mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
316 lines
9.5 KiB
316 lines
9.5 KiB
WAF=python tools/waf-light
web_root = ryan@nodejs.org:~/web/nodejs.org/
# Because we recursively call make from waf we need to make sure that we are
# using the correct make. Not all makes are GNU Make, but this likely only
# works with gnu make. To deal with this we remember how the user invoked us
# via a make builtin variable and use that in all subsequent operations
export NODE_MAKE := $(MAKE)
all: program
@-ls -lh build/default/node
@-ls -lh build/debug/node_g || echo ""
@$(WAF) -p build
@$(WAF) --product-type=program build
@$(WAF) --product-type=cstaticlib build
@$(WAF) --product-type=cshlib build
@$(WAF) install
@$(WAF) uninstall
test: all
python tools/test.py --mode=release simple message
test-valgrind: all
python tools/test.py --mode=release --valgrind simple message
test-all: all
python tools/test.py --mode=debug,release
test-all-valgrind: all
python tools/test.py --mode=debug,release --valgrind
test-release: all
python tools/test.py --mode=release
test-debug: all
python tools/test.py --mode=debug
test-message: all
python tools/test.py message
test-simple: all
python tools/test.py simple
test-pummel: all
python tools/test.py pummel
test-internet: all
python tools/test.py internet
UVTEST += simple/test-assert
UVTEST += simple/test-buffer
UVTEST += simple/test-c-ares
UVTEST += simple/test-chdir
UVTEST += simple/test-delayed-require
UVTEST += simple/test-eio-race2
UVTEST += simple/test-eio-race4
UVTEST += simple/test-event-emitter-add-listeners
UVTEST += simple/test-event-emitter-modify-in-emit
UVTEST += simple/test-event-emitter-num-args
UVTEST += simple/test-event-emitter-once
UVTEST += simple/test-event-emitter-remove-all-listeners
UVTEST += simple/test-event-emitter-remove-listeners
UVTEST += simple/test-exception-handler
UVTEST += simple/test-exception-handler2
UVTEST += simple/test-exception-handler
UVTEST += simple/test-executable-path
UVTEST += simple/test-file-read-noexist
UVTEST += simple/test-file-write-stream
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-fsync
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-open
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-readfile-empty
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-read-file-sync
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-read-file-sync-hostname
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-sir-writes-alot
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write-buffer
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write-file
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write-file-buffer
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write-stream
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write-stream-end
UVTEST += simple/test-fs-write-sync
UVTEST += simple/test-global
UVTEST += simple/test-http
UVTEST += simple/test-http-1.0
UVTEST += simple/test-http-abort-client
UVTEST += simple/test-http-allow-req-after-204-res
UVTEST += simple/test-http-blank-header
UVTEST += simple/test-http-buffer-sanity
UVTEST += simple/test-http-cat
UVTEST += simple/test-http-chunked
UVTEST += simple/test-http-client-abort
UVTEST += simple/test-http-client-parse-error
UVTEST += simple/test-http-client-race
UVTEST += simple/test-http-client-race-2
UVTEST += simple/test-http-client-upload
UVTEST += simple/test-http-client-upload-buf
UVTEST += simple/test-http-contentLength0
UVTEST += simple/test-http-default-encoding
UVTEST += simple/test-http-dns-fail
UVTEST += simple/test-http-eof-on-connect
UVTEST += simple/test-http-exceptions
UVTEST += simple/test-http-expect-continue
UVTEST += simple/test-http-extra-response
UVTEST += simple/test-http-head-request
UVTEST += simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body
UVTEST += simple/test-http-keep-alive
UVTEST += simple/test-http-keep-alive-close-on-header
UVTEST += simple/test-http-malformed-request
UVTEST += simple/test-http-many-keep-alive-connections
UVTEST += simple/test-http-mutable-headers
UVTEST += simple/test-http-parser
UVTEST += simple/test-http-proxy
UVTEST += simple/test-http-request-end
UVTEST += simple/test-http-response-close
UVTEST += simple/test-http-response-readable
UVTEST += simple/test-http-unix-socket
UVTEST += simple/test-http-server
UVTEST += simple/test-http-server-multiheaders
UVTEST += simple/test-http-set-cookies
UVTEST += simple/test-http-set-timeout
UVTEST += simple/test-http-set-trailers
UVTEST += simple/test-http-upgrade-agent
UVTEST += simple/test-http-upgrade-client
UVTEST += simple/test-http-upgrade-client2
UVTEST += simple/test-http-upgrade-server
UVTEST += simple/test-http-upgrade-server2
UVTEST += simple/test-http-wget
UVTEST += simple/test-http-write-empty-string
UVTEST += simple/test-http-wget
UVTEST += simple/test-mkdir-rmdir
UVTEST += simple/test-net-binary
UVTEST += simple/test-net-can-reset-timeout
UVTEST += simple/test-net-connect-buffer
UVTEST += simple/test-net-connect-timeout
UVTEST += simple/test-net-create-connection
UVTEST += simple/test-net-eaddrinuse
UVTEST += simple/test-net-isip
UVTEST += simple/test-net-keepalive
UVTEST += simple/test-net-pingpong
UVTEST += simple/test-net-reconnect
UVTEST += simple/test-net-remote-address-port
UVTEST += simple/test-net-server-bind
UVTEST += simple/test-net-server-max-connections
UVTEST += simple/test-net-server-try-ports
UVTEST += simple/test-net-stream
UVTEST += simple/test-net-socket-timeout
UVTEST += simple/test-next-tick
UVTEST += simple/test-next-tick-doesnt-hang
UVTEST += simple/test-next-tick-errors
UVTEST += simple/test-next-tick-ordering
UVTEST += simple/test-next-tick-ordering2
UVTEST += simple/test-next-tick-starvation
UVTEST += simple/test-path
UVTEST += simple/test-pump-file2tcp
UVTEST += simple/test-pump-file2tcp-noexist
UVTEST += simple/test-punycode
UVTEST += simple/test-querystring
UVTEST += simple/test-readdir
UVTEST += simple/test-readdouble
UVTEST += simple/test-readfloat
UVTEST += simple/test-readint
UVTEST += simple/test-readuint
UVTEST += simple/test-regress-GH-819
UVTEST += simple/test-regress-GH-897
UVTEST += simple/test-regression-object-prototype
UVTEST += simple/test-require-cache
UVTEST += simple/test-require-cache-without-stat
UVTEST += simple/test-require-exceptions
UVTEST += simple/test-require-resolve
UVTEST += simple/test-script-context
UVTEST += simple/test-script-new
UVTEST += simple/test-script-static-context
UVTEST += simple/test-script-static-new
UVTEST += simple/test-script-static-this
UVTEST += simple/test-script-this
UVTEST += simple/test-stream-pipe-cleanup
UVTEST += simple/test-stream-pipe-error-handling
UVTEST += simple/test-stream-pipe-event
UVTEST += simple/test-stream-pipe-multi
UVTEST += simple/test-string-decoder
UVTEST += simple/test-sys
UVTEST += simple/test-tcp-wrap
UVTEST += simple/test-tcp-wrap-connect
UVTEST += simple/test-tcp-wrap-listen
UVTEST += simple/test-timers-linked-list
UVTEST += simple/test-tty-stdout-end
UVTEST += simple/test-url
UVTEST += simple/test-utf8-scripts
UVTEST += simple/test-vm-create-context-circular-reference
UVTEST += simple/test-writedouble
UVTEST += simple/test-writefloat
UVTEST += simple/test-writeint
UVTEST += simple/test-writeuint
UVTEST += simple/test-zerolengthbufferbug
UVTEST += pummel/test-http-client-reconnect-bug
UVTEST += pummel/test-http-upload-timeout
UVTEST += pummel/test-net-many-clients
UVTEST += pummel/test-net-pause
UVTEST += pummel/test-net-pingpong-delay
UVTEST += pummel/test-net-timeout
UVTEST += pummel/test-timers
UVTEST += pummel/test-timer-wrap
UVTEST += pummel/test-timer-wrap2
UVTEST += pummel/test-vm-memleak
UVTEST += internet/test-dns
test-uv: all
NODE_USE_UV=1 python tools/test.py $(UVTEST)
test-uv-debug: all
NODE_USE_UV=1 python tools/test.py --mode=debug $(UVTEST)
build/default/node: all
apidoc_sources = $(wildcard doc/api/*.markdown)
apidocs = $(addprefix build/,$(apidoc_sources:.markdown=.html))
apidoc_dirs = build/doc build/doc/api/ build/doc/api/assets
apiassets = $(subst api_assets,api/assets,$(addprefix build/,$(wildcard doc/api_assets/*)))
website_files = \
build/doc/index.html \
build/doc/v0.4_announcement.html \
build/doc/cla.html \
build/doc/sh_main.js \
build/doc/sh_javascript.min.js \
build/doc/sh_vim-dark.css \
build/doc/logo.png \
build/doc/sponsored.png \
build/doc/favicon.ico \
doc: build/default/node $(apidoc_dirs) $(website_files) $(apiassets) $(apidocs)
mkdir -p $@
build/doc/api/assets/%: doc/api_assets/% build/doc/api/assets/
cp $< $@
build/doc/%: doc/%
cp $< $@
build/doc/api/%.html: doc/api/%.markdown build/default/node $(apidoc_dirs) $(apiassets) tools/doctool/doctool.js
build/default/node tools/doctool/doctool.js doc/template.html $< > $@
website-upload: doc
scp -r build/doc/* $(web_root)
docopen: build/doc/api/all.html
-google-chrome build/doc/api/all.html
-rm -rf build/doc
$(WAF) clean
-find tools -name "*.pyc" | xargs rm -f
distclean: docclean
-find tools -name "*.pyc" | xargs rm -f
-rm -rf build/ node node_g
@tools/waf-light check
VERSION=$(shell git describe)
#dist: doc/node.1 doc/api
dist: doc
git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(TARNAME)/ HEAD | tar xf -
mkdir -p $(TARNAME)/doc
cp doc/node.1 $(TARNAME)/doc/node.1
cp -r build/doc/api $(TARNAME)/doc/api
rm -rf $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/test # too big
tar -cf $(TARNAME).tar $(TARNAME)
rm -rf $(TARNAME)
gzip -f -9 $(TARNAME).tar
./node benchmark/idle_server.js &
sleep 1
./node benchmark/idle_clients.js &
PYTHONPATH=tools/closure_linter/ python tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/gjslint.py --unix_mode --strict --nojsdoc -r lib/ -r src/ -r test/
@python tools/cpplint.py $(wildcard src/*.cc src/*.h src/*.c)
lint: jslint cpplint
.PHONY: lint cpplint jslint bench clean docopen docclean doc dist distclean check uninstall install all program staticlib dynamiclib test test-all website-upload