You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

716 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var num = 5;
var str = "str";
function fn() { return "result"; }
var obj = {
num: num,
str: str,
fn: function() { return "result"; }
(function testBasicExpressions() {
assertEquals("foo 5 bar", `foo ${num} bar`);
assertEquals("foo str bar", `foo ${str} bar`);
assertEquals("foo [object Object] bar", `foo ${obj} bar`);
assertEquals("foo result bar", `foo ${fn()} bar`);
assertEquals("foo 5 bar", `foo ${obj.num} bar`);
assertEquals("foo str bar", `foo ${obj.str} bar`);
assertEquals("foo result bar", `foo ${obj.fn()} bar`);
(function testExpressionsContainingTemplates() {
assertEquals("foo bar 5", `foo ${`bar ${num}`}`);
(function testMultilineTemplates() {
assertEquals("foo\n bar\n baz", `foo
assertEquals("foo\n bar\n baz", eval("`foo\r\n bar\r baz`"));
(function testLineContinuation() {
assertEquals("\n", `\
(function testTaggedTemplates() {
var calls = 0;
(function(s) {
assertEquals(1, calls);
calls = 0;
// assert tag is invoked in right context
obj = {
fn: function() {
assertEquals(obj, this);
assertEquals(1, calls);
calls = 0;
// Simple templates only have a callSiteObj
(function(s) {
assertEquals(1, arguments.length);
assertEquals(1, calls);
// Templates containing expressions have the values of evaluated expressions
calls = 0;
(function(site, n, s, o, f, r) {
assertEquals(6, arguments.length);
assertEquals("number", typeof n);
assertEquals("string", typeof s);
assertEquals("object", typeof o);
assertEquals("function", typeof f);
assertEquals("result", r);
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV and TRV of NoSubstitutionTemplate :: `` is the empty code unit
// sequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) {
assertEquals(1, s.length);
assertEquals(1, s.raw.length);
assertEquals("", s[0]);
// Failure: expected <""> found <"foo barfoo barfoo foo foo foo testtest">
assertEquals("", s.raw[0]);
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV and TRV of TemplateHead :: `${ is the empty code unit sequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) {
assertEquals(2, s.length);
assertEquals(2, s.raw.length);
assertEquals("", s[0]);
assertEquals("", s.raw[0]);
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV and TRV of TemplateMiddle :: }${ is the empty code unit sequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) {
assertEquals(3, s.length);
assertEquals(3, s.raw.length);
assertEquals("", s[1]);
assertEquals("", s.raw[1]);
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV and TRV of TemplateTail :: }` is the empty code unit sequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) {
assertEquals(2, s.length);
assertEquals(2, s.raw.length);
assertEquals("", s[1]);
assertEquals("", s.raw[1]);
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of NoSubstitutionTemplate :: ` TemplateCharacters ` is the TV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("foo", s[0]); })`foo`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of TemplateHead :: ` TemplateCharacters ${ is the TV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("foo", s[0]); })`foo${1}`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of TemplateMiddle :: } TemplateCharacters ${ is the TV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("foo", s[1]); })`${1}foo${2}`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of TemplateTail :: } TemplateCharacters ` is the TV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("foo", s[1]); })`${1}foo`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of TemplateCharacters :: TemplateCharacter is the TV of
// TemplateCharacter.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("f", s[0]); })`f`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of TemplateCharacter :: $ is the code unit value 0x0024.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("$", s[0]); })`$`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TV of TemplateCharacter :: \ EscapeSequence is the CV of
// EscapeSequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("안녕", s[0]); })`\uc548\uB155`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\xff", s[0]); })`\xff`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\n", s[0]); })`\n`;
assertEquals(3, calls);
// The TV of TemplateCharacter :: LineContinuation is the TV of
// LineContinuation. The TV of LineContinuation :: \ LineTerminatorSequence is
// the empty code unit sequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("", s[0]); })`\
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of NoSubstitutionTemplate :: ` TemplateCharacters ` is the TRV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("test", s.raw[0]); })`test`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of TemplateHead :: ` TemplateCharacters ${ is the TRV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("test", s.raw[0]); })`test${1}`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of TemplateMiddle :: } TemplateCharacters ${ is the TRV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("test", s.raw[1]); })`${1}test${2}`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of TemplateTail :: } TemplateCharacters ` is the TRV of
// TemplateCharacters.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("test", s.raw[1]); })`${1}test`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of TemplateCharacters :: TemplateCharacter is the TRV of
// TemplateCharacter.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("f", s.raw[0]); })`f`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of TemplateCharacter :: $ is the code unit value 0x0024.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u0024", s.raw[0]); })`$`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of EscapeSequence :: 0 is the code unit value 0x0030.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005C\u0030", s.raw[0]); })`\0`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of TemplateCharacter :: \ EscapeSequence is the sequence consisting
// of the code unit value 0x005C followed by the code units of TRV of
// EscapeSequence.
// The TRV of EscapeSequence :: HexEscapeSequence is the TRV of the
// HexEscapeSequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cxff", s.raw[0]); })`\xff`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of EscapeSequence :: UnicodeEscapeSequence is the TRV of the
// UnicodeEscapeSequence.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cuc548", s.raw[0]); })`\uc548`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of CharacterEscapeSequence :: SingleEscapeCharacter is the TRV of
// the SingleEscapeCharacter.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005C\u0027", s.raw[0]); })`\'`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005C\u0022", s.raw[0]); })`\"`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005C\u005C", s.raw[0]); })`\\`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cb", s.raw[0]); })`\b`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cf", s.raw[0]); })`\f`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cn", s.raw[0]); })`\n`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cr", s.raw[0]); })`\r`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Ct", s.raw[0]); })`\t`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cv", s.raw[0]); })`\v`;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005C`", s.raw[0]); })`\``;
assertEquals(10, calls);
// The TRV of CharacterEscapeSequence :: NonEscapeCharacter is the CV of the
// NonEscapeCharacter.
calls = 0;
(function(s) { calls++; assertEquals("\u005Cz", s.raw[0]); })`\z`;
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of LineTerminatorSequence :: <LF> is the code unit value 0x000A.
// The TRV of LineTerminatorSequence :: <CR> is the code unit value 0x000A.
// The TRV of LineTerminatorSequence :: <CR><LF> is the sequence consisting of
// the code unit value 0x000A.
calls = 0;
function testRawLineNormalization(cs) {
assertEquals(cs.raw[0], "\n\n\n");
assertEquals(cs.raw[1], "\n\n\n");
assertEquals(1, calls);
// The TRV of LineContinuation :: \ LineTerminatorSequence is the sequence
// consisting of the code unit value 0x005C followed by the code units of TRV
// of LineTerminatorSequence.
calls = 0;
function testRawLineContinuation(cs) {
assertEquals(cs.raw[0], "\u005C\n\u005C\n\u005C\n");
assertEquals(cs.raw[1], "\u005C\n\u005C\n\u005C\n");
assertEquals(1, calls);
(function testCallSiteObj() {
var calls = 0;
function tag(cs) {
var raw = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cs, "raw");
assertEquals(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(cs.raw));
assertEquals(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(cs));
var cooked0 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cs, "0");
var raw0 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cs.raw, "0");
var length = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cs, "length");
length = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cs.raw, "length");
assertEquals(1, calls);
(function testUTF16ByteOrderMark() {
assertEquals("\uFEFFtest", `\uFEFFtest`);
assertEquals("\uFEFFtest", eval("`\uFEFFtest`"));
(function testStringRawAsTagFn() {
assertEquals("\\\n\\\n\\\n", eval("String.raw`\\\r\\\r\n\\\n`"));
assertEquals("", String.raw``);
(function testCallSiteCaching() {
var callSites = [];
function tag(cs) { callSites.push(cs); }
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
assertEquals(2, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[0], callSites[1]);
assertEquals(3, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[1], callSites[2]);
assertEquals(4, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[2], callSites[3]);
(new Function("tag", "a", "b", "return tag`head${a}tail`;"))(tag, 1, 2);
assertEquals(5, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[3], callSites[4]);
(new Function("tag", "a", "b", "return tag`head${b}tail`;"))(tag, 1, 2);
assertEquals(6, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[4], callSites[5]);
callSites = [];
assertEquals(2, callSites.length);
assertEquals(2, callSites[0].length);
assertEquals(1, callSites[1].length);
callSites = [];
assertEquals(2, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[0], callSites[1]);
assertEquals("", callSites[0][0]);
assertEquals("\\\n\\\n\\\n", callSites[0].raw[0]);
callSites = [];
assertEquals(2, callSites.length);
assertSame(callSites[0], callSites[1]);
assertEquals("안녕", callSites[0][0]);
assertEquals("\\uc548\\ub155", callSites[0].raw[0]);
callSites = [];
assertEquals(2, callSites.length);
assertTrue(callSites[0] !== callSites[1]);
assertEquals("안녕", callSites[0][0]);
assertEquals("\\uc548\\ub155", callSites[0].raw[0]);
assertEquals("안녕", callSites[1][0]);
assertEquals("안녕", callSites[1].raw[0]);
// Extra-thorough UTF8 decoding test.
callSites = [];
assertEquals(2, callSites.length);
assertTrue(callSites[0] !== callSites[1]);
assertEquals("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn☃💩", callSites[0][0]);
"Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn\\u2603\\uD83D\\uDCA9", callSites[0].raw[0]);
assertEquals("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn☃💩", callSites[1][0]);
assertEquals("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn☃💩", callSites[1].raw[0]);
(function testExtendedArrayPrototype() {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 0, {
set: function() {
configurable: true
function tag(){}
delete Array.prototype[0];
(function testRawLineNormalization() {
function raw0(callSiteObj) {
return callSiteObj.raw[0];
assertEquals(eval("raw0`\r`"), "\n");
assertEquals(eval("raw0`\r\n`"), "\n");
assertEquals(eval("raw0`\r\r\n`"), "\n\n");
assertEquals(eval("raw0`\r\n\r\n`"), "\n\n");
assertEquals(eval("raw0`\r\r\r\n`"), "\n\n\n");
(function testHarmonyUnicode() {
function raw0(callSiteObj) {
return callSiteObj.raw[0];
assertEquals(raw0`a\u{62}c`, "a\\u{62}c");
assertEquals(raw0`a\u{000062}c`, "a\\u{000062}c");
assertEquals(raw0`a\u{0}c`, "a\\u{0}c");
assertEquals(`a\u{62}c`, "abc");
assertEquals(`a\u{000062}c`, "abc");
(function testLiteralAfterRightBrace() {
// Regression test for
function f() {}
function g() {}`def`;
// block
// block
(function testLegacyOctal() {
assertEquals('\u0000', `\0`);
assertEquals('\u0000a', `\0a`);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var code = "`\\0" + i + "`";
assertThrows(code, SyntaxError);
code = "(function(){})" + code;
assertThrows(code, SyntaxError);
assertEquals('\\0', String.raw`\0`);
(function testSyntaxErrorsNonEscapeCharacter() {
assertThrows("`\\x`", SyntaxError);
assertThrows("`\\u`", SyntaxError);
for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
var code = "`\\" + i + "`";
assertThrows(code, SyntaxError);
code = "(function(){})" + code;
assertThrows(code, SyntaxError);
(function testValidNumericEscapes() {
assertEquals("8", `\8`);
assertEquals("9", `\9`);
(function testLegacyOctalEscapesInExpressions() {
// Allowed in sloppy expression
assertEquals("\x07", `${"\07"}`);
// Disallowed in template tail
assertThrows("`${\"\\07\"}\\07`", SyntaxError);
// Disallowed in strict expression
assertThrows("`${(function() { \"use strict\"; return \"\\07\"; })()}`",
var global = this;
(function testCallNew() {
"use strict";
var called = false;
var calledWith;
global.log = function(x) { called = true; calledWith = x; }
assertInstanceof(new Function`log("test")`, Object);
assertSame("test", calledWith);
delete global.log;
(function testCallNew2() {
"use strict";
var log = [];
function tag(x) {
if (!(this instanceof tag)) {
return tag;
this.x = x === void 0 ? null : x;
return this;
// No arguments passed to constructor
var instance = new tag`x``y``z`;
assertInstanceof(instance, tag);
assertSame(tag.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(instance));
assertEquals({ x: null }, instance);
assertEquals([["x"], ["y"], ["z"], undefined], log);
// Arguments passed to constructor
log.length = 0;
instance = new tag`x2` `y2` `z2` (`test`);
assertInstanceof(instance, tag);
assertSame(tag.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(instance));
assertEquals({ x: "test" }, instance);
assertEquals([["x2"], ["y2"], ["z2"], "test"], log);
(function testCallResultOfTagFn() {
"use strict";
var i = 0;
var raw = [];
function tag(cs) {
var args =;
var text = String.raw.apply(null, args);
if (i++ < 2) {
raw.push("tag;" + text);
return tag;
raw.push("raw;" + text);
return text;
assertEquals("test3", tag`test1``test2``test3`);
], raw);
(function testReturnValueAsTagFn() {
"use strict";
var i = 0;
function makeTag() {
return function tag(cs) {
var args =, 1);
var rcs = [];
rcs.raw = {
return '!' + s + '!';
return String.raw.apply(null, args);
assertEquals('!hi!', makeTag()`hi`);
assertEquals('!test!0!test!', makeTag()`test${0}test`);
assertEquals('!!', makeTag()``);
(function testToStringSubstitutions() {
var a = {
toString: function() { return "a"; },
valueOf: function() { return "-a-"; }
var b = {
toString: function() { return "b"; },
valueOf: function() { return "-b-"; }
assertEquals("a", `${a}`);
assertEquals("ab", `${a}${b}`);
assertEquals("-a--b-", `${a + b}`);
assertEquals("-a-", `${a + ""}`);
assertEquals("1a", `1${a}`);
assertEquals("1a2", `1${a}2`);
assertEquals("1a2b", `1${a}2${b}`);
assertEquals("1a2b3", `1${a}2${b}3`);
(function testToStringSubstitutionsOrder() {
var subs = [];
var log = [];
function getter(name, value) {
return {
get: function() {
log.push("get" + name);
return value;
set: function(v) {
log.push("set" + name);
Object.defineProperties(subs, {
0: getter(0, "a"),
1: getter(1, "b"),
2: getter(2, "c")
assertEquals("-a-b-c-", `-${subs[0]}-${subs[1]}-${subs[2]}-`);
assertArrayEquals(["get0", "get1", "get2"], log);
(function testTaggedToStringSubstitutionsOrder() {
var subs = [];
var log = [];
var tagged = [];
function getter(name, value) {
return {
get: function() {
log.push("get" + name);
return value;
set: function(v) {
log.push("set" + name);
Object.defineProperties(subs, {
0: getter(0, 1),
1: getter(1, 2),
2: getter(2, 3)
function tag(cs) {
var n_substitutions = arguments.length - 1;
var n_cooked = cs.length;
var e = cs[0];
var i = 0;
assertEquals(n_cooked, n_substitutions + 1);
while (i < n_substitutions) {
var sub = arguments[i++ + 1];
var tail = cs[i];
e = e.concat(sub, tail);
return e;
assertEquals("-1-2-3-", tag`-${subs[0]}-${subs[1]}-${subs[2]}-`);
assertArrayEquals(["get0", "get1", "get2"], log);
assertArrayEquals([1, 2, 3], tagged);
tagged.length = 0;
log.length = 0;
assertEquals("-1-", tag`-${subs[0]}-`);
assertArrayEquals(["get0"], log);
assertArrayEquals([1], tagged);
// Since the first argument to the tag function is always an array,
// eval calls will always just return that array.
(function testEvalTagStrict() {
"use strict";
var f = (x) => eval`a${x}b`;
var result = f();
assertEquals(["a", "b"], result);
assertSame(result, f());
(function testEvalTagSloppy() {
var f = (x) => eval`a${x}b`;
var result = f();
assertEquals(["a", "b"], result);
assertSame(result, f());