You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

674 lines
19 KiB

// Note: In 0.8 and before, crypto functions all defaulted to using
// binary-encoded strings rather than buffers.
'use strict';
const internalUtil = require('internal/util');
exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'buffer';
const constants = process.binding('constants').crypto;
const binding = process.binding('crypto');
const randomBytes = binding.randomBytes;
const getCiphers = binding.getCiphers;
const getHashes = binding.getHashes;
const getCurves = binding.getCurves;
const getFipsCrypto = binding.getFipsCrypto;
const setFipsCrypto = binding.setFipsCrypto;
const timingSafeEqual = binding.timingSafeEqual;
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
const stream = require('stream');
const util = require('util');
const LazyTransform = require('internal/streams/lazy_transform');
const DH_GENERATOR = 2;
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'constants', {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
value: constants
// This is here because many functions accepted binary strings without
// any explicit encoding in older versions of node, and we don't want
// to break them unnecessarily.
function toBuf(str, encoding) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
if (encoding === 'buffer' || !encoding)
encoding = 'utf8';
return Buffer.from(str, encoding);
return str;
exports._toBuf = toBuf;
const assert = require('assert');
const StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;
exports.createHash = exports.Hash = Hash;
function Hash(algorithm, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Hash))
return new Hash(algorithm, options);
this._handle = new binding.Hash(algorithm);, options);
util.inherits(Hash, LazyTransform);
Hash.prototype._transform = function _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
this._handle.update(chunk, encoding);
Hash.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) {
Hash.prototype.update = function update(data, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
this._handle.update(data, encoding);
return this;
Hash.prototype.digest = function digest(outputEncoding) {
outputEncoding = outputEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
return this._handle.digest(outputEncoding);
exports.createHmac = exports.Hmac = Hmac;
function Hmac(hmac, key, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Hmac))
return new Hmac(hmac, key, options);
this._handle = new binding.Hmac();
this._handle.init(hmac, toBuf(key));, options);
util.inherits(Hmac, LazyTransform);
Hmac.prototype.update = Hash.prototype.update;
Hmac.prototype.digest = Hash.prototype.digest;
Hmac.prototype._flush = Hash.prototype._flush;
Hmac.prototype._transform = Hash.prototype._transform;
function getDecoder(decoder, encoding) {
encoding = internalUtil.normalizeEncoding(encoding);
decoder = decoder || new StringDecoder(encoding);
assert(decoder.encoding === encoding, 'Cannot change encoding');
return decoder;
exports.createCipher = exports.Cipher = Cipher;
function Cipher(cipher, password, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Cipher))
return new Cipher(cipher, password, options);
this._handle = new binding.CipherBase(true);
this._handle.init(cipher, toBuf(password));
this._decoder = null;, options);
util.inherits(Cipher, LazyTransform);
Cipher.prototype._transform = function _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
this.push(this._handle.update(chunk, encoding));
Cipher.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) {
try {
} catch (e) {
Cipher.prototype.update = function update(data, inputEncoding, outputEncoding) {
inputEncoding = inputEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
outputEncoding = outputEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
var ret = this._handle.update(data, inputEncoding);
if (outputEncoding && outputEncoding !== 'buffer') {
this._decoder = getDecoder(this._decoder, outputEncoding);
ret = this._decoder.write(ret);
return ret;
}; = function final(outputEncoding) {
outputEncoding = outputEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
var ret =;
if (outputEncoding && outputEncoding !== 'buffer') {
this._decoder = getDecoder(this._decoder, outputEncoding);
ret = this._decoder.end(ret);
return ret;
Cipher.prototype.setAutoPadding = function setAutoPadding(ap) {
return this;
Cipher.prototype.getAuthTag = function getAuthTag() {
return this._handle.getAuthTag();
Cipher.prototype.setAuthTag = function setAuthTag(tagbuf) {
Cipher.prototype.setAAD = function setAAD(aadbuf) {
exports.createCipheriv = exports.Cipheriv = Cipheriv;
function Cipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Cipheriv))
return new Cipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options);
this._handle = new binding.CipherBase(true);
this._handle.initiv(cipher, toBuf(key), toBuf(iv));
this._decoder = null;, options);
util.inherits(Cipheriv, LazyTransform);
Cipheriv.prototype._transform = Cipher.prototype._transform;
Cipheriv.prototype._flush = Cipher.prototype._flush;
Cipheriv.prototype.update = Cipher.prototype.update; =;
Cipheriv.prototype.setAutoPadding = Cipher.prototype.setAutoPadding;
Cipheriv.prototype.getAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.getAuthTag;
Cipheriv.prototype.setAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.setAuthTag;
Cipheriv.prototype.setAAD = Cipher.prototype.setAAD;
exports.createDecipher = exports.Decipher = Decipher;
function Decipher(cipher, password, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Decipher))
return new Decipher(cipher, password, options);
this._handle = new binding.CipherBase(false);
this._handle.init(cipher, toBuf(password));
this._decoder = null;, options);
util.inherits(Decipher, LazyTransform);
Decipher.prototype._transform = Cipher.prototype._transform;
Decipher.prototype._flush = Cipher.prototype._flush;
Decipher.prototype.update = Cipher.prototype.update; =;
Decipher.prototype.finaltol =;
Decipher.prototype.setAutoPadding = Cipher.prototype.setAutoPadding;
Decipher.prototype.getAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.getAuthTag;
Decipher.prototype.setAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.setAuthTag;
Decipher.prototype.setAAD = Cipher.prototype.setAAD;
exports.createDecipheriv = exports.Decipheriv = Decipheriv;
function Decipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Decipheriv))
return new Decipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options);
this._handle = new binding.CipherBase(false);
this._handle.initiv(cipher, toBuf(key), toBuf(iv));
this._decoder = null;, options);
util.inherits(Decipheriv, LazyTransform);
Decipheriv.prototype._transform = Cipher.prototype._transform;
Decipheriv.prototype._flush = Cipher.prototype._flush;
Decipheriv.prototype.update = Cipher.prototype.update; =;
Decipheriv.prototype.finaltol =;
Decipheriv.prototype.setAutoPadding = Cipher.prototype.setAutoPadding;
Decipheriv.prototype.getAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.getAuthTag;
Decipheriv.prototype.setAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.setAuthTag;
Decipheriv.prototype.setAAD = Cipher.prototype.setAAD;
exports.createSign = exports.Sign = Sign;
function Sign(algorithm, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Sign))
return new Sign(algorithm, options);
this._handle = new binding.Sign();
this._handle.init(algorithm);, options);
util.inherits(Sign, stream.Writable);
Sign.prototype._write = function _write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
this._handle.update(chunk, encoding);
Sign.prototype.update = Hash.prototype.update;
Sign.prototype.sign = function sign(options, encoding) {
if (!options)
throw new Error('No key provided to sign');
var key = options.key || options;
var passphrase = options.passphrase || null;
var ret = this._handle.sign(toBuf(key), null, passphrase);
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
ret = ret.toString(encoding);
return ret;
exports.createVerify = exports.Verify = Verify;
function Verify(algorithm, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Verify))
return new Verify(algorithm, options);
this._handle = new binding.Verify();
this._handle.init(algorithm);, options);
util.inherits(Verify, stream.Writable);
Verify.prototype._write = Sign.prototype._write;
Verify.prototype.update = Sign.prototype.update;
Verify.prototype.verify = function verify(object, signature, sigEncoding) {
sigEncoding = sigEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
return this._handle.verify(toBuf(object), toBuf(signature, sigEncoding));
function rsaPublic(method, defaultPadding) {
return function(options, buffer) {
var key = options.key || options;
var padding = options.padding || defaultPadding;
var passphrase = options.passphrase || null;
return method(toBuf(key), buffer, padding, passphrase);
function rsaPrivate(method, defaultPadding) {
return function(options, buffer) {
var key = options.key || options;
var passphrase = options.passphrase || null;
var padding = options.padding || defaultPadding;
return method(toBuf(key), buffer, padding, passphrase);
exports.publicEncrypt = rsaPublic(binding.publicEncrypt,
exports.publicDecrypt = rsaPublic(binding.publicDecrypt,
exports.privateEncrypt = rsaPrivate(binding.privateEncrypt,
exports.privateDecrypt = rsaPrivate(binding.privateDecrypt,
exports.createDiffieHellman = exports.DiffieHellman = DiffieHellman;
function DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding, generator, genEncoding) {
if (!(this instanceof DiffieHellman))
return new DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding, generator, genEncoding);
if (!(sizeOrKey instanceof Buffer) &&
typeof sizeOrKey !== 'number' &&
typeof sizeOrKey !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('First argument should be number, string or Buffer');
if (keyEncoding) {
if (typeof keyEncoding !== 'string' ||
(!Buffer.isEncoding(keyEncoding) && keyEncoding !== 'buffer')) {
genEncoding = generator;
generator = keyEncoding;
keyEncoding = false;
keyEncoding = keyEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
genEncoding = genEncoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (typeof sizeOrKey !== 'number')
sizeOrKey = toBuf(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding);
if (!generator)
generator = DH_GENERATOR;
else if (typeof generator !== 'number')
generator = toBuf(generator, genEncoding);
this._handle = new binding.DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, generator);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'verifyError', {
enumerable: true,
value: this._handle.verifyError,
writable: false
exports.DiffieHellmanGroup =
exports.createDiffieHellmanGroup =
exports.getDiffieHellman = DiffieHellmanGroup;
function DiffieHellmanGroup(name) {
if (!(this instanceof DiffieHellmanGroup))
return new DiffieHellmanGroup(name);
this._handle = new binding.DiffieHellmanGroup(name);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'verifyError', {
enumerable: true,
value: this._handle.verifyError,
writable: false
DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.generateKeys =
DiffieHellman.prototype.generateKeys =
function dhGenerateKeys(encoding) {
var keys = this._handle.generateKeys();
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
keys = keys.toString(encoding);
return keys;
DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.computeSecret =
DiffieHellman.prototype.computeSecret =
function dhComputeSecret(key, inEnc, outEnc) {
inEnc = inEnc || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
outEnc = outEnc || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
var ret = this._handle.computeSecret(toBuf(key, inEnc));
if (outEnc && outEnc !== 'buffer')
ret = ret.toString(outEnc);
return ret;
DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getPrime =
DiffieHellman.prototype.getPrime =
function dhGetPrime(encoding) {
var prime = this._handle.getPrime();
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
prime = prime.toString(encoding);
return prime;
DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getGenerator =
DiffieHellman.prototype.getGenerator =
function dhGetGenerator(encoding) {
var generator = this._handle.getGenerator();
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
generator = generator.toString(encoding);
return generator;
DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getPublicKey =
DiffieHellman.prototype.getPublicKey =
function dhGetPublicKey(encoding) {
var key = this._handle.getPublicKey();
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
key = key.toString(encoding);
return key;
DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getPrivateKey =
DiffieHellman.prototype.getPrivateKey =
function dhGetPrivateKey(encoding) {
var key = this._handle.getPrivateKey();
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
key = key.toString(encoding);
return key;
DiffieHellman.prototype.setPublicKey = function setPublicKey(key, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
this._handle.setPublicKey(toBuf(key, encoding));
return this;
DiffieHellman.prototype.setPrivateKey = function setPrivateKey(key, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
this._handle.setPrivateKey(toBuf(key, encoding));
return this;
function ECDH(curve) {
if (typeof curve !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('"curve" argument should be a string');
this._handle = new binding.ECDH(curve);
exports.createECDH = function createECDH(curve) {
return new ECDH(curve);
ECDH.prototype.computeSecret = DiffieHellman.prototype.computeSecret;
ECDH.prototype.setPrivateKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.setPrivateKey;
ECDH.prototype.setPublicKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.setPublicKey;
ECDH.prototype.getPrivateKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.getPrivateKey;
ECDH.prototype.generateKeys = function generateKeys(encoding, format) {
return this.getPublicKey(encoding, format);
ECDH.prototype.getPublicKey = function getPublicKey(encoding, format) {
var f;
if (format) {
if (typeof format === 'number')
f = format;
if (format === 'compressed')
else if (format === 'hybrid')
// Default
else if (format === 'uncompressed')
throw new TypeError('Bad format: ' + format);
} else {
var key = this._handle.getPublicKey(f);
encoding = encoding || exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer')
key = key.toString(encoding);
return key;
const pbkdf2DeprecationWarning =
internalUtil.deprecate(() => {}, 'crypto.pbkdf2 without specifying' +
' a digest is deprecated. Please specify a digest');
exports.pbkdf2 = function(password,
callback) {
if (typeof digest === 'function') {
callback = digest;
digest = undefined;
if (typeof callback !== 'function')
throw new Error('No callback provided to pbkdf2');
return pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback);
exports.pbkdf2Sync = function(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) {
if (typeof digest === 'undefined') {
digest = undefined;
return pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest);
function pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback) {
password = toBuf(password);
salt = toBuf(salt);
if (exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING === 'buffer')
return binding.PBKDF2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback);
// at this point, we need to handle encodings.
var encoding = exports.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
if (callback) {
var next = function(er, ret) {
if (ret)
ret = ret.toString(encoding);
callback(er, ret);
binding.PBKDF2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, next);
} else {
var ret = binding.PBKDF2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest);
return ret.toString(encoding);
exports.Certificate = Certificate;
function Certificate() {
if (!(this instanceof Certificate))
return new Certificate();
Certificate.prototype.verifySpkac = function verifySpkac(object) {
return binding.certVerifySpkac(object);
Certificate.prototype.exportPublicKey =
function exportPublicKey(object, encoding) {
return binding.certExportPublicKey(toBuf(object, encoding));
Certificate.prototype.exportChallenge =
function exportChallenge(object, encoding) {
return binding.certExportChallenge(toBuf(object, encoding));
exports.setEngine = function setEngine(id, flags) {
if (typeof id !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('"id" argument should be a string');
if (flags && typeof flags !== 'number')
throw new TypeError('"flags" argument should be a number, if present');
flags = flags >>> 0;
// Use provided engine for everything by default
if (flags === 0)
flags = constants.ENGINE_METHOD_ALL;
return binding.setEngine(id, flags);
exports.randomBytes = exports.pseudoRandomBytes = randomBytes;
exports.rng = exports.prng = randomBytes;
exports.getCiphers = internalUtil.cachedResult(() => {
return internalUtil.filterDuplicateStrings(getCiphers());
exports.getHashes = internalUtil.cachedResult(() => {
return internalUtil.filterDuplicateStrings(getHashes());
exports.getCurves = internalUtil.cachedResult(() => {
return internalUtil.filterDuplicateStrings(getCurves());
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'fips', {
get: getFipsCrypto,
set: setFipsCrypto
exports.timingSafeEqual = timingSafeEqual;
// Legacy API
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'createCredentials', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: internalUtil.deprecate(function() {
return require('tls').createSecureContext;
}, 'crypto.createCredentials is deprecated. ' +
'Use tls.createSecureContext instead.')
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'Credentials', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: internalUtil.deprecate(function() {
return require('tls').SecureContext;
}, 'crypto.Credentials is deprecated. ' +
'Use tls.SecureContext instead.')