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// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --expose-debug-as debug --harmony-generators
var Debug = debug.Debug;
function RunTest(name, formals_and_body, args, handler, continuation) {
var handler_called = false;
var exception = null;
function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) {
try {
if (event == Debug.DebugEvent.Break) {
handler_called = true;
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
function run(thunk) {
handler_called = false;
exception = null;
var res = thunk();
if (continuation)
assertTrue(handler_called, "listener not called for " + name);
assertNull(exception, name + " / " + exception);
var fun = Function.apply(null, formals_and_body);
var gen = (function*(){}).constructor.apply(null, formals_and_body);
run(function () { return fun.apply(null, args) });
run(function () { return gen.apply(null, args).next().value });
// TODO(wingo): Uncomment after bug 2838 is fixed.
// Debug.setListener(null);
// Check that two scope are the same.
function assertScopeMirrorEquals(scope1, scope2) {
assertEquals(scope1.scopeType(), scope2.scopeType());
assertEquals(scope1.frameIndex(), scope2.frameIndex());
assertEquals(scope1.scopeIndex(), scope2.scopeIndex());
assertPropertiesEqual(scope1.scopeObject().value(), scope2.scopeObject().value());
function CheckFastAllScopes(scopes, exec_state) {
var fast_all_scopes = exec_state.frame().allScopes(true);
var length = fast_all_scopes.length;
assertTrue(scopes.length >= length);
for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length && i < length; i++) {
var scope = fast_all_scopes[length - i - 1];
assertEquals(scopes[scopes.length - i - 1], scope.scopeType());
// Check that the scope chain contains the expected types of scopes.
function CheckScopeChain(scopes, exec_state) {
var all_scopes = exec_state.frame().allScopes();
assertEquals(scopes.length, exec_state.frame().scopeCount());
assertEquals(scopes.length, all_scopes.length, "FrameMirror.allScopes length");
for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) {
var scope = exec_state.frame().scope(i);
assertEquals(scopes[i], scope.scopeType());
assertScopeMirrorEquals(all_scopes[i], scope);
// Check the global object when hitting the global scope.
if (scopes[i] == debug.ScopeType.Global) {
// Objects don't have same class (one is "global", other is "Object",
// so just check the properties directly.
assertPropertiesEqual(this, scope.scopeObject().value());
CheckFastAllScopes(scopes, exec_state);
// Get the debug command processor.
var dcp = exec_state.debugCommandProcessor("unspecified_running_state");
// Send a scopes request and check the result.
var json;
var request_json = '{"seq":0,"type":"request","command":"scopes"}';
var response_json = dcp.processDebugJSONRequest(request_json);
var response = JSON.parse(response_json);
assertEquals(scopes.length, response.body.scopes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) {
assertEquals(i, response.body.scopes[i].index);
assertEquals(scopes[i], response.body.scopes[i].type);
if (scopes[i] == debug.ScopeType.Local ||
scopes[i] == debug.ScopeType.Closure) {
assertTrue(response.body.scopes[i].object.ref < 0);
} else {
assertTrue(response.body.scopes[i].object.ref >= 0);
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < response.refs.length && !found; j++) {
found = response.refs[j].handle == response.body.scopes[i].object.ref;
assertTrue(found, "Scope object " + response.body.scopes[i].object.ref + " not found");
// Check that the content of the scope is as expected. For functions just check
// that there is a function.
function CheckScopeContent(content, number, exec_state) {
var scope = exec_state.frame().scope(number);
var count = 0;
for (var p in content) {
var property_mirror = scope.scopeObject().property(p);
assertFalse(property_mirror.isUndefined(), 'property ' + p + ' not found in scope');
if (typeof(content[p]) === 'function') {
} else {
assertEquals(content[p], property_mirror.value().value(), 'property ' + p + ' has unexpected value');
// 'arguments' and might be exposed in the local and closure scope. Just
// ignore this.
var scope_size = scope.scopeObject().properties().length;
if (!scope.scopeObject().property('arguments').isUndefined()) {
// Skip property with empty name.
if (!scope.scopeObject().property('').isUndefined()) {
if (count != scope_size) {
print('Names found in scope:');
var names = scope.scopeObject().propertyNames();
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
assertEquals(count, scope_size);
// Get the debug command processor.
var dcp = exec_state.debugCommandProcessor("unspecified_running_state");
// Send a scope request for information on a single scope and check the
// result.
var request_json = '{"seq":0,"type":"request","command":"scope","arguments":{"number":';
request_json += scope.scopeIndex();
request_json += '}}';
var response_json = dcp.processDebugJSONRequest(request_json);
var response = JSON.parse(response_json);
assertEquals(scope.scopeType(), response.body.type);
assertEquals(number, response.body.index);
if (scope.scopeType() == debug.ScopeType.Local ||
scope.scopeType() == debug.ScopeType.Closure) {
assertTrue(response.body.object.ref < 0);
} else {
assertTrue(response.body.object.ref >= 0);
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < response.refs.length && !found; i++) {
found = response.refs[i].handle == response.body.object.ref;
assertTrue(found, "Scope object " + response.body.object.ref + " not found");
// Simple empty local scope.
RunTest("Local 1",
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({}, 0, exec_state);
// Local scope with a parameter.
RunTest("Local 2",
['a', 'debugger;'],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1}, 0, exec_state);
// Local scope with a parameter and a local variable.
RunTest("Local 3",
['a', 'var x = 3; debugger;'],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1,x:3}, 0, exec_state);
// Local scope with parameters and local variables.
RunTest("Local 4",
['a', 'b', 'var x = 3; var y = 4; debugger;'],
[1, 2],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1,b:2,x:3,y:4}, 0, exec_state);
// Empty local scope with use of eval.
RunTest("Local 5",
['eval(""); debugger;'],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({}, 0, exec_state);
// Local introducing local variable using eval.
RunTest("Local 6",
['eval("var i = 5"); debugger;'],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({i:5}, 0, exec_state);
// Local scope with parameters, local variables and local variable introduced
// using eval.
RunTest("Local 7",
['a', 'b',
"var x = 3; var y = 4;\n"
+ "eval('var i = 5'); eval ('var j = 6');\n"
+ "debugger;"],
[1, 2],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1,b:2,x:3,y:4,i:5,j:6}, 0, exec_state);
// Nested empty with blocks.
["with ({}) { with ({}) { debugger; } }"],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({}, 0, exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({}, 1, exec_state);
// Simple closure formed by returning an inner function referering the outer
// functions arguments.
RunTest("Closure 1",
['a', 'return function() { debugger; return a; }'],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1}, 1, exec_state);
function (result) { result() });
RunTest("The full monty",
['a', 'b',
"var x = 3;\n" +
"var y = 4;\n" +
"eval('var i = 5');\n" +
"eval('var j = 6');\n" +
"function f(a, b) {\n" +
" var x = 9;\n" +
" var y = 10;\n" +
" eval('var i = 11');\n" +
" eval('var j = 12');\n" +
" with ({j:13}){\n" +
" return function() {\n" +
" var x = 14;\n" +
" with ({a:15}) {\n" +
" with ({b:16}) {\n" +
" debugger;\n" +
" some_global = a;\n" +
" return f;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"return f(a, b);"],
[1, 2],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({b:16}, 0, exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:15}, 1, exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({x:14}, 2, exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({j:13}, 3, exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1,b:2,x:9,y:10,i:11,j:12}, 4, exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({a:1,b:2,x:3,y:4,i:5,j:6,f:function(){}}, 5, exec_state);
function (result) { result() });
RunTest("Catch block 1",
["try { throw 'Exception'; } catch (e) { debugger; }"],
function (exec_state) {
debug.ScopeType.Global], exec_state);
CheckScopeContent({e:'Exception'}, 0, exec_state);