTC_WEEKDAY(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetHours() {
return LOCAL_HOUR(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCHours() {
return UTC_HOUR(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetMinutes() {
return LOCAL_MIN(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCMinutes() {
return UTC_MIN(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetSeconds() {
return LOCAL_SEC(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCSeconds() {
return UTC_SEC(this)
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetMilliseconds() {
return LOCAL_MS(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetUTCMilliseconds() {
return UTC_MS(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateGetTimezoneOffset() {
return TIMEZONE_OFFSET(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetTime(ms) {
SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, ToNumber(ms));
return UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetMilliseconds(ms) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
ms = ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(LOCAL_HOUR(this), LOCAL_MIN(this), LOCAL_SEC(this), ms);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(LOCAL_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCMilliseconds(ms) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
ms = ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(UTC_HOUR(this),
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(UTC_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetSeconds(sec, ms) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
sec = ToNumber(sec);
ms = %_ArgumentsLength() < 2 ? LOCAL_MS(this) : ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(LOCAL_HOUR(this), LOCAL_MIN(this), sec, ms);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(LOCAL_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCSeconds(sec, ms) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
sec = ToNumber(sec);
ms = %_ArgumentsLength() < 2 ? UTC_MS(this) : ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(UTC_HOUR(this), UTC_MIN(this), sec, ms);
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(UTC_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetMinutes(min, sec, ms) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
min = ToNumber(min);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
sec = argc < 2 ? LOCAL_SEC(this) : ToNumber(sec);
ms = argc < 3 ? LOCAL_MS(this) : ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(LOCAL_HOUR(this), min, sec, ms);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(LOCAL_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCMinutes(min, sec, ms) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
min = ToNumber(min);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
sec = argc < 2 ? UTC_SEC(this) : ToNumber(sec);
ms = argc < 3 ? UTC_MS(this) : ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(UTC_HOUR(this), min, sec, ms);
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(UTC_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetHours(hour, min, sec, ms) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
hour = ToNumber(hour);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
min = argc < 2 ? LOCAL_MIN(this) : ToNumber(min);
sec = argc < 3 ? LOCAL_SEC(this) : ToNumber(sec);
ms = argc < 4 ? LOCAL_MS(this) : ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(hour, min, sec, ms);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(LOCAL_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCHours(hour, min, sec, ms) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
hour = ToNumber(hour);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
min = argc < 2 ? UTC_MIN(this) : ToNumber(min);
sec = argc < 3 ? UTC_SEC(this) : ToNumber(sec);
ms = argc < 4 ? UTC_MS(this) : ToNumber(ms);
var time = MakeTime(hour, min, sec, ms);
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(UTC_DAYS(this), time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetDate(date) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
date = ToNumber(date);
var day = MakeDay(LOCAL_YEAR(this), LOCAL_MONTH(this), date);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, LOCAL_TIME_IN_DAY(this)));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCDate(date) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
date = ToNumber(date);
var day = MakeDay(UTC_YEAR(this), UTC_MONTH(this), date);
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, UTC_TIME_IN_DAY(this)));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetMonth(month, date) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
month = ToNumber(month);
date = %_ArgumentsLength() < 2 ? LOCAL_DAY(this) : ToNumber(date);
var day = MakeDay(LOCAL_YEAR(this), month, date);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, LOCAL_TIME_IN_DAY(this)));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCMonth(month, date) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
month = ToNumber(month);
date = %_ArgumentsLength() < 2 ? UTC_DAY(this) : ToNumber(date);
var day = MakeDay(UTC_YEAR(this), month, date);
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, UTC_TIME_IN_DAY(this)));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetFullYear(year, month, date) {
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
year = ToNumber(year);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
var time ;
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) {
month = argc < 2 ? 0 : ToNumber(month);
date = argc < 3 ? 1 : ToNumber(date);
time = 0;
} else {
month = argc < 2 ? LOCAL_MONTH(this) : ToNumber(month);
date = argc < 3 ? LOCAL_DAY(this) : ToNumber(date);
time = LOCAL_TIME_IN_DAY(this);
var day = MakeDay(year, month, date);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateSetUTCFullYear(year, month, date) {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
year = ToNumber(year);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
var time ;
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) {
month = argc < 2 ? 0 : ToNumber(month);
date = argc < 3 ? 1 : ToNumber(date);
time = 0;
} else {
month = argc < 2 ? UTC_MONTH(this) : ToNumber(month);
date = argc < 3 ? UTC_DAY(this) : ToNumber(date);
time = UTC_TIME_IN_DAY(this);
var day = MakeDay(year, month, date);
return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, time));
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToUTCString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) return kInvalidDate;
// Return UTC string of the form: Sat, 31 Jan 1970 23:00:00 GMT
return WeekDays[UTC_WEEKDAY(this)] + ', '
+ TwoDigitString(UTC_DAY(this)) + ' '
+ Months[UTC_MONTH(this)] + ' '
+ UTC_YEAR(this) + ' '
+ TimeStringUTC(this) + ' GMT';
// ECMA 262 - B.2.4
function DateGetYear() {
return LOCAL_YEAR(this) - 1900;
// ECMA 262 - B.2.5
function DateSetYear(year) {
year = ToNumber(year);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(year)) return SET_UTC_DATE_VALUE(this, NAN);
year = (0 <= TO_INTEGER(year) && TO_INTEGER(year) <= 99)
? 1900 + TO_INTEGER(year) : year;
var t = LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this);
var month, date, time;
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) {
month = 0;
date = 1;
time = 0;
} else {
month = LOCAL_MONTH(this);
date = LOCAL_DAY(this);
time = LOCAL_TIME_IN_DAY(this);
var day = MakeDay(year, month, date);
return SET_LOCAL_DATE_VALUE(this, MakeDate(day, time));
// ECMA 262 - B.2.6
// Notice that this does not follow ECMA 262 completely. ECMA 262
// says that toGMTString should be the same Function object as
// toUTCString. JSC does not do this, so for compatibility we do not
// do that either. Instead, we create a new function whose name
// property will return toGMTString.
function DateToGMTString() {
return %_CallFunction(this, DateToUTCString);
function PadInt(n, digits) {
if (digits == 1) return n;
return n < MathPow(10, digits - 1) ? '0' + PadInt(n, digits - 1) : n;
// ECMA 262 -
function DateToISOString() {
var t = UTC_DATE_VALUE(this);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(t)) throw MakeRangeError("invalid_time_value", []);
var year = this.getUTCFullYear();
var year_string;
if (year >= 0 && year <= 9999) {
year_string = PadInt(year, 4);
} else {
if (year < 0) {
year_string = "-" + PadInt(-year, 6);
} else {
year_string = "+" + PadInt(year, 6);
return year_string +
'-' + PadInt(this.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) +
'-' + PadInt(this.getUTCDate(), 2) +
'T' + PadInt(this.getUTCHours(), 2) +
':' + PadInt(this.getUTCMinutes(), 2) +
':' + PadInt(this.getUTCSeconds(), 2) +
'.' + PadInt(this.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3) +
function DateToJSON(key) {
var o = ToObject(this);
var tv = DefaultNumber(o);
if (IS_NUMBER(tv) && !NUMBER_IS_FINITE(tv)) {
return null;
return o.toISOString();
var date_cache_version_holder;
var date_cache_version = NAN;
function CheckDateCacheCurrent() {
if (!date_cache_version_holder) {
date_cache_version_holder = %DateCacheVersion();
if (date_cache_version_holder[0] == date_cache_version) {
date_cache_version = date_cache_version_holder[0];
// Reset the timezone cache:
timezone_cache_time = NAN;
timezone_cache_timezone = UNDEFINED;
// Reset the date cache:
Date_cache.time = NAN;
Date_cache.string = null;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function SetUpDate() {
%SetCode($Date, DateConstructor);
%FunctionSetPrototype($Date, new $Date(NAN));
// Set up non-enumerable properties of the Date object itself.
InstallFunctions($Date, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"UTC", DateUTC,
"parse", DateParse,
"now", DateNow
// Set up non-enumerable constructor property of the Date prototype object.
%AddNamedProperty($Date.prototype, "constructor", $Date, DONT_ENUM);
// Set up non-enumerable functions of the Date prototype object and
// set their names.
InstallFunctions($Date.prototype, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"toString", DateToString,
"toDateString", DateToDateString,
"toTimeString", DateToTimeString,
"toLocaleString", DateToLocaleString,
"toLocaleDateString", DateToLocaleDateString,
"toLocaleTimeString", DateToLocaleTimeString,
"valueOf", DateValueOf,
"getTime", DateGetTime,
"getFullYear", DateGetFullYear,
"getUTCFullYear", DateGetUTCFullYear,
"getMonth", DateGetMonth,
"getUTCMonth", DateGetUTCMonth,
"getDate", DateGetDate,
"getUTCDate", DateGetUTCDate,
"getDay", DateGetDay,
"getUTCDay", DateGetUTCDay,
"getHours", DateGetHours,
"getUTCHours", DateGetUTCHours,
"getMinutes", DateGetMinutes,
"getUTCMinutes", DateGetUTCMinutes,
"getSeconds", DateGetSeconds,
"getUTCSeconds", DateGetUTCSeconds,
"getMilliseconds", DateGetMilliseconds,
"getUTCMilliseconds", DateGetUTCMilliseconds,
"getTimezoneOffset", DateGetTimezoneOffset,
"setTime", DateSetTime,
"setMilliseconds", DateSetMilliseconds,
"setUTCMilliseconds", DateSetUTCMilliseconds,
"setSeconds", DateSetSeconds,
"setUTCSeconds", DateSetUTCSeconds,
"setMinutes", DateSetMinutes,
"setUTCMinutes", DateSetUTCMinutes,
"setHours", DateSetHours,
"setUTCHours", DateSetUTCHours,
"setDate", DateSetDate,
"setUTCDate", DateSetUTCDate,
"setMonth", DateSetMonth,
"setUTCMonth", DateSetUTCMonth,
"setFullYear", DateSetFullYear,
"setUTCFullYear", DateSetUTCFullYear,
"toGMTString", DateToGMTString,
"toUTCString", DateToUTCString,
"getYear", DateGetYear,
"setYear", DateSetYear,
"toISOString", DateToISOString,
"toJSON", DateToJSON