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337 lines
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var Ignore = require('fstream-ignore')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var path = require('path')
var fs = require('fs')
module.exports = Packer
inherits(Packer, Ignore)
function Packer (props) {
if (!(this instanceof Packer)) {
return new Packer(props)
if (typeof props === 'string') {
props = { path: props }
props.ignoreFiles = props.ignoreFiles || [ '.npmignore',
'package.json' ], props)
this.bundled = props.bundled
this.bundleLinks = props.bundleLinks
this.package = props.package
// only do the magic bundling stuff for the node_modules folder that
// lives right next to a package.json file.
this.bundleMagic = this.parent &&
this.parent.packageRoot &&
this.basename === 'node_modules'
// in a node_modules folder, resolve symbolic links to
// bundled dependencies when creating the package.
props.follow = this.follow = this.bundleMagic
// console.error("follow?", this.path, props.follow)
if (this === this.root ||
this.parent &&
this.parent.bundleMagic &&
this.basename.charAt(0) !== '.') {
this.on('entryStat', function (entry, props) {
// files should *always* get into tarballs
// in a user-writable state, even if they're
// being installed from some wackey vm-mounted
// read-only filesystem.
entry.mode = props.mode = props.mode | parseInt('0200', 8)
Packer.prototype.readBundledLinks = function () {
if (this._paused) {
this.once('resume', this.addIgnoreFiles)
fs.readdir(this.path + '/node_modules', function (er, list) {
// no harm if there's no bundle
var l = list && list.length
if (er || l === 0) return this.resume()
var errState = null
var then = function then (er) {
if (errState) return
if (er) {
errState = er
return this.resume()
if (--l === 0) return this.resume()
list.forEach(function (pkg) {
if (pkg.charAt(0) === '.') return then()
var pd = this.path + '/node_modules/' + pkg
fs.realpath(pd, function (er, rp) {
if (er) return then()
this.bundleLinks = this.bundleLinks || {}
this.bundleLinks[pkg] = rp
}, this)
Packer.prototype.applyIgnores = function (entry, partial, entryObj) {
// package.json files can never be ignored.
if (entry === 'package.json') return true
// readme files should never be ignored.
if (entry.match(/^readme(\.[^\.]*)$/i)) return true
// license files should never be ignored.
if (entry.match(/^(license|licence)(\.[^\.]*)?$/i)) return true
// changelogs should never be ignored.
if (entry.match(/^(changes|changelog|history)(\.[^\.]*)?$/i)) return true
// special rules. see below.
if (entry === 'node_modules' && this.packageRoot) return true
// package.json main file should never be ignored.
var mainFile = this.package && this.package.main
if (mainFile && path.resolve(this.path, entry) === path.resolve(this.path, mainFile)) return true
// some files are *never* allowed under any circumstances
if (entry === '.git' ||
entry === '.lock-wscript' ||
entry.match(/^\.wafpickle-[0-9]+$/) ||
entry === 'CVS' ||
entry === '.svn' ||
entry === '.hg' ||
entry.match(/^\..*\.swp$/) ||
entry === '.DS_Store' ||
entry.match(/^\._/) ||
entry === 'npm-debug.log'
) {
return false
// in a node_modules folder, we only include bundled dependencies
// also, prevent packages in node_modules from being affected
// by rules set in the containing package, so that
// bundles don't get busted.
// Also, once in a bundle, everything is installed as-is
// To prevent infinite cycles in the case of cyclic deps that are
// linked with npm link, even in a bundle, deps are only bundled
// if they're not already present at a higher level.
if (this.bundleMagic) {
// bubbling up. stop here and allow anything the bundled pkg allows
if (entry.indexOf('/') !== -1) return true
// never include the .bin. It's typically full of platform-specific
// stuff like symlinks and .cmd files anyway.
if (entry === '.bin') return false
// the package root.
var p = this.parent
// the package before this one.
var pp = p && p.parent
// if this entry has already been bundled, and is a symlink,
// and it is the *same* symlink as this one, then exclude it.
if (pp && pp.bundleLinks && this.bundleLinks &&
pp.bundleLinks[entry] &&
pp.bundleLinks[entry] === this.bundleLinks[entry]) {
return false
// since it's *not* a symbolic link, if we're *already* in a bundle,
// then we should include everything.
if (pp && pp.package && pp.basename === 'node_modules') {
return true
// only include it at this point if it's a bundleDependency
var bd = this.package && this.package.bundleDependencies
if (bd && !Array.isArray(bd)) {
throw new Error( + '\'s `bundledDependencies` should ' +
'be an array')
var shouldBundle = bd && bd.indexOf(entry) !== -1
// if we're not going to bundle it, then it doesn't count as a bundleLink
// if (this.bundleLinks && !shouldBundle) delete this.bundleLinks[entry]
return shouldBundle
// if (this.bundled) return true
return, entry, partial, entryObj)
Packer.prototype.addIgnoreFiles = function () {
var entries = this.entries
// if there's a .npmignore, then we do *not* want to
// read the .gitignore.
if (entries.indexOf('.npmignore') !== -1) {
var i = entries.indexOf('.gitignore')
if (i !== -1) {
entries.splice(i, 1)
this.entries = entries
Packer.prototype.readRules = function (buf, e) {
if (e !== 'package.json') {
return, buf, e)
buf = buf.toString().trim()
if (buf.length === 0) return []
try {
var p = this.package = JSON.parse(buf)
} catch (er) {
// just pretend it's a normal old file, not magic at all.
return []
if (this === this.root) {
this.bundleLinks = this.bundleLinks || {}
this.bundleLinks[] = this._path
this.packageRoot = true
this.emit('package', p)
// make bundle deps predictable
if (p.bundledDependencies && !p.bundleDependencies) {
p.bundleDependencies = p.bundledDependencies
delete p.bundledDependencies
if (!p.files || !Array.isArray(p.files)) return []
// ignore everything except what's in the files array.
return ['*'].concat( (f) {
return '!' + f
})).concat( (f) {
return '!' + f.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/**'
Packer.prototype.getChildProps = function (stat) {
var props =, stat)
props.package = this.package
props.bundled = this.bundled && this.bundled.slice(0)
props.bundleLinks = this.bundleLinks &&
// Directories have to be read as Packers
// otherwise fstream.Reader will create a DirReader instead.
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
props.type = this.constructor
// only follow symbolic links directly in the node_modules folder.
props.follow = false
return props
var order = [
Packer.prototype.sort = function (a, b) {
for (var i = 0, l = order.length; i < l; i++) {
var o = order[i]
if (typeof o === 'string') {
if (a === o) return -1
if (b === o) return 1
} else {
if (a.match(o)) return -1
if (b.match(o)) return 1
// deps go in the back
if (a === 'node_modules') return 1
if (b === 'node_modules') return -1
return, a, b)
Packer.prototype.emitEntry = function (entry) {
if (this._paused) {
this.once('resume', this.emitEntry.bind(this, entry))
// if there is a .gitignore, then we're going to
// rename it to .npmignore in the output.
if (entry.basename === '.gitignore') {
entry.basename = '.npmignore'
entry.path = path.resolve(entry.dirname, entry.basename)
// all *.gyp files are renamed to binding.gyp for node-gyp
// but only when they are in the same folder as a package.json file.
if (entry.basename.match(/\.gyp$/) &&
this.entries.indexOf('package.json') !== -1) {
entry.basename = 'binding.gyp'
entry.path = path.resolve(entry.dirname, entry.basename)
// skip over symbolic links
if (entry.type === 'SymbolicLink') {
if (entry.type !== 'Directory') {
// make it so that the folder in the tarball is named "package"
var h = path.dirname((entry.root || entry).path)
var t = entry.path.substr(h.length + 1).replace(/^[^\/\\]+/, 'package')
var p = h + '/' + t
entry.path = p
entry.dirname = path.dirname(p)
return, entry)
// we don't want empty directories to show up in package
// tarballs.
// don't emit entry events for dirs, but still walk through
// and read them. This means that we need to proxy up their
// entry events so that those entries won't be missed, since
// .pipe() doesn't do anythign special with "child" events, on
// with "entry" events.
var me = this
entry.on('entry', function (e) {
if (e.parent === entry) {
e.parent = me
me.emit('entry', e)
entry.on('package', this.emit.bind(this, 'package'))