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// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --harmony-simd --harmony-tostring --harmony-reflect
// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax --expose-natives-as natives --noalways-opt
function lanesForType(typeName) {
// The lane count follows the first 'x' in the type name, which begins with
// 'float', 'int', or 'bool'.
return Number.parseInt(typeName.substr(typeName.indexOf('x') + 1));
// Creates an instance that has been zeroed, so it can be used for equality
// testing.
function createInstance(type) {
// Provide enough parameters for the longest type (currently 16). It's
// important that instances be consistent to better test that different SIMD
// types can't be compared and are never equal or the same in any sense.
return SIMD[type](0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
function isValidSimdString(string, value, type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type],
parseFn =
type.indexOf('Float') === 0 ? Number.parseFloat : Number.parseInt,
indexOfOpenParen = string.indexOf('(');
// Check prefix (e.g. SIMD.Float32x4.)
if (string.substr(0, indexOfOpenParen) !== 'SIMD.' + type)
return false;
// Remove type name (e.g. SIMD.Float32x4) and open parenthesis.
string = string.substr(indexOfOpenParen + 1);
var laneStrings = string.split(',');
if (laneStrings.length !== lanes)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < lanes; i++) {
var fromString = parseFn(laneStrings[i]),
fromValue = simdFn.extractLane(value, i);
if (Math.abs(fromString - fromValue) > Number.EPSILON)
return false;
return true;
var simdTypeNames = ['Float32x4', 'Int32x4', 'Uint32x4', 'Bool32x4',
'Int16x8', 'Uint16x8', 'Bool16x8',
'Int8x16', 'Uint8x16', 'Bool8x16'];
var nonSimdValues = [347, 1.275, NaN, "string", null, undefined, {},
function() {}];
function checkTypeMatrix(type, fn) {
// Check against non-SIMD types.
// Check against SIMD values of a different type.
for (var i = 0; i < simdTypeNames.length; i++) {
var otherType = simdTypeNames[i];
if (type != otherType) fn(createInstance(otherType));
// Test different forms of constructor calls.
function TestConstructor(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertFalse(Object === simdFn.prototype.constructor)
assertFalse(simdFn === Object.prototype.constructor)
assertSame(simdFn, simdFn.prototype.constructor)
assertSame(simdFn, instance.__proto__.constructor)
assertSame(simdFn, Object(instance).__proto__.constructor)
assertSame(simdFn.prototype, instance.__proto__)
assertSame(simdFn.prototype, Object(instance).__proto__)
function TestType(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
var typeofString = type.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + type.slice(1);
assertEquals(typeofString, typeof instance)
assertTrue(typeof instance === typeofString)
assertTrue(typeof Object(instance) === 'object')
assertEquals(null, %_ClassOf(instance))
assertEquals(type, %_ClassOf(Object(instance)))
function TestPrototype(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertSame(Object.prototype, simdFn.prototype.__proto__)
assertSame(simdFn.prototype, instance.__proto__)
assertSame(simdFn.prototype, Object(instance).__proto__)
function TestValueOf(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertTrue(instance === Object(instance).valueOf())
assertTrue(instance === instance.valueOf())
assertTrue(simdFn.prototype.valueOf.call(Object(instance)) === instance)
assertTrue(simdFn.prototype.valueOf.call(instance) === instance)
function TestGet(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertEquals(undefined, instance.a)
assertEquals(undefined, instance["a" + "b"])
assertEquals(undefined, instance["" + "1"])
assertEquals(undefined, instance[42])
function TestToBoolean(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertTrue(instance && true)
assertFalse(!instance && false)
assertTrue(!instance || true)
assertEquals(1, instance ? 1 : 2)
assertEquals(2, !instance ? 1 : 2)
if (!instance) assertUnreachable();
if (instance) {} else assertUnreachable();
function TestToString(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertEquals(instance.toString(), String(instance))
assertTrue(isValidSimdString(instance.toString(), instance, type, lanes))
isValidSimdString(Object(instance).toString(), instance, type, lanes))
simdFn.prototype.toString.call(instance), instance, type, lanes))
function TestToNumber(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
assertThrows(function() { Number(Object(instance)) }, TypeError)
assertThrows(function() { +Object(instance) }, TypeError)
assertThrows(function() { Number(instance) }, TypeError)
assertThrows(function() { instance + 0 }, TypeError)
function TestCoercions(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
// Test that setting a lane to value 'a' results in a lane with value 'b'.
function test(a, b) {
for (var i = 0; i < lanes; i++) {
var ainstance = simdFn.replaceLane(instance, i, a);
var lane_value = simdFn.extractLane(ainstance, i);
assertSame(b, lane_value);
switch (type) {
case 'Float32x4':
test(0, 0);
test(-0, -0);
test(NaN, NaN);
test(null, 0);
test(undefined, NaN);
test("5.25", 5.25);
test(Number.MAX_VALUE, Infinity);
test(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Infinity);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
case 'Int32x4':
test(Infinity, 0);
test(-Infinity, 0);
test(NaN, 0);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, 0);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(0.1, 0);
test(-0.1, 0);
test(1, 1);
test(1.1, 1);
test(-1, -1);
test(-1.6, -1);
test(2147483647, 2147483647);
test(2147483648, -2147483648);
test(2147483649, -2147483647);
test(4294967295, -1);
test(4294967296, 0);
test(4294967297, 1);
case 'Uint32x4':
test(Infinity, 0);
test(-Infinity, 0);
test(NaN, 0);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, 0);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(0.1, 0);
test(-0.1, 0);
test(1, 1);
test(1.1, 1);
test(-1, 4294967295);
test(-1.6, 4294967295);
test(4294967295, 4294967295);
test(4294967296, 0);
test(4294967297, 1);
case 'Int16x8':
test(Infinity, 0);
test(-Infinity, 0);
test(NaN, 0);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, 0);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(0.1, 0);
test(-0.1, 0);
test(1, 1);
test(1.1, 1);
test(-1, -1);
test(-1.6, -1);
test(32767, 32767);
test(32768, -32768);
test(32769, -32767);
test(65535, -1);
test(65536, 0);
test(65537, 1);
case 'Uint16x8':
test(Infinity, 0);
test(-Infinity, 0);
test(NaN, 0);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, 0);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(0.1, 0);
test(-0.1, 0);
test(1, 1);
test(1.1, 1);
test(-1, 65535);
test(-1.6, 65535);
test(65535, 65535);
test(65536, 0);
test(65537, 1);
case 'Int8x16':
test(Infinity, 0);
test(-Infinity, 0);
test(NaN, 0);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, 0);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(0.1, 0);
test(-0.1, 0);
test(1, 1);
test(1.1, 1);
test(-1, -1);
test(-1.6, -1);
test(127, 127);
test(128, -128);
test(129, -127);
test(255, -1);
test(256, 0);
test(257, 1);
case 'Uint8x16':
test(Infinity, 0);
test(-Infinity, 0);
test(NaN, 0);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, 0);
test(Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0);
test(0.1, 0);
test(-0.1, 0);
test(1, 1);
test(1.1, 1);
test(-1, 255);
test(-1.6, 255);
test(255, 255);
test(256, 0);
test(257, 1);
case 'Bool32x4':
case 'Bool16x8':
case 'Bool8x16':
test(true, true);
test(false, false);
test(0, false);
test(1, true);
test(0.1, true);
test(NaN, false);
test(null, false);
test("", false);
test("false", true);
function TestEquality(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
// Every SIMD value should equal itself, and non-strictly equal its wrapper.
assertSame(instance, instance)
assertEquals(instance, instance)
assertTrue(Object.is(instance, instance))
assertTrue(instance === instance)
assertTrue(instance == instance)
assertFalse(instance === Object(instance))
assertFalse(Object(instance) === instance)
assertFalse(instance == Object(instance))
assertFalse(Object(instance) == instance)
assertTrue(instance === instance.valueOf())
assertTrue(instance.valueOf() === instance)
assertTrue(instance == instance.valueOf())
assertTrue(instance.valueOf() == instance)
assertFalse(Object(instance) === Object(instance))
assertEquals(Object(instance).valueOf(), Object(instance).valueOf())
function notEqual(other) {
assertFalse(instance === other)
assertFalse(other === instance)
assertFalse(instance == other)
assertFalse(other == instance)
// SIMD values should not be equal to instances of different types.
checkTypeMatrix(type, function(other) {
assertFalse(instance === other)
assertFalse(other === instance)
assertFalse(instance == other)
assertFalse(other == instance)
// Test that f(a, b) is the same as f(SIMD(a), SIMD(b)) for equality and
// strict equality, at every lane.
function test(a, b) {
for (var i = 0; i < lanes; i++) {
var aval = simdFn.replaceLane(instance, i, a);
var bval = simdFn.replaceLane(instance, i, b);
assertSame(a == b, aval == bval);
assertSame(a === b, aval === bval);
switch (type) {
case 'Float32x4':
test(1, 2.5);
test(1, 1);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, +0);
test(+0, -0);
test(-0, -0);
test(0, NaN);
test(NaN, NaN);
case 'Int32x4':
case 'Uint32x4':
case 'Int16x8':
case 'Uint16x8':
case 'Int8x16':
case 'Uint8x16':
test(1, 2);
test(1, 1);
test(1, -1);
case 'Bool32x4':
case 'Bool16x8':
case 'Bool8x16':
test(true, false);
test(false, true);
function TestSameValue(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
var sameValue = natives.$sameValue;
var sameValueZero = natives.$sameValueZero;
// SIMD values should not be the same as instances of different types.
checkTypeMatrix(type, function(other) {
assertFalse(sameValue(instance, other));
assertFalse(sameValueZero(instance, other));
// Test that f(a, b) is the same as f(SIMD(a), SIMD(b)) for sameValue and
// sameValueZero, at every lane.
function test(a, b) {
for (var i = 0; i < lanes; i++) {
var aval = simdFn.replaceLane(instance, i, a);
var bval = simdFn.replaceLane(instance, i, b);
assertSame(sameValue(a, b), sameValue(aval, bval));
assertSame(sameValueZero(a, b), sameValueZero(aval, bval));
switch (type) {
case 'Float32x4':
test(1, 2.5);
test(1, 1);
test(0, 0);
test(-0, +0);
test(+0, -0);
test(-0, -0);
test(0, NaN);
test(NaN, NaN);
case 'Int32x4':
case 'Uint32x4':
case 'Int16x8':
case 'Uint16x8':
case 'Int8x16':
case 'Uint8x16':
test(1, 2);
test(1, 1);
test(1, -1);
case 'Bool32x4':
case 'Bool16x8':
case 'Bool8x16':
test(true, false);
test(false, true);
function TestComparison(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var a = createInstance(type), b = createInstance(type);
function compare(other) {
var throwFuncs = [
function lt() { a < b; },
function gt() { a > b; },
function le() { a <= b; },
function ge() { a >= b; },
function lt_same() { a < a; },
function gt_same() { a > a; },
function le_same() { a <= a; },
function ge_same() { a >= a; },
for (var f of throwFuncs) {
assertThrows(f, TypeError);
assertThrows(f, TypeError);
assertThrows(f, TypeError);
// Test comparison against the same SIMD type.
// Test comparison against other types.
checkTypeMatrix(type, compare);
// Test SIMD value wrapping/boxing over non-builtins.
function TestCall(type, lanes) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
simdFn.prototype.getThisProto = function () {
return Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
assertTrue(instance.getThisProto() === simdFn.prototype)
function TestAsSetKey(type, lanes, set) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
function test(set, key) {
if (!(set instanceof WeakSet)) {
assertSame(set, set.add(key));
} else {
// SIMD values can't be used as keys in WeakSets.
assertThrows(function() { set.add(key) });
test(set, instance);
function TestAsMapKey(type, lanes, map) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
function test(map, key, value) {
assertSame(undefined, map.get(key));
if (!(map instanceof WeakMap)) {
assertSame(map, map.set(key, value));
assertSame(value, map.get(key));
} else {
// SIMD values can't be used as keys in WeakMaps.
assertThrows(function() { map.set(key, value) });
assertSame(undefined, map.get(key));
assertSame(undefined, map.get(key));
test(map, instance, {});
// Test SIMD type with Harmony reflect-apply.
function TestReflectApply(type) {
var simdFn = SIMD[type];
var instance = createInstance(type);
function returnThis() { return this; }
function returnThisStrict() { 'use strict'; return this; }
function noop() {}
function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; }
var R = void 0;
Reflect.apply(returnThis, instance, [])));
assertSame(instance, Reflect.apply(returnThisStrict, instance, []));
function() { 'use strict'; Reflect.apply(instance); }, TypeError);
function() { Reflect.apply(instance); }, TypeError);
function() { Reflect.apply(noopStrict, R, instance); }, TypeError);
function() { Reflect.apply(noop, R, instance); }, TypeError);
function TestSIMDTypes() {
for (var i = 0; i < simdTypeNames.length; ++i) {
var type = simdTypeNames[i],
lanes = lanesForType(type);
TestConstructor(type, lanes);
TestType(type, lanes);
TestPrototype(type, lanes);
TestValueOf(type, lanes);
TestGet(type, lanes);
TestToBoolean(type, lanes);
TestToString(type, lanes);
TestToNumber(type, lanes);
TestCoercions(type, lanes);
TestEquality(type, lanes);
TestSameValue(type, lanes);
TestComparison(type, lanes);
TestCall(type, lanes);
TestAsSetKey(type, lanes, new Set);
TestAsSetKey(type, lanes, new WeakSet);
TestAsMapKey(type, lanes, new Map);
TestAsMapKey(type, lanes, new WeakMap);
// Tests for the global SIMD object.
function TestSIMDObject() {
assertSame(typeof SIMD, 'object');
assertSame(SIMD.constructor, Object);
assertSame(Object.getPrototypeOf(SIMD), Object.prototype);
assertSame(SIMD + "", "[object SIMD]");
// The SIMD object is mutable.
SIMD.foo = "foo";
assertSame(SIMD.foo, "foo");
delete SIMD.foo;
delete SIMD.Bool8x16;
assertSame(SIMD.Bool8x16, undefined);