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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2006-2008 (ita)
Java support
Javac is one of the few compilers that behaves very badly:
* it outputs files where it wants to (-d is only for the package root)
* it recompiles files silently behind your back
* it outputs an undefined amount of files (inner classes)
Fortunately, the convention makes it possible to use the build dir without
too many problems for the moment
Inner classes must be located and cleaned when a problem arise,
for the moment waf does not track the production of inner classes.
Adding all the files to a task and executing it if any of the input files
change is only annoying for the compilation times
Compilation can be run using Jython[1] rather than regular Python. Instead of
running one of the following commands:
./waf configure
python waf configure
You would have to run:
java -jar /path/to/jython.jar waf configure
import os, re
from Configure import conf
import TaskGen, Task, Utils, Options, Build
from TaskGen import feature, before, taskgen
class_check_source = '''
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
Class lib;
if (argv.length < 1) {
System.err.println("Missing argument");
try {
lib = Class.forName(argv[0]);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
lib = null;
def jar_files(self):
basedir = getattr(self, 'basedir', '.')
destfile = getattr(self, 'destfile', 'test.jar')
jaropts = getattr(self, 'jaropts', [])
jarcreate = getattr(self, 'jarcreate', 'cf')
dir = self.path.find_dir(basedir)
if not dir: raise
out = self.path.find_or_declare(destfile)
tsk = self.create_task('jar_create')
tsk.inputs = [x for x in dir.find_iter(src=0, bld=1) if !=]
tsk.env['JAROPTS'] = jaropts
tsk.env['JARCREATE'] = jarcreate
def apply_java(self):
Utils.def_attrs(self, jarname='', jaropts='', classpath='',
sourcepath='.', srcdir='.', source_re='**/*.java',
jar_mf_attributes={}, jar_mf_classpath=[])
if getattr(self, 'source_root', None):
# old stuff
self.srcdir = self.source_root
nodes_lst = []
if not self.classpath:
if not self.env['CLASSPATH']:
self.env['CLASSPATH'] = '..' + os.pathsep + '.'
self.env['CLASSPATH'] = self.classpath
srcdir_node = self.path.find_dir(self.srcdir)
if not srcdir_node:
raise Utils.WafError('could not find srcdir %r' % self.srcdir)
src_nodes = [x for x in srcdir_node.ant_glob(self.source_re, flat=False)]
bld_nodes = [x.change_ext('.class') for x in src_nodes]
self.env['OUTDIR'] = [srcdir_node.abspath(self.env)]
tsk = self.create_task('javac')
if getattr(self, 'compat', None):
tsk.env.append_value('JAVACFLAGS', ['-source', self.compat])
if hasattr(self, 'sourcepath'):
fold = [self.path.find_dir(x) for x in self.to_list(self.sourcepath)]
names = os.pathsep.join([x.srcpath() for x in fold])
names = srcdir_node.srcpath()
if names:
tsk.env.append_value('JAVACFLAGS', ['-sourcepath', names])
if self.jarname:
tsk = self.create_task('jar_create')
if not self.env['JAROPTS']:
if self.jaropts:
self.env['JAROPTS'] = self.jaropts
dirs = '.'
self.env['JAROPTS'] = ['-C', ''.join(self.env['OUTDIR']), dirs]
Task.simple_task_type('jar_create', '${JAR} ${JARCREATE} ${TGT} ${JAROPTS}', color='GREEN')
cls = Task.simple_task_type('javac', '${JAVAC} -classpath ${CLASSPATH} -d ${OUTDIR} ${JAVACFLAGS} ${SRC}')
cls.color = 'BLUE'
def post_run_javac(self):
"""this is for cleaning the folder
javac creates single files for inner classes
but it is not possible to know which inner classes in advance"""
par = {}
for x in self.inputs:
par[] = x.parent
inner = {}
for k in par.values():
path = k.abspath(self.env)
lst = os.listdir(path)
for u in lst:
if u.find('$') >= 0:
inner_class_node = k.find_or_declare(u)
inner[] = inner_class_node
to_add = set(inner.keys()) - set([ for x in self.outputs])
for x in to_add:
return Task.Task.post_run(self)
cls.post_run = post_run_javac
def detect(conf):
# If JAVA_PATH is set, we prepend it to the path list
java_path = conf.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
v = conf.env
if 'JAVA_HOME' in conf.environ:
java_path = [os.path.join(conf.environ['JAVA_HOME'], 'bin')] + java_path
conf.env['JAVA_HOME'] = [conf.environ['JAVA_HOME']]
for x in 'javac java jar'.split():
conf.find_program(x, var=x.upper(), path_list=java_path)
conf.env[x.upper()] = conf.cmd_to_list(conf.env[x.upper()])
v['JAVA_EXT'] = ['.java']
if 'CLASSPATH' in conf.environ:
v['CLASSPATH'] = conf.environ['CLASSPATH']
if not v['JAR']: conf.fatal('jar is required for making java packages')
if not v['JAVAC']: conf.fatal('javac is required for compiling java classes')
v['JARCREATE'] = 'cf' # can use cvf
def check_java_class(self, classname, with_classpath=None):
"""Check if the specified java class is installed"""
import shutil
javatestdir = '.waf-javatest'
classpath = javatestdir
if self.env['CLASSPATH']:
classpath += os.pathsep + self.env['CLASSPATH']
if isinstance(with_classpath, str):
classpath += os.pathsep + with_classpath
shutil.rmtree(javatestdir, True)
java_file = open(os.path.join(javatestdir, ''), 'w')
# Compile the source
Utils.exec_command(self.env['JAVAC'] + [os.path.join(javatestdir, '')], shell=False)
# Try to run the app
cmd = self.env['JAVA'] + ['-cp', classpath, 'Test', classname]
self.log.write("%s\n" % str(cmd))
found = Utils.exec_command(cmd, shell=False, log=self.log)
self.check_message('Java class %s' % classname, "", not found)
shutil.rmtree(javatestdir, True)
return found
def check_jni_headers(conf):
Check for jni headers and libraries
On success the environment variable xxx_JAVA is added for uselib
if not conf.env.CC_NAME and not conf.env.CXX_NAME:
conf.fatal('load a compiler first (gcc, g++, ..)')
if not conf.env.JAVA_HOME:
conf.fatal('set JAVA_HOME in the system environment')
# jni requires the jvm
javaHome = conf.env['JAVA_HOME'][0]
b = Build.BuildContext()
b.load_dirs(conf.srcdir, conf.blddir)
dir = b.root.find_dir(conf.env.JAVA_HOME[0] + '/include')
f = dir.ant_glob('**/(jni|jni_md).h', flat=False)
incDirs = [x.parent.abspath() for x in f]
dir = b.root.find_dir(conf.env.JAVA_HOME[0])
f = dir.ant_glob('**/*jvm.(so|dll)', flat=False)
libDirs = [x.parent.abspath() for x in f] or [javaHome]
for i, d in enumerate(libDirs):
if conf.check(header_name='jni.h', define_name='HAVE_JNI_H', lib='jvm',
libpath=d, includes=incDirs, uselib_store='JAVA', uselib='JAVA'):
conf.fatal('could not find lib jvm in %r (see config.log)' % libDirs)