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#! /usr/bin/make -rf
# $Id: Makefile.in,v 1.11 2007/01/15 21:19:08 mjt Exp $
# libudns Makefile
# Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Tokarev <mjt@corpit.ru>
# This file is part of UDNS library, an async DNS stub resolver.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library, in file named COPYING.LGPL; if not,
# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
NAME = udns
VERS = 0.0.9
SRCS = udns_dn.c udns_dntosp.c udns_parse.c udns_resolver.c udns_init.c \
udns_misc.c udns_XtoX.c \
udns_rr_a.c udns_rr_ptr.c udns_rr_mx.c udns_rr_txt.c udns_bl.c \
udns_rr_srv.c udns_rr_naptr.c udns_codes.c
USRCS = dnsget.c rblcheck.c ex-rdns.c
DEB = debian/copyright debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules
DIST = COPYING.LGPL udns.h udns.3 dnsget.1 rblcheck.1 $(SRCS) $(USRCS) \
NEWS TODO NOTES Makefile.in configure configure.lib \
inet_XtoX.c getopt.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) $(GEN:.c=.o)
LIB = lib$(NAME).a
LIBFL = -L. -l$(NAME)
SOBJS = $(OBJS:.o=.lo)
SOLIB = lib$(NAME)_s.so
SOLIBV = lib$(NAME).so.$(SOVER)
SOLIBFL= -L. -l$(NAME)_s
UTILS = $(USRCS:.c=)
UOBJS = $(USRCS:.c=.o)
SOUTILS = $(USRCS:.c=_s)
CC = @CC@
AWK = awk
all: static
.SUFFIXES: .c .o .lo
static: $(LIB) $(UTILS)
staticlib: $(LIB)
$(LIB): $(OBJS)
-rm -f $@
$(AR) rv $@ $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CDEFS) -c $<
shared: $(SOLIBV) $(SOUTILS)
sharedlib: $(SOLIBV)
$(CC) -shared -Wl,--soname,$(SOLIBV) -o $@ $(SOBJS)
rm -f $@
ln -s $(SOLIBV) $@
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PICFLAGS) $(CDEFS) -o $@ -c $<
# udns_codes.c is generated from udns.h
udns_codes.c: udns.h
@echo Generating $@
@set -e; exec >$@.tmp; \
set T type C class R rcode; \
echo "/* Automatically generated. */"; \
echo "#include \"udns.h\""; \
while [ "$$1" ]; do \
echo; \
echo "const struct dns_nameval dns_$${2}tab[] = {"; \
$(AWK) "/^ DNS_$${1}_[A-Z0-9_]+[ ]*=/ \
{ printf \" {%s,\\\"%s\\\"},\\n\", \$$1, substr(\$$1,7) }" \
udns.h ; \
echo " {0,0}};"; \
echo "const char *dns_$${2}name(enum dns_$${2} code) {"; \
echo " static char nm[20];"; \
echo " switch(code) {"; \
$(AWK) "BEGIN{i=0} \
/^ DNS_$${1}_[A-Z0-9_]+[ ]*=/ \
{printf \" case %s: return dns_$${2}tab[%d].name;\\n\",\$$1,i++}\
" udns.h ; \
echo " }"; \
echo " return _dns_format_code(nm,\"$$2\",code);"; \
echo "}"; \
shift 2; \
@mv $@.tmp $@
udns.3.html: udns.3
groff -man -Thtml udns.3 > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
dist: $(NAMEPFX).tar.gz
$(NAMEPFX).tar.gz: $(DIST) $(DEB)
mkdir $(NAMEPFX) $(NAMEPFX)/debian
ln $(DEB) $(NAMEPFX)/debian
tar cvfz $@ $(NAMEPFX)
rm -rf $(NAMEPFX)
cp -p $(DIST) $(TARGET)/
rm -f $(OBJS)
rm -f $(SOBJS)
rm -f $(UOBJS)
rm -f build-stamp config.log
distclean: clean
rm -f $(LIBS) $(SOLIB) udns.3.html
rm -f $(UTILS) $(SOUTILS)
rm -f config.status config.h Makefile
Makefile: configure configure.lib Makefile.in
@echo Please rerun make >&2
@exit 1
.PHONY: all static staticlib shared sharedlib dist clean distclean subdist \
depend dep deps
depend dep deps: $(SRCS) $(USRC)
@echo Generating deps for:
@echo \ $(SRCS)
@echo \ $(USRCS)
@sed '/^# depend/q' Makefile.in > Makefile.tmp
@set -e; \
for f in $(SRCS) $(USRCS); do \
echo $${f%.c}.o $${f%.c}.lo: $$f \
`sed -n 's/^#[ ]*include[ ]*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' $$f`; \
done >> Makefile.tmp; \
for f in $(USRCS:.c=.o); do \
echo "$${f%.?}: $$f \$$(LIB)"; \
echo " \$$(CC) \$$(CFLAGS) -o \$$@ $$f \$$(LIBFL)"; \
echo "$${f%.?}_s: $$f \$$(SOLIB)"; \
echo " \$$(CC) \$$(CFLAGS) -o \$$@ $$f \$$(SOLIBFL)"; \
done >> Makefile.tmp ; \
if cmp Makefile.tmp Makefile.in >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
echo Makefile.in unchanged; rm -f Makefile.tmp; \
else \
echo Updating Makfile.in; mv -f Makefile.tmp Makefile.in ; \
# depend
udns_dn.o udns_dn.lo: udns_dn.c udns.h
udns_dntosp.o udns_dntosp.lo: udns_dntosp.c udns.h
udns_parse.o udns_parse.lo: udns_parse.c udns.h
udns_resolver.o udns_resolver.lo: udns_resolver.c config.h udns.h
udns_init.o udns_init.lo: udns_init.c config.h udns.h
udns_misc.o udns_misc.lo: udns_misc.c udns.h
udns_XtoX.o udns_XtoX.lo: udns_XtoX.c config.h udns.h inet_XtoX.c
udns_rr_a.o udns_rr_a.lo: udns_rr_a.c udns.h
udns_rr_ptr.o udns_rr_ptr.lo: udns_rr_ptr.c udns.h
udns_rr_mx.o udns_rr_mx.lo: udns_rr_mx.c udns.h
udns_rr_txt.o udns_rr_txt.lo: udns_rr_txt.c udns.h
udns_bl.o udns_bl.lo: udns_bl.c udns.h
udns_rr_srv.o udns_rr_srv.lo: udns_rr_srv.c udns.h
udns_rr_naptr.o udns_rr_naptr.lo: udns_rr_naptr.c udns.h
udns_codes.o udns_codes.lo: udns_codes.c udns.h
dnsget.o dnsget.lo: dnsget.c config.h udns.h getopt.c
rblcheck.o rblcheck.lo: rblcheck.c udns.h getopt.c
ex-rdns.o ex-rdns.lo: ex-rdns.c udns.h
dnsget: dnsget.o $(LIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ dnsget.o $(LIBFL)
dnsget_s: dnsget.o $(SOLIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ dnsget.o $(SOLIBFL)
rblcheck: rblcheck.o $(LIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ rblcheck.o $(LIBFL)
rblcheck_s: rblcheck.o $(SOLIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ rblcheck.o $(SOLIBFL)
ex-rdns: ex-rdns.o $(LIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ ex-rdns.o $(LIBFL)
ex-rdns_s: ex-rdns.o $(SOLIB)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ ex-rdns.o $(SOLIBFL)