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// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax
// Ensure `Array.prototype.includes` functions correctly for numerous elements
// kinds, and various exotic receiver types,
// TODO(caitp): update kIterCount to a high enough number to trigger inlining,
// once inlining this builtin is supported
var kIterCount = 1;
var kTests = {
Array: {
var r = /foo/;
var s = new String("bar");
var p = new Proxy({}, {});
var o = {};
var array = [r, s, p];
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
var r = /foo/;
var p = new Proxy({}, {});
var o = {};
var array = [r, , p];
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
var array = [0, 88, 9999, 1, -5, 7];
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
var array = [49, , , 72, , , 67, -48];
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertFalse(array.includes(72, 4));
assertFalse(array.includes(undefined, -2));
var array = [7.00000001, -13000.89412, 73451.4124,
5824.48, 6.0000495, 48.3488, 44.0, 76.35, NaN, 78.4];
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertFalse(array.includes(7.00000001, 2));
assertFalse(array.includes(NaN, -1));
assertFalse(array.includes(-13000.89412, -2));
var array = [7.00000001, -13000.89412, ,
5824.48, , 48.3488, , NaN, , 78.4];
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertFalse(array.includes(7.00000001, 2));
assertFalse(array.includes(NaN, -2));
assertFalse(array.includes(-13000.89412, -2));
assertTrue(array.includes(undefined, -2));
assertFalse(array.includes(undefined, -1));
var array = [];
Object.defineProperty(array, 4, { get() { return NaN; } });
Object.defineProperty(array, 7, { value: Function });
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertFalse(array.includes(NaN, -3));
assertFalse(array.includes(undefined, 7));
Object: {
var r = /foo/;
var s = new String("bar");
var p = new Proxy({}, {});
var o = {};
var object = { 0: r, 1: s, 2: p, length: 3 };
// TODO(caitp): JSObjects always seem to start with HOLEY_ELEMENTS
// assertFalse(%HasHoleyElements(object));
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, p));
assertFalse(, o));
var r = /foo/;
var p = new Proxy({}, {});
var o = {};
var object = { 0: r, 2: p, length: 3 };
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, p));
assertFalse(, o));
var object = { 0: 0, 1: 88, 2: 9999, 3: 1, 4: -5, 5: 7, length: 6 };
// TODO(caitp): JSObjects always seem to start with HOLEY_ELEMENTS
// assertTrue(%HasSmiElements(object));
// assertFalse(%HasHoleyElements(object));
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, 9999));
assertTrue(, -5));
assertFalse(, -5.00001));
assertFalse(, undefined));
assertFalse(, NaN));
var object = { 0: 49, 3: 72, 6: 67, 7: -48, length: 8 };
// TODO(caitp): JSObjects always seem to start with HOLEY_ELEMENTS
// assertTrue(%HasSmiElements(object));
// assertTrue(%HasHoleyElements(object));
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, 72));
assertTrue(, -48));
assertFalse(, 72, 4));
assertTrue(, undefined));
assertFalse(, undefined, -2));
assertFalse(, NaN));
var object = { 0: 7.00000001, 1: -13000.89412, 2: 73451.4124,
3: 5824.48, 4: 6.0000495, 5: 48.3488, 6: 44.0, 7: 76.35,
8: NaN, 9: 78.4, length: 10 };
// TODO(caitp): JSObjects always seem to start with HOLEY_ELEMENTS
// assertTrue(%HasDoubleElements(object));
// assertFalse(%HasHoleyElements(object));
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, 7.00000001));
assertFalse(, 7.00000001, 2));
assertTrue(, NaN));
assertFalse(, NaN, -1));
assertTrue(, -13000.89412));
assertFalse(, -13000.89412, -2));
assertFalse(, undefined));
var object = { 0: 7.00000001, 1: -13000.89412, 3: 5824.48, 5: 48.3488,
7: NaN, 9: 78.4, length: 10 };
// TODO(caitp): JSObjects always seem to start with HOLEY_ELEMENTS
// assertTrue(%HasDoubleElements(object));
// assertTrue(%HasHoleyElements(object));
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, 7.00000001));
assertFalse(, 7.00000001, 2));
assertTrue(, NaN));
assertFalse(, NaN, -2));
assertTrue(, -13000.89412));
assertFalse(, -13000.89412, -2));
assertTrue(, undefined, -2));
assertFalse(, undefined, -1));
var object = { length: 8 };
Object.defineProperty(object, 4, { get() { return NaN; } });
Object.defineProperty(object, 7, { value: Function });
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue(, NaN));
assertFalse(, NaN, -3));
assertTrue(, Function));
assertTrue(, undefined));
assertFalse(, undefined, 7));
(function prototypeModifiedDuringAccessor() {
function O() {
return {
__proto__: {},
get 0() {
this.__proto__.__proto__ = {
get 1() {
this[2] = "c";
return "b";
return "a";
length: 3
// Switch to slow path when first accessor modifies the prototype
assertTrue(, "a"));
assertTrue(, "b"));
assertTrue(, "c"));
// Avoid switching to slow path due to avoiding the accessor
assertFalse(, "c", 2));
assertFalse(, "b", 1));
assertTrue(, undefined, 1));
String: {
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue("froyo", "y"));
assertFalse("froyo", "y", -1));
assertTrue("froyo", "y", -2));
assertFalse("froyo", NaN));
assertFalse("froyo", undefined));
var string = new String("froyo");
// Never accessible from A.p.includes as 'length' is not configurable
Object.defineProperty(string, 34, { value: NaN });
Object.defineProperty(string, 12, { get() { return "nope" } });
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertTrue("froyo", "y"));
assertFalse("froyo", "y", -1));
assertTrue("froyo", "y", -2));
assertFalse(, NaN));
assertFalse(, undefined));
assertFalse(, "nope"));
Arguments: {
var args = (function(a, b) { return arguments; })("foo", NaN, "bar");
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertFalse(, undefined));
assertTrue(, NaN));
assertFalse(, NaN, -1));
assertTrue(, "bar", -1));
var args = (function(a, a) { return arguments; })("foo", NaN, "bar");
Object.defineProperty(args, 3, { get() { return "silver"; } });
Object.defineProperty(args, "length", { value: 4 });
for (var i = 0; i < kIterCount; ++i) {
assertFalse(, undefined));
assertTrue(, NaN));
assertFalse(, NaN, -2));
assertTrue(, "bar", -2));
assertTrue(, "silver", -1));
TypedArray: {
Int8Array() {
var array = new Int8Array([-129, 128,
NaN /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */,
+Infinity /* 0 */, -Infinity /* 0 */,
255 /* -1 */, 127 /* 127 */, -255 /* 1 */]);
assertFalse(, -129));
assertFalse(, 128));
assertTrue(, 0, 2));
assertTrue(, 0, 3));
assertTrue(, 0, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0, 7));
assertTrue(, -1, 7));
assertFalse(, -1, 8));
assertTrue(, 127, 8));
assertFalse(, 127, 9));
assertTrue(, 1, 9));
Detached_Int8Array() {
var array = new Int8Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Uint8Array() {
var array = new Uint8Array([-1, 256,
NaN /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */,
+Infinity /* 0 */, -Infinity /* 0 */,
255 /* 255 */, 257 /* 1 */, -128 /* 128 */,
-2 /* 254 */]);
assertFalse(, -1));
assertFalse(, 256));
assertTrue(, 0, 2));
assertTrue(, 0, 3));
assertTrue(, 0, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0, 7));
assertTrue(, 255, 7));
assertFalse(, 255, 8));
assertTrue(, 1, 8));
assertFalse(, 1, 9));
assertTrue(, 128, 9));
assertFalse(, 128, 10));
assertTrue(, 254, 10));
Detached_Uint8Array() {
var array = new Uint8Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Uint8ClampedArray() {
var array = new Uint8ClampedArray([-1 /* 0 */, NaN /* 0 */, 256 /* 255 */,
127.6 /* 128 */, 127.4 /* 127 */,
121.5 /* 122 */, 124.5 /* 124 */]);
assertFalse(, -1));
assertFalse(, 256));
assertTrue(, 0));
assertTrue(, 0, 1));
assertTrue(, 255, 2));
assertTrue(, 128, 3));
assertFalse(, 128, 4));
assertTrue(, 127, 4));
assertFalse(, 127, 5));
assertTrue(, 122, 5));
assertFalse(, 122, 6));
assertTrue(, 124, 6));
Detached_Uint8ClampedArray() {
var array = new Uint8ClampedArray(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Int16Array() {
var array = new Int16Array([-32769, 32768,
NaN /* 0 */, Infinity /* 0 */,
-Infinity /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */,
0x7FFFF /* -1 */, 30000 /* 30000 */,
300000 /* -27680 */]);
assertFalse(, -32769));
assertFalse(, 32768));
assertTrue(, 0, 2));
assertTrue(, 0, 3));
assertTrue(, 0, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0, 7));
assertTrue(, -1, 7));
assertFalse(, -1, 8));
assertTrue(, 30000, 8));
assertFalse(, 30000, 9));
assertTrue(, -27680, 9));
Detached_Int16Array() {
var array = new Int16Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Uint16Array() {
var array = new Uint16Array([-1, 65536,
NaN /* 0 */, Infinity /* 0 */,
-Infinity /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */,
0x7FFFF /* 65535 */, 300000 /* 37856 */,
3000000 /* 50880 */]);
assertFalse(, -1));
assertFalse(, 65536));
assertTrue(, 0, 2));
assertTrue(, 0, 3));
assertTrue(, 0, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0, 7));
assertTrue(, 65535, 7));
assertFalse(, 65535, 8));
assertTrue(, 37856, 8));
assertFalse(, 37856, 9));
assertTrue(, 50880, 9));
Detached_Uint16Array() {
var array = new Uint16Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Int32Array() {
var array = new Int32Array([-2147483649, 2147483648,
NaN /* 0 */, Infinity /* 0 */,
-Infinity /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */,
0x7FFFFFFFF /* -1 */, 4294968064 /* 768 */,
4294959447 /* -7849 */]);
assertFalse(, -2147483649));
assertFalse(, 2147483648));
assertTrue(, 0.0, 2));
assertTrue(, 0.0, 3));
assertTrue(, 0, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0.0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0.0, 7));
assertTrue(, -1, 7));
assertFalse(, -1, 8));
assertTrue(, 768, 8));
assertFalse(, 768, 9));
assertTrue(, -7849, 9));
Detached_Int32Array() {
var array = new Int32Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Uint32Array() {
var array = new Uint32Array([-1, 4294967296,
NaN /* 0 */, Infinity /* 0 */,
-Infinity /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */,
0x7FFFFFFFF /* 4294967295 */,
4294968064 /* 768 */,
4295079447 /* 112151 */]);
assertFalse(, -1));
assertFalse(, 4294967296));
assertTrue(, 0.0, 2));
assertTrue(, 0.0, 3));
assertTrue(, 0, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0.0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0.0, 7));
assertTrue(, 4294967295, 7));
assertFalse(, 4294967295, 8));
assertTrue(, 768, 8));
assertFalse(, 768, 9));
assertTrue(, 112151, 9));
Detached_Uint32Array() {
var array = new Uint32Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Float32Array() {
var array = new Float32Array([-1, 4294967296,
NaN, Infinity /* 0 */,
-Infinity /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */,
0x7FFFFFFFF /* 34359738368.0 */,
-4294968064 /* -4294968320.0 */,
4295079447 /* 4295079424.0 */]);
assertTrue(, -1.0));
assertTrue(, 4294967296));
assertTrue(, NaN, 2));
assertTrue(, Infinity, 3));
assertTrue(, -Infinity, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0.0, 7));
assertTrue(, 34359738368.0, 7));
assertFalse(, 34359738368.0, 8));
assertTrue(, -4294968320.0, 8));
assertFalse(, -4294968320.0, 9));
assertTrue(, 4295079424.0, 9));
Detached_Float32Array() {
var array = new Float32Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
Float64Array() {
var array = new Float64Array([-1, 4294967296,
NaN, Infinity /* 0 */,
-Infinity /* 0 */, -0 /* 0 */, +0 /* 0 */,
0x7FFFFFFFF /* 34359738367.0 */,
-4294968064 /* -4294968064.0 */,
4295079447 /* 4295079447.0 */]);
assertTrue(, -1.0));
assertTrue(, 4294967296));
assertTrue(, NaN, 2));
assertTrue(, Infinity, 3));
assertTrue(, -Infinity, 4));
assertTrue(, 0, 5));
assertTrue(, 0, 6));
assertFalse(, 0.0, 7));
assertTrue(, 34359738367.0, 7));
assertFalse(, 34359738367.0, 8));
assertTrue(, -4294968064.0, 8));
assertFalse(, -4294968064.0, 9));
assertTrue(, 4295079447.0, 9));
Detached_Float64Array() {
var array = new Float32Array(10);
assertFalse(, 0));
assertFalse(, 0, 10));
function runSuites(suites) {
Object.keys(suites).forEach(suite => runSuite(suites[suite]));
function runSuite(suite) {
Object.keys(suite).forEach(test => suite[test]());