You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
4.8 KiB

var url = require('url')
var assert = require('assert')
var util = require('util')
var semver = require('semver')
var HostedGit = require('hosted-git-info')
module.exports = npa
var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || global.FAKE_WINDOWS
var slashRe = isWindows ? /\\|[/]/ : /[/]/
var parseName = /^(?:@([^/]+?)[/])?([^/]+?)$/
var nameAt = /^(@([^/]+?)[/])?([^/]+?)@/
var debug = util.debuglog
? util.debuglog('npa')
: /\bnpa\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '')
? function () {
console.error('NPA: ' + util.format.apply(util, arguments).split('\n').join('\nNPA: '))
: function () {}
function validName (name) {
if (!name) {
debug('not a name %j', name)
return false
var n = name.trim()
if (!n || n.charAt(0) === '.' ||
!n.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/) ||
n.match(/[/()&?#|<>@:%\s\\*'"!~`]/) ||
n.toLowerCase() === 'node_modules' ||
n !== encodeURIComponent(n) ||
n.toLowerCase() === 'favicon.ico') {
debug('not a valid name %j', name)
return false
return n
function npa (arg) {
assert.equal(typeof arg, 'string')
arg = arg.trim()
var res = new Result()
res.raw = arg
res.scope = null
res.escapedName = null
// See if it's something like foo@...
var nameparse = arg.match(nameAt)
debug('nameparse', nameparse)
if (nameparse && validName(nameparse[3]) &&
(!nameparse[2] || validName(nameparse[2]))) { = (nameparse[1] || '') + nameparse[3]
res.escapedName = escapeName(
if (nameparse[2]) {
res.scope = '@' + nameparse[2]
arg = arg.substr(nameparse[0].length)
} else { = null
res.rawSpec = arg
res.spec = arg
var urlparse = url.parse(arg)
debug('urlparse', urlparse)
// windows paths look like urls
// don't be fooled!
if (isWindows && urlparse && urlparse.protocol &&
urlparse.protocol.match(/^[a-zA-Z]:$/)) {
debug('windows url-ish local path', urlparse)
urlparse = {}
if (urlparse.protocol || HostedGit.fromUrl(arg)) {
return parseUrl(res, arg, urlparse)
// at this point, it's not a url, and not hosted
// If it's a valid name, and doesn't already have a name, then assume
// $name@"" range
// if it's got / chars in it, then assume that it's local.
if ( {
if (arg === '') arg = 'latest'
var version = semver.valid(arg, true)
var range = semver.validRange(arg, true)
// foo@...
if (version) {
res.spec = version
res.type = 'version'
} else if (range) {
res.spec = range
res.type = 'range'
} else if (slashRe.test(arg)) {
parseLocal(res, arg)
} else {
res.type = 'tag'
res.spec = arg
} else {
var p = arg.match(parseName)
if (p && validName(p[2]) &&
(!p[1] || validName(p[1]))) {
res.type = 'tag'
res.spec = 'latest'
res.rawSpec = '' = arg
res.escapedName = escapeName(
if (p[1]) {
res.scope = '@' + p[1]
} else {
parseLocal(res, arg)
return res
function escapeName (name) {
// scoped packages in couch must have slash url-encoded, e.g. @foo%2Fbar
return name && name.replace('/', '%2f')
function parseLocal (res, arg) {
// turns out nearly every character is allowed in fs paths
if (/\0/.test(arg)) {
throw new Error('Invalid Path: ' + JSON.stringify(arg))
res.type = 'local'
res.spec = arg
function parseUrl (res, arg, urlparse) {
var gitHost = HostedGit.fromUrl(arg)
if (gitHost) {
res.type = 'hosted'
res.spec = gitHost.toString()
res.hosted = {
type: gitHost.type,
ssh: gitHost.ssh(),
sshUrl: gitHost.sshurl(),
httpsUrl: gitHost.https(),
gitUrl: gitHost.git(),
shortcut: gitHost.shortcut(),
directUrl: gitHost.file('package.json')
return res
// check the protocol, and then see if it's git or not
switch (urlparse.protocol) {
case 'git:':
case 'git+http:':
case 'git+https:':
case 'git+rsync:':
case 'git+ftp:':
case 'git+ssh:':
case 'git+file:':
res.type = 'git'
res.spec = arg.replace(/^git[+]/, '')
case 'http:':
case 'https:':
res.type = 'remote'
res.spec = arg
case 'file:':
res.type = 'local'
if (isWindows && arg.match(/^file:\/\/\/?[a-z]:/i)) {
// Windows URIs usually parse all wrong, so we just take matters
// into our own hands, in this case.
res.spec = arg.replace(/^file:\/\/\/?/i, '')
} else {
res.spec = urlparse.pathname
throw new Error('Unsupported URL Type: ' + arg)
return res
function Result () {
if (!(this instanceof Result)) return new Result()
} = null
Result.prototype.type = null
Result.prototype.spec = null
Result.prototype.raw = null
Result.prototype.hosted = null