You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
7.5 KiB

"use strict"
var url = require("url")
var GitHost = exports = module.exports = function (type, user, project, comittish) {
this.type = type
this.domain = gitHosts[type].domain
this.filetemplate = gitHosts[type].filetemplate
this.sshtemplate = gitHosts[type].sshtemplate
this.sshurltemplate = gitHosts[type].sshurltemplate
this.browsetemplate = gitHosts[type].browsetemplate
this.docstemplate = gitHosts[type].docstemplate
this.bugstemplate = gitHosts[type].bugstemplate
this.gittemplate = gitHosts[type].gittemplate
this.httpstemplate = gitHosts[type].httpstemplate
this.treepath = gitHosts[type].treepath
this.user = user
this.project = project
this.comittish = comittish
GitHost.prototype = {}
exports.fromUrl = function (giturl) {
if (giturl == null || giturl == "") return
var parsed = parseGitUrl(maybeGitHubShorthand(giturl) ? "github:" + giturl : giturl)
var matches = Object.keys(gitHosts).map(function(V) {
var gitHost = gitHosts[V]
var comittish = parsed.hash ? decodeURIComponent(parsed.hash.substr(1)) : null
if (parsed.protocol == V + ":") {
return new GitHost(V,
decodeURIComponent(, decodeURIComponent(parsed.path.replace(/^[/](.*?)(?:[.]git)?$/, "$1")), comittish)
if ( != gitHost.domain) return
if (! gitHost.protocols_re.test(parsed.protocol)) return
var matched = parsed.path.match(gitHost.pathmatch)
if (! matched) return
return new GitHost(
matched[1]!=null && decodeURIComponent(matched[1]),
matched[2]!=null && decodeURIComponent(matched[2]),
}).filter(function(V){ return V })
if (matches.length != 1) return
return matches[0]
function maybeGitHubShorthand(arg) {
// Note: This does not fully test the git ref format.
// See
// The only way to do this properly would be to shell out to
// git-check-ref-format, and as this is a fast sync function,
// we don't want to do that. Just let git fail if it turns
// out that the commit-ish is invalid.
// GH usernames cannot start with . or -
return /^[^:@%/\s.-][^:@%/\s]*[/][^:@\s/%]+(?:#.*)?$/.test(arg)
var parseGitUrl = function (giturl) {
if (typeof giturl != "string") giturl = "" + giturl
var matched = giturl.match(/^([^@]+)@([^:]+):[/]?((?:[^/]+[/])?[^/]+?)(?:[.]git)?(#.*)?$/)
if (! matched) return url.parse(giturl)
return {
protocol: "git+ssh:",
slashes: true,
auth: matched[1],
host: matched[2],
port: null,
hostname: matched[2],
hash: matched[4],
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: "/" + matched[3],
path: "/" + matched[3],
href: "git+ssh://" + matched[1] + "@" + matched[2] + "/" + matched[3] + (matched[4]||"")
var gitHostDefaults = {
"sshtemplate": "git@{domain}:{user}/{project}.git{#comittish}",
"sshurltemplate": "git+ssh://git@{domain}/{user}/{project}.git{#comittish}",
"browsetemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}{/tree/comittish}",
"docstemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}{/tree/comittish}#readme",
"httpstemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}.git{#comittish}",
"filetemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}/raw/{comittish}/{path}"
var gitHosts = {
github: {
// First two are insecure and generally shouldn't be used any more, but
// they are still supported.
"protocols": [ "git", "http", "git+ssh", "git+https", "ssh", "https" ],
"domain": "",
"pathmatch": /^[/]([^/]+)[/]([^/]+?)(?:[.]git)?$/,
"treepath": "tree",
"filetemplate": "{user}/{project}/{comittish}/{path}",
"bugstemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}/issues",
"gittemplate": "git://{domain}/{user}/{project}.git{#comittish}"
bitbucket: {
"protocols": [ "git+ssh", "git+https", "ssh", "https" ],
"domain": "",
"pathmatch": /^[/]([^/]+)[/]([^/]+?)(?:[.]git)?$/,
"treepath": "src"
gitlab: {
"protocols": [ "git+ssh", "git+https", "ssh", "https" ],
"domain": "",
"pathmatch": /^[/]([^/]+)[/]([^/]+?)(?:[.]git)?$/,
"treepath": "tree",
"docstemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}{/tree/comittish}#README",
"bugstemplate": "https://{domain}/{user}/{project}/issues"
gist: {
"protocols": [ "git", "git+ssh", "git+https", "ssh", "https" ],
"domain": "",
"pathmatch": /^[/](?:([^/]+)[/])?([a-z0-9]+)(?:[.]git)?$/,
"filetemplate": "{user}/{project}/raw{/comittish}/{path}",
"bugstemplate": "https://{domain}/{project}",
"gittemplate": "git://{domain}/{project}.git{#comittish}",
"sshtemplate": "git@{domain}:/{project}.git{#comittish}",
"sshurltemplate": "git+ssh://git@{domain}/{project}.git{#comittish}",
"browsetemplate": "https://{domain}/{project}{/comittish}",
"docstemplate": "https://{domain}/{project}{/comittish}",
"httpstemplate": "https://{domain}/{project}.git{#comittish}",
Object.keys(gitHosts).forEach(function(host) {
gitHosts[host].protocols_re = RegExp("^(" +
return P.replace(/([\\+*{}()\[\]$^|])/g, "\\$1")
}).join("|") + "):$")
GitHost.prototype.shortcut = function () {
return this.type + ":" + this.path()
GitHost.prototype.hash = function () {
return this.comittish ? "#" + this.comittish : ""
GitHost.prototype.path = function () {
return this.user + "/" + this.project + this.hash()
GitHost.prototype._fill = function (template, vars) {
if (!template) throw new Error("Tried to fill without template")
if (!vars) vars = {}
var self = this
Object.keys(this).forEach(function(K){ if (self[K]!=null && vars[K]==null) vars[K] = self[K] })
var rawComittish = vars.comittish
Object.keys(vars).forEach(function(K){ (K[0]!='#') && (vars[K] = encodeURIComponent(vars[K])) })
vars["#comittish"] = rawComittish ? "#" + rawComittish : ""
vars["/tree/comittish"] = vars.comittish ? "/"+vars.treepath+"/" + vars.comittish : "",
vars["/comittish"] = vars.comittish ? "/" + vars.comittish : ""
vars.comittish = vars.comittish || "master"
var res = template
res = res.replace(new RegExp("[{]" + K + "[}]", "g"), vars[K])
return res
GitHost.prototype.ssh = function () {
var sshtemplate = this.sshtemplate || gitHostDefaults.sshtemplate
return this._fill(sshtemplate)
GitHost.prototype.sshurl = function () {
var sshurltemplate = this.sshurltemplate || gitHostDefaults.sshurltemplate
return this._fill(sshurltemplate)
GitHost.prototype.browse = function () {
var browsetemplate = this.browsetemplate || gitHostDefaults.browsetemplate
return this._fill(browsetemplate)
} = function () {
var docstemplate = this.docstemplate || gitHostDefaults.docstemplate
return this._fill(docstemplate)
GitHost.prototype.bugs = function() {
if (! this.bugstemplate) return
return this._fill(this.bugstemplate)
GitHost.prototype.https = function () {
var httpstemplate = this.httpstemplate || gitHostDefaults.httpstemplate
return this._fill(httpstemplate)
GitHost.prototype.git = function () {
if (! this.gittemplate) return
return this._fill(this.gittemplate)
GitHost.prototype.file = function (P) {
var filetemplate = this.filetemplate || gitHostDefaults.filetemplate
return this._fill(filetemplate, {
path: P.replace(/^[/]+/g, "")
GitHost.prototype.toString = function () {
return this[this.default||"sshurl"]()