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// verify that prepare runs on pack and publish
var common = require('../common-tap')
var test = require('tap').test
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var join = require('path').join
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
var rimraf = require('rimraf')
var pkg = join(__dirname, 'prepare_package')
var tmp = join(pkg, 'tmp')
var cache = join(pkg, 'cache')
test('setup', function (t) {
var n = 0
mkdirp(pkg, then())
mkdirp(cache, then())
mkdirp(tmp, then())
function then () {
return function (er) {
if (er) throw er
if (--n === 0) next()
function next () {
fs.writeFile(join(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({
name: 'npm-test-prepare',
version: '1.2.5',
scripts: { prepare: 'echo ok' }
}), 'ascii', function (er) {
if (er) throw er
t.pass('setup done')
test('test', function (t) {
var env = {
'npm_config_cache': cache,
'npm_config_tmp': tmp,
'npm_config_prefix': pkg,
'npm_config_global': 'false'
for (var i in process.env) {
if (!/^npm_config_/.test(i)) {
env[i] = process.env[i]
'--loglevel', 'warn'
], { cwd: pkg, env: env }, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
t.equal(code, 0, 'pack finished successfully')
t.ifErr(err, 'pack finished successfully')
t.notOk(stderr, 'got stderr data:' + JSON.stringify('' + stderr))
var c = stdout.trim()
var regex = new RegExp(
'> npm-test-prepare@1.2.5 prepare [^\\r\\n]+\\r?\\n' +
'> echo ok\\r?\\n' +
'\\r?\\n' +
'ok\\r?\\n' +
'npm-test-prepare-1.2.5.tgz', 'ig'
t.match(c, regex)
test('cleanup', function (t) {
t.pass('cleaned up')
function cleanup () {