You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

352 lines
9.3 KiB

// Create a chain of config objects, in this priority order:
// CLI - the --foo things in the command line.
// ENV - all the things starting with npm_config_ in the environment
// USER - $HOME/.npmrc
// GLOBAL - $PREFIX/etc/npmrc
// If the CLI or ENV specify a userconfig, then that file is used
// as the USER config.
// If the CLI or ENV specify a globalconfig, then that file is used
// as the GLOBAL config.
// export npm_config_userconfig=/some/other/file
// export npm_config_globalconfig=global
// For implementation reasons, "_" in env vars is turned into "-". So,
// export npm_config_node_version
exports.resolveConfigs = resolveConfigs = save
exports.saveConfig = saveConfig
exports.del = del
exports.get = get
exports.set = set
exports.unParseField = unParseField
exports.defaultConfig = null
Object.defineProperty(exports, "keys",
{ get : function () { return configList.keys }})
var fs = require("graceful-fs")
, fstream = require("fstream")
, rimraf = require("rimraf")
, path = require("path")
, nopt = require("nopt")
, ini = require("ini")
, ProtoList = require("proto-list")
, mkdir = require("mkdirp")
, npm = require("../npm.js")
, log = require("npmlog")
, configDefs = require("./config-defs.js")
, myUid = process.env.SUDO_UID !== undefined
? process.env.SUDO_UID : (process.getuid && process.getuid())
, myGid = process.env.SUDO_GID !== undefined
? process.env.SUDO_GID : (process.getgid && process.getgid())
, eol = process.platform === "win32" ? "\r\n" : "\n"
, privateKey = null
, defaultConfig
, configList = new ProtoList()
, types = configDefs.types
, TRANS = exports.TRANS =
{ "default" : 5
, "builtin": 4
, "global" : 3
, "user" : 2
, "env" : 1
, "cli" : 0
exports.configList = configList
// just put this here for a moment, so that the logs
// in the config-loading phase don't cause it to blow up.
function resolveConfigs (cli, cb_) {
defaultConfig = defaultConfig || configDefs.defaults
exports.defaultConfig = defaultConfig
var cl = configList
, dc = cl.pop()
if (!cb_) cb_ = cli, cli = {}
function cb (er) {
//console.error("resolving configs")
exports.resolved = true
cl.list.length = 0
Object.keys(cli).forEach(function (k) {
cli[k] = parseField(cli[k], k)
parseFile(cl.get("userconfig") || dc.userconfig, function (er, conf) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// globalconfig and globalignorefile defaults
// need to respond to the "prefix" setting up to this point.
// Eg, `npm config get globalconfig --prefix ~/local` should
// return `~/local/etc/npmrc`
if (cl.get("prefix")) {
dc.globalconfig = path.resolve(cl.get("prefix"), "etc", "npmrc")
dc.globalignorefile = path.resolve(cl.get("prefix"), "etc", "npmignore")
parseFile( cl.get("globalconfig") || dc.globalconfig
, function (er, conf) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (conf.hasOwnProperty("prefix")) {
log.warn( "globalconfig"
, "Cannot set prefix in globalconfig file"
, cl.get("globalconfig"))
delete conf.prefix
// the builtin config file, for distros to use.
parseFile(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../npmrc"), function (er, conf) {
if (er) conf = {}
function validate (cl) {
// warn about invalid configs at every level.
cl.list.forEach(function (conf, level) {
// clean(data, types, typeDefs)
nopt.clean(conf, configDefs.types)
function parseEnv (env) {
var conf = {}
.filter(function (k) { return k.match(/^npm_config_[^_]/i) })
.forEach(function (k) {
if (!env[k]) return
conf[k.replace(/^npm_config_/i, "")
.replace(/_/g, "-")] = parseField(env[k], k)
return conf
function unParseField (f, k) {
// type can be an array or single thing.
var isPath = -1 !== [].concat(types[k]).indexOf(path)
if (isPath) {
if (typeof process.env.HOME !== 'undefined') {
if (process.env.HOME.substr(-1) === "/") {
process.env.HOME = process.env.HOME.slice(0, process.env.HOME.length-1)
if (f.indexOf(process.env.HOME) === 0) {
f = "~"+f.substr(process.env.HOME.length)
return (!f || typeof f !== "object") ? : f
function parseField (f, k, emptyIsFalse) {
if (typeof f !== "string" && !(f instanceof String)) return f
// type can be an array or single thing.
var isPath = -1 !== [].concat(types[k]).indexOf(path)
, isBool = -1 !== [].concat(types[k]).indexOf(Boolean)
, isString = -1 !== [].concat(types[k]).indexOf(String)
f = ini.unsafe((""+f).trim())
if (isBool && !isString && f === "") return f = true
switch (f) {
case "true": return true
case "false": return false
case "null": return null
case "undefined": return undefined
f = envReplace(f)
if (isPath) {
var homePattern = process.platform === "win32" ? /^~(\/|\\)/ : /^~\//
if (f.match(homePattern) && process.env.HOME) {
f = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, f.substr(2))
f = path.resolve(f)
return f
function parseFile (file, cb) {
if (!file) return cb(null, {})
log.verbose("config file", file)
fs.readFile(file, function (er, data) {
// treat all errors as just an empty file
if (er) return cb(null, {})
var d = ini.parse(""+data)
, f = {}
Object.keys(d).forEach(function (k) {
f[k] = parseField(d[k], k)
cb(null, parseAuth(f))
function encryptAuth (config, cb) {
if (config.username && config._password) {
var b = new Buffer(config.username+":"+config._password)
config._auth = b.toString("base64")
delete config.username
delete config._password
return cb(null, config)
function parseAuth (config) {
if (!config._auth) return config
var b = new Buffer(config._auth, "base64")
, unpw = b.toString().split(":")
, un = unpw.shift()
, pw = unpw.join(":")
config.username = un = (config.username || un)
config._password = pw = (config._password || pw)
b = new Buffer(un + ":" + pw)
config._auth = b.toString("base64")
return config
function save (which, cb) {
if (typeof which === "function") cb = which, which = null
if (!which) which = ["global", "user", "builtin"]
if (!Array.isArray(which)) which = [which]
var errState = null
, done = which.length
, failed = []
which.forEach(function (c) {
saveConfig(c, function (er) {
if (errState) return
if (er) return cb(errState = er)
if (-- done === 0) return cb()
function saveConfig (which, file, cb) {
if (typeof file === "function") cb = file, file = null
if (!file) {
switch (which) {
case "builtin":
file = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../npmrc")
case "global":
file = configList.get("globalconfig")
file = configList.get("userconfig")
which = "user"
( file
, configList.list[TRANS[which]]
, which
, cb )
function saveConfigfile (file, config, which, cb) {
encryptAuth(config, function () { // ignore errors
var data = {}
Object.keys(config).forEach(function (k) {
data[k] = unParseField(config[k], k)
data = ini.stringify(data)
return (data.trim())
? writeConfigfile(file, data, which, cb)
: rimraf(file, cb)
function writeConfigfile (configfile, data, which, cb) {
data = data.split(/\r*\n/).join(eol)
var props = { type: "File", path: configfile }
if (which === "user") {
props.mode = 0600
if (typeof myUid === "number") {
props.uid = +myUid
props.gid = +myGid
} else {
props.mode = 0644
.on("close", cb)
.on("error", cb)
function snapshot (which) {
var x = (!which) ? configList.snapshot
: configList.list[TRANS[which]] ? configList.list[TRANS[which]]
: undefined
if (!x) return
Object.keys(x).forEach(function (k) { if (k.match(/^_/)) delete x[k] })
return x
function get (key, which) {
return (!key) ? snapshot(which)
: (!which) ? configList.get(key) // resolved
: configList.list[TRANS[which]]
? envReplace(configList.list[TRANS[which]][key])
: undefined
function envReplace (f) {
if (typeof f !== "string" || !f) return f
// replace any ${ENV} values with the appropriate environ.
var envExpr = /(\\*)\$\{([^}]+)\}/g
return f.replace(envExpr, function (orig, esc, name, i, s) {
esc = esc.length && esc.length % 2
if (esc) return orig
if (undefined === process.env[name]) {
throw new Error("Failed to replace env in config: "+orig)
return process.env[name]
function del (key, which) {
if (!which) configList.list.forEach(function (l) {
delete l[key]
else if (configList.list[TRANS[which]]) {
delete configList.list[TRANS[which]]
function set (key, value, which) {
which = which || "cli"
if (configList.length === 1) {
return new Error("trying to set before loading")
configList.list[TRANS[which]][key] = value
return value