You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1043 lines
35 KiB

* @fileoverview Main ESLint object.
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas
* @copyright 2013 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
"use strict";
// Requirements
var estraverse = require("./util/estraverse"),
escope = require("escope"),
environments = require("../conf/environments"),
blankScriptAST = require("../conf/blank-script.json"),
assign = require("object-assign"),
rules = require("./rules"),
RuleContext = require("./rule-context"),
timing = require("./timing"),
SourceCode = require("./util/source-code"),
NodeEventGenerator = require("./util/node-event-generator"),
CommentEventGenerator = require("./util/comment-event-generator"),
EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter,
ConfigOps = require("./config/config-ops"),
validator = require("./config/config-validator"),
replacements = require("../conf/replacements.json"),
assert = require("assert");
var DEFAULT_PARSER = require("../conf/eslint.json").parser;
// Helpers
* Parses a list of "name:boolean_value" or/and "name" options divided by comma or
* whitespace.
* @param {string} string The string to parse.
* @param {Comment} comment The comment node which has the string.
* @returns {Object} Result map object of names and boolean values
function parseBooleanConfig(string, comment) {
var items = {};
// Collapse whitespace around : to make parsing easier
string = string.replace(/\s*:\s*/g, ":");
// Collapse whitespace around ,
string = string.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",");
string.split(/\s|,+/).forEach(function(name) {
if (!name) {
var pos = name.indexOf(":"),
if (pos !== -1) {
value = name.substring(pos + 1, name.length);
name = name.substring(0, pos);
items[name] = {
value: (value === "true"),
comment: comment
return items;
* Parses a JSON-like config.
* @param {string} string The string to parse.
* @param {Object} location Start line and column of comments for potential error message.
* @param {Object[]} messages The messages queue for potential error message.
* @returns {Object} Result map object
function parseJsonConfig(string, location, messages) {
var items = {};
string = string.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]+):/g, "\"$1\":").replace(/(\]|[0-9])\s+(?=")/, "$1,");
try {
items = JSON.parse("{" + string + "}");
} catch (ex) {
fatal: true,
severity: 2,
message: "Failed to parse JSON from '" + string + "': " + ex.message,
line: location.start.line,
column: location.start.column + 1
return items;
* Parses a config of values separated by comma.
* @param {string} string The string to parse.
* @returns {Object} Result map of values and true values
function parseListConfig(string) {
var items = {};
// Collapse whitespace around ,
string = string.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",");
string.split(/,+/).forEach(function(name) {
name = name.trim();
if (!name) {
items[name] = true;
return items;
* Ensures that variables representing built-in properties of the Global Object,
* and any globals declared by special block comments, are present in the global
* scope.
* @param {ASTNode} program The top node of the AST.
* @param {Scope} globalScope The global scope.
* @param {Object} config The existing configuration data.
* @returns {void}
function addDeclaredGlobals(program, globalScope, config) {
var declaredGlobals = {},
exportedGlobals = {},
explicitGlobals = {},
builtin = environments.builtin;
assign(declaredGlobals, builtin);
Object.keys(config.env).forEach(function(name) {
if (config.env[name]) {
var environmentGlobals = environments[name] && environments[name].globals;
if (environmentGlobals) {
assign(declaredGlobals, environmentGlobals);
assign(exportedGlobals, config.exported);
assign(declaredGlobals, config.globals);
assign(explicitGlobals, config.astGlobals);
Object.keys(declaredGlobals).forEach(function(name) {
var variable = globalScope.set.get(name);
if (!variable) {
variable = new escope.Variable(name, globalScope);
variable.eslintExplicitGlobal = false;
globalScope.set.set(name, variable);
variable.writeable = declaredGlobals[name];
Object.keys(explicitGlobals).forEach(function(name) {
var variable = globalScope.set.get(name);
if (!variable) {
variable = new escope.Variable(name, globalScope);
variable.eslintExplicitGlobal = true;
variable.eslintExplicitGlobalComment = explicitGlobals[name].comment;
globalScope.set.set(name, variable);
variable.writeable = explicitGlobals[name].value;
// mark all exported variables as such
Object.keys(exportedGlobals).forEach(function(name) {
var variable = globalScope.set.get(name);
if (variable) {
variable.eslintUsed = true;
* Add data to reporting configuration to disable reporting for list of rules
* starting from start location
* @param {Object[]} reportingConfig Current reporting configuration
* @param {Object} start Position to start
* @param {string[]} rulesToDisable List of rules
* @returns {void}
function disableReporting(reportingConfig, start, rulesToDisable) {
if (rulesToDisable.length) {
rulesToDisable.forEach(function(rule) {
start: start,
end: null,
rule: rule
} else {
start: start,
end: null,
rule: null
* Add data to reporting configuration to enable reporting for list of rules
* starting from start location
* @param {Object[]} reportingConfig Current reporting configuration
* @param {Object} start Position to start
* @param {string[]} rulesToEnable List of rules
* @returns {void}
function enableReporting(reportingConfig, start, rulesToEnable) {
var i;
if (rulesToEnable.length) {
rulesToEnable.forEach(function(rule) {
for (i = reportingConfig.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!reportingConfig[i].end && reportingConfig[i].rule === rule ) {
reportingConfig[i].end = start;
} else {
// find all previous disabled locations if they was started as list of rules
var prevStart;
for (i = reportingConfig.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (prevStart && prevStart !== reportingConfig[i].start) {
if (!reportingConfig[i].end) {
reportingConfig[i].end = start;
prevStart = reportingConfig[i].start;
* Parses comments in file to extract file-specific config of rules, globals
* and environments and merges them with global config; also code blocks
* where reporting is disabled or enabled and merges them with reporting config.
* @param {string} filename The file being checked.
* @param {ASTNode} ast The top node of the AST.
* @param {Object} config The existing configuration data.
* @param {Object[]} reportingConfig The existing reporting configuration data.
* @param {Object[]} messages The messages queue.
* @returns {object} Modified config object
function modifyConfigsFromComments(filename, ast, config, reportingConfig, messages) {
var commentConfig = {
exported: {},
astGlobals: {},
rules: {},
env: {}
var commentRules = {};
ast.comments.forEach(function(comment) {
var value = comment.value.trim();
var match = /^(eslint-\w+|eslint-\w+-\w+|eslint|exported|globals?)(\s|$)/.exec(value);
if (match) {
value = value.substring(match.index + match[1].length);
if (comment.type === "Block") {
switch (match[1]) {
case "exported":
assign(commentConfig.exported, parseBooleanConfig(value, comment));
case "globals":
case "global":
assign(commentConfig.astGlobals, parseBooleanConfig(value, comment));
case "eslint-env":
assign(commentConfig.env, parseListConfig(value));
case "eslint-disable":
disableReporting(reportingConfig, comment.loc.start, Object.keys(parseListConfig(value)));
case "eslint-enable":
enableReporting(reportingConfig, comment.loc.start, Object.keys(parseListConfig(value)));
case "eslint":
var items = parseJsonConfig(value, comment.loc, messages);
Object.keys(items).forEach(function(name) {
var ruleValue = items[name];
validator.validateRuleOptions(name, ruleValue, filename + " line " + comment.loc.start.line);
commentRules[name] = ruleValue;
// no default
} else {
// comment.type === "Line"
if (match[1] === "eslint-disable-line") {
disableReporting(reportingConfig, { "line": comment.loc.start.line, "column": 0 }, Object.keys(parseListConfig(value)));
enableReporting(reportingConfig, comment.loc.end, Object.keys(parseListConfig(value)));
// apply environment configs
Object.keys(commentConfig.env).forEach(function(name) {
if (environments[name]) {
commentConfig = ConfigOps.merge(commentConfig, environments[name]);
assign(commentConfig.rules, commentRules);
return ConfigOps.merge(config, commentConfig);
* Check if message of rule with ruleId should be ignored in location
* @param {Object[]} reportingConfig Collection of ignore records
* @param {string} ruleId Id of rule
* @param {Object} location Location of message
* @returns {boolean} True if message should be ignored, false otherwise
function isDisabledByReportingConfig(reportingConfig, ruleId, location) {
for (var i = 0, c = reportingConfig.length; i < c; i++) {
var ignore = reportingConfig[i];
if ((!ignore.rule || ignore.rule === ruleId) &&
(location.line > ignore.start.line || (location.line === ignore.start.line && location.column >= ignore.start.column)) &&
(!ignore.end || (location.line < ignore.end.line || (location.line === ignore.end.line && location.column <= ignore.end.column)))) {
return true;
return false;
* Process initial config to make it safe to extend by file comment config
* @param {Object} config Initial config
* @returns {Object} Processed config
function prepareConfig(config) {
config.globals = config.globals || || {};
var copiedRules = {},
ecmaFeatures = {},
if (typeof config.rules === "object") {
Object.keys(config.rules).forEach(function(k) {
var rule = config.rules[k];
if (rule === null) {
throw new Error("Invalid config for rule '" + k + "'\.");
if (Array.isArray(rule)) {
copiedRules[k] = rule.slice();
} else {
copiedRules[k] = rule;
// merge in environment ecmaFeatures
if (typeof config.env === "object") {
Object.keys(config.env).forEach(function(env) {
if (config.env[env] && environments[env] && environments[env].ecmaFeatures) {
assign(ecmaFeatures, environments[env].ecmaFeatures);
preparedConfig = {
rules: copiedRules,
parser: config.parser || DEFAULT_PARSER,
globals: ConfigOps.merge({}, config.globals),
env: ConfigOps.merge({}, config.env || {}),
settings: ConfigOps.merge({}, config.settings || {}),
ecmaFeatures: ConfigOps.merge(ecmaFeatures, config.ecmaFeatures || {})
// can't have global return inside of modules
if (preparedConfig.ecmaFeatures.modules) {
preparedConfig.ecmaFeatures.globalReturn = false;
return preparedConfig;
* Provide a stub rule with a given message
* @param {string} message The message to be displayed for the rule
* @returns {Function} Stub rule function
function createStubRule(message) {
* Creates a fake rule object
* @param {object} context context object for each rule
* @returns {object} collection of node to listen on
function createRuleModule(context) {
return {
Program: function(node) {, message);
if (message) {
return createRuleModule;
} else {
throw new Error("No message passed to stub rule");
* Provide a rule replacement message
* @param {string} ruleId Name of the rule
* @returns {string} Message detailing rule replacement
function getRuleReplacementMessage(ruleId) {
if (ruleId in replacements.rules) {
var newRules = replacements.rules[ruleId];
return "Rule \'" + ruleId + "\' was removed and replaced by: " + newRules.join(", ");
var eslintEnvPattern = /\/\*\s*eslint-env\s(.+?)\*\//g;
* Checks whether or not there is a comment which has "eslint-env *" in a given text.
* @param {string} text - A source code text to check.
* @returns {object|null} A result of parseListConfig() with "eslint-env *" comment.
function findEslintEnv(text) {
var match, retv;
eslintEnvPattern.lastIndex = 0;
while ((match = eslintEnvPattern.exec(text))) {
retv = assign(retv || {}, parseListConfig(match[1]));
return retv;
// Public Interface
* Object that is responsible for verifying JavaScript text
* @name eslint
module.exports = (function() {
var api = Object.create(new EventEmitter()),
messages = [],
currentConfig = null,
currentScopes = null,
scopeMap = null,
scopeManager = null,
currentFilename = null,
controller = null,
reportingConfig = [],
sourceCode = null;
* Parses text into an AST. Moved out here because the try-catch prevents
* optimization of functions, so it's best to keep the try-catch as isolated
* as possible
* @param {string} text The text to parse.
* @param {Object} config The ESLint configuration object.
* @returns {ASTNode} The AST if successful or null if not.
* @private
function parse(text, config) {
var parser;
try {
parser = require(config.parser);
} catch (ex) {
fatal: true,
severity: 2,
message: ex.message,
line: 0,
column: 0
return null;
* Check for parsing errors first. If there's a parsing error, nothing
* else can happen. However, a parsing error does not throw an error
* from this method - it's just considered a fatal error message, a
* problem that ESLint identified just like any other.
try {
return parser.parse(text, {
loc: true,
range: true,
raw: true,
tokens: true,
comment: true,
attachComment: true,
ecmaFeatures: config.ecmaFeatures
} catch (ex) {
// If the message includes a leading line number, strip it:
var message = ex.message.replace(/^line \d+:/i, "").trim();
fatal: true,
severity: 2,
message: "Parsing error: " + message,
line: ex.lineNumber,
column: ex.column + 1
return null;
* Get the severity level of a rule (0 - none, 1 - warning, 2 - error)
* Returns 0 if the rule config is not valid (an Array or a number)
* @param {Array|number} ruleConfig rule configuration
* @returns {number} 0, 1, or 2, indicating rule severity
function getRuleSeverity(ruleConfig) {
if (typeof ruleConfig === "number") {
return ruleConfig;
} else if (Array.isArray(ruleConfig)) {
return ruleConfig[0];
} else {
return 0;
* Get the options for a rule (not including severity), if any
* @param {Array|number} ruleConfig rule configuration
* @returns {Array} of rule options, empty Array if none
function getRuleOptions(ruleConfig) {
if (Array.isArray(ruleConfig)) {
return ruleConfig.slice(1);
} else {
return [];
// set unlimited listeners (see
* Resets the internal state of the object.
* @returns {void}
api.reset = function() {
messages = [];
currentConfig = null;
currentScopes = null;
scopeMap = null;
scopeManager = null;
controller = null;
reportingConfig = [];
sourceCode = null;
* Verifies the text against the rules specified by the second argument.
* @param {string|SourceCode} textOrSourceCode The text to parse or a SourceCode object.
* @param {Object} config An object whose keys specify the rules to use.
* @param {(string|Object)} [filenameOrOptions] The optional filename of the file being checked.
* If this is not set, the filename will default to '<input>' in the rule context. If
* an object, then it has "filename", "saveState", and "allowInlineConfig" properties.
* @param {boolean} [saveState] Indicates if the state from the last run should be saved.
* Mostly useful for testing purposes.
* @param {boolean} [filenameOrOptions.allowInlineConfig] Allow/disallow inline comments' ability to change config once it is set. Defaults to true if not supplied.
* Useful if you want to validate JS without comments overriding rules.
* @returns {Object[]} The results as an array of messages or null if no messages.
api.verify = function(textOrSourceCode, config, filenameOrOptions, saveState) {
var ast,
text = (typeof textOrSourceCode === "string") ? textOrSourceCode : null;
// evaluate arguments
if (typeof filenameOrOptions === "object") {
currentFilename = filenameOrOptions.filename;
allowInlineConfig = filenameOrOptions.allowInlineConfig;
saveState = filenameOrOptions.saveState;
} else {
currentFilename = filenameOrOptions;
if (!saveState) {
// search and apply "eslint-env *".
var envInFile = findEslintEnv(text || textOrSourceCode.text);
if (envInFile) {
if (!config || !config.env) {
config = assign({}, config || {}, {env: envInFile});
} else {
config = assign({}, config);
config.env = assign({}, config.env, envInFile);
// process initial config to make it safe to extend
config = prepareConfig(config || {});
// only do this for text
if (text !== null) {
// there's no input, just exit here
if (text.trim().length === 0) {
sourceCode = new SourceCode(text, blankScriptAST);
return messages;
ast = parse(text.replace(/^#!([^\r\n]+)/, function(match, captured) {
shebang = captured;
return "//" + captured;
}), config);
if (ast) {
sourceCode = new SourceCode(text, ast);
} else {
sourceCode = textOrSourceCode;
ast = sourceCode.ast;
// if espree failed to parse the file, there's no sense in setting up rules
if (ast) {
// parse global comments and modify config
if (allowInlineConfig !== false) {
config = modifyConfigsFromComments(currentFilename, ast, config, reportingConfig, messages);
// enable appropriate rules
Object.keys(config.rules).filter(function(key) {
return getRuleSeverity(config.rules[key]) > 0;
}).forEach(function(key) {
var ruleCreator,
ruleCreator = rules.get(key);
if (!ruleCreator) {
var replacementMsg = getRuleReplacementMessage(key);
if (replacementMsg) {
ruleCreator = createStubRule(replacementMsg);
} else {
ruleCreator = createStubRule("Definition for rule '" + key + "' was not found");
rules.define(key, ruleCreator);
severity = getRuleSeverity(config.rules[key]);
options = getRuleOptions(config.rules[key]);
try {
rule = ruleCreator(new RuleContext(
key, api, severity, options,
config.settings, config.ecmaFeatures
// add all the node types as listeners
Object.keys(rule).forEach(function(nodeType) {
api.on(nodeType, timing.enabled
? timing.time(key, rule[nodeType])
: rule[nodeType]
} catch (ex) {
ex.message = "Error while loading rule '" + key + "': " + ex.message;
throw ex;
// save config so rules can access as necessary
currentConfig = config;
controller = new estraverse.Controller();
ecmaFeatures = currentConfig.ecmaFeatures;
ecmaVersion = (ecmaFeatures.blockBindings || ecmaFeatures.classes ||
ecmaFeatures.modules || ecmaFeatures.defaultParams ||
ecmaFeatures.destructuring) ? 6 : 5;
// gather data that may be needed by the rules
scopeManager = escope.analyze(ast, {
ignoreEval: true,
nodejsScope: ecmaFeatures.globalReturn,
ecmaVersion: ecmaVersion,
sourceType: ecmaFeatures.modules ? "module" : "script"
currentScopes = scopeManager.scopes;
* Index the scopes by the start range of their block for efficient
* lookup in getScope.
scopeMap = [];
currentScopes.forEach(function(scope, index) {
var range = scope.block.range[0];
// Sometimes two scopes are returned for a given node. This is
// handled later in a known way, so just don't overwrite here.
if (!scopeMap[range]) {
scopeMap[range] = index;
// augment global scope with declared global variables
addDeclaredGlobals(ast, currentScopes[0], currentConfig);
// remove shebang comments
if (shebang && ast.comments.length && ast.comments[0].value === shebang) {
ast.comments.splice(0, 1);
if (ast.body.length && ast.body[0].leadingComments && ast.body[0].leadingComments[0].value === shebang) {
ast.body[0].leadingComments.splice(0, 1);
var eventGenerator = new NodeEventGenerator(api);
eventGenerator = new CommentEventGenerator(eventGenerator, sourceCode);
* Each node has a type property. Whenever a particular type of node is found,
* an event is fired. This allows any listeners to automatically be informed
* that this type of node has been found and react accordingly.
controller.traverse(ast, {
enter: function(node, parent) {
node.parent = parent;
leave: function(node) {
// sort by line and column
messages.sort(function(a, b) {
var lineDiff = a.line - b.line;
if (lineDiff === 0) {
return a.column - b.column;
} else {
return lineDiff;
return messages;
* Reports a message from one of the rules.
* @param {string} ruleId The ID of the rule causing the message.
* @param {number} severity The severity level of the rule as configured.
* @param {ASTNode} node The AST node that the message relates to.
* @param {Object=} location An object containing the error line and column
* numbers. If location is not provided the node's start location will
* be used.
* @param {string} message The actual message.
* @param {Object} opts Optional template data which produces a formatted message
* with symbols being replaced by this object's values.
* @param {Object} fix A fix command description.
* @returns {void}
*/ = function(ruleId, severity, node, location, message, opts, fix) {
if (node) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof node, "object", "Node must be an object");
if (typeof location === "string") {
assert.ok(node, "Node must be provided when reporting error if location is not provided");
fix = opts;
opts = message;
message = location;
location = node.loc.start;
// else, assume location was provided, so node may be omitted
if (isDisabledByReportingConfig(reportingConfig, ruleId, location)) {
if (opts) {
message = message.replace(/\{\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}\}/g, function(fullMatch, term) {
if (term in opts) {
return opts[term];
// Preserve old behavior: If parameter name not provided, don't replace it.
return fullMatch;
var problem = {
ruleId: ruleId,
severity: severity,
message: message,
line: location.line,
column: location.column + 1, // switch to 1-base instead of 0-base
nodeType: node && node.type,
source: sourceCode.lines[location.line - 1] || ""
// ensure there's range and text properties, otherwise it's not a valid fix
if (fix && Array.isArray(fix.range) && (typeof fix.text === "string")) {
problem.fix = fix;
* Gets the SourceCode object representing the parsed source.
* @returns {SourceCode} The SourceCode object.
api.getSourceCode = function() {
return sourceCode;
// methods that exist on SourceCode object
var externalMethods = {
getSource: "getText",
getSourceLines: "getLines",
getAllComments: "getAllComments",
getNodeByRangeIndex: "getNodeByRangeIndex",
getComments: "getComments",
getJSDocComment: "getJSDocComment",
getFirstToken: "getFirstToken",
getFirstTokens: "getFirstTokens",
getLastToken: "getLastToken",
getLastTokens: "getLastTokens",
getTokenAfter: "getTokenAfter",
getTokenBefore: "getTokenBefore",
getTokenByRangeStart: "getTokenByRangeStart",
getTokens: "getTokens",
getTokensAfter: "getTokensAfter",
getTokensBefore: "getTokensBefore",
getTokensBetween: "getTokensBetween"
// copy over methods
Object.keys(externalMethods).forEach(function(methodName) {
var exMethodName = externalMethods[methodName];
// All functions expected to have less arguments than 5.
api[methodName] = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
if (sourceCode) {
return sourceCode[exMethodName](a, b, c, d, e);
return null;
* Gets nodes that are ancestors of current node.
* @returns {ASTNode[]} Array of objects representing ancestors.
api.getAncestors = function() {
return controller.parents();
* Gets the scope for the current node.
* @returns {Object} An object representing the current node's scope.
api.getScope = function() {
var parents = controller.parents(),
scope = currentScopes[0];
// Don't do this for Program nodes - they have no parents
if (parents.length) {
// if current node introduces a scope, add it to the list
var current = controller.current();
if (currentConfig.ecmaFeatures.blockBindings) {
if (["BlockStatement", "SwitchStatement", "CatchClause", "FunctionDeclaration", "FunctionExpression", "ArrowFunctionExpression"].indexOf(current.type) >= 0) {
} else {
if (["FunctionDeclaration", "FunctionExpression", "ArrowFunctionExpression"].indexOf(current.type) >= 0) {
// Ascend the current node's parents
for (var i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// Get the innermost scope
scope = scopeManager.acquire(parents[i], true);
if (scope) {
if (scope.type === "function-expression-name") {
return scope.childScopes[0];
} else {
return scope;
return currentScopes[0];
* Record that a particular variable has been used in code
* @param {string} name The name of the variable to mark as used
* @returns {boolean} True if the variable was found and marked as used,
* false if not.
api.markVariableAsUsed = function(name) {
var scope = this.getScope(),
specialScope = currentConfig.ecmaFeatures.globalReturn || currentConfig.ecmaFeatures.modules,
// Special Node.js scope means we need to start one level deeper
if (scope.type === "global" && specialScope) {
scope = scope.childScopes[0];
do {
variables = scope.variables;
for (i = 0, len = variables.length; i < len; i++) {
if (variables[i].name === name) {
variables[i].eslintUsed = true;
return true;
} while ( (scope = scope.upper) );
return false;
* Gets the filename for the currently parsed source.
* @returns {string} The filename associated with the source being parsed.
* Defaults to "<input>" if no filename info is present.
api.getFilename = function() {
if (typeof currentFilename === "string") {
return currentFilename;
} else {
return "<input>";
* Defines a new linting rule.
* @param {string} ruleId A unique rule identifier
* @param {Function} ruleModule Function from context to object mapping AST node types to event handlers
* @returns {void}
var defineRule = api.defineRule = function(ruleId, ruleModule) {
rules.define(ruleId, ruleModule);
* Defines many new linting rules.
* @param {object} rulesToDefine map from unique rule identifier to rule
* @returns {void}
api.defineRules = function(rulesToDefine) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rulesToDefine).forEach(function(ruleId) {
defineRule(ruleId, rulesToDefine[ruleId]);
* Gets the default eslint configuration.
* @returns {Object} Object mapping rule IDs to their default configurations
api.defaults = function() {
return require("../conf/eslint.json");
* Gets variables that are declared by a specified node.
* The variables are its `defs[].node` or `defs[].parent` is same as the specified node.
* Specifically, below:
* - `VariableDeclaration` - variables of its all declarators.
* - `VariableDeclarator` - variables.
* - `FunctionDeclaration`/`FunctionExpression` - its function name and parameters.
* - `ArrowFunctionExpression` - its parameters.
* - `ClassDeclaration`/`ClassExpression` - its class name.
* - `CatchClause` - variables of its exception.
* - `ImportDeclaration` - variables of its all specifiers.
* - `ImportSpecifier`/`ImportDefaultSpecifier`/`ImportNamespaceSpecifier` - a variable.
* - others - always an empty array.
* @param {ASTNode} node A node to get.
* @returns {escope.Variable[]} Variables that are declared by the node.
api.getDeclaredVariables = function(node) {
return (scopeManager && scopeManager.getDeclaredVariables(node)) || [];
return api;