mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
154 lines
4.4 KiB
154 lines
4.4 KiB
module.exports = access
var assert = require('assert')
var url = require('url')
var npa = require('npm-package-arg')
var subcommands = {}
function access (sub, uri, params, cb) {
accessAssertions(sub, uri, params, cb)
return subcommands[sub].call(this, uri, params, cb)
subcommands.public = function (uri, params, cb) {
return setAccess.call(this, 'public', uri, params, cb)
subcommands.restricted = function (uri, params, cb) {
return setAccess.call(this, 'restricted', uri, params, cb)
function setAccess (access, uri, params, cb) {
return this.request(apiUri(uri, 'package', params.package, 'access'), {
method: 'POST',
auth: params.auth,
body: JSON.stringify({ access: access })
}, cb)
subcommands.grant = function (uri, params, cb) {
var reqUri = apiUri(uri, 'team', params.scope, params.team, 'package')
return this.request(reqUri, {
method: 'PUT',
auth: params.auth,
body: JSON.stringify({
permissions: params.permissions,
package: params.package
}, cb)
subcommands.revoke = function (uri, params, cb) {
var reqUri = apiUri(uri, 'team', params.scope, params.team, 'package')
return this.request(reqUri, {
method: 'DELETE',
auth: params.auth,
body: JSON.stringify({
package: params.package
}, cb)
subcommands['ls-packages'] = function (uri, params, cb, type) {
type = type || (params.team ? 'team' : 'org')
var client = this
var uriParams = '?format=cli'
var reqUri = apiUri(uri, type, params.scope, params.team, 'package')
return client.request(reqUri + uriParams, {
method: 'GET',
auth: params.auth
}, function (err, perms) {
if (err && err.statusCode === 404 && type === 'org') {
subcommands['ls-packages'].call(client, uri, params, cb, 'user')
} else {
cb(err, perms && translatePermissions(perms))
subcommands['ls-collaborators'] = function (uri, params, cb) {
var uriParams = '?format=cli'
if (params.user) {
uriParams += ('&user=' + encodeURIComponent(params.user))
var reqUri = apiUri(uri, 'package', params.package, 'collaborators')
return this.request(reqUri + uriParams, {
method: 'GET',
auth: params.auth
}, function (err, perms) {
cb(err, perms && translatePermissions(perms))
subcommands.edit = function () {
throw new Error('edit subcommand is not implemented yet')
function apiUri (registryUri) {
var path = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
.filter(function (x) { return x })
return url.resolve(registryUri, '-/' + path)
function accessAssertions (subcommand, uri, params, cb) {
'access subcommand must be one of ' +
Object.keys(subcommands).join(', '))
'uri': [uri, 'string'],
'params': [params, 'object'],
'auth': [params.auth, 'object'],
'callback': [cb, 'function']
if (contains([
'public', 'restricted'
], subcommand)) {
typeChecks({ 'package': [params.package, 'string'] })
'access commands are only accessible for scoped packages')
if (contains(['grant', 'revoke', 'ls-packages'], subcommand)) {
typeChecks({ 'scope': [params.scope, 'string'] })
if (contains(['grant', 'revoke'], subcommand)) {
typeChecks({ 'team': [params.team, 'string'] })
if (subcommand === 'grant') {
typeChecks({ 'permissions': [params.permissions, 'string'] })
assert(params.permissions === 'read-only' ||
params.permissions === 'read-write',
'permissions must be either read-only or read-write')
function typeChecks (specs) {
Object.keys(specs).forEach(function (key) {
var checks = specs[key]
/* eslint valid-typeof:0 */
assert(typeof checks[0] === checks[1],
key + ' is required and must be of type ' + checks[1])
function contains (arr, item) {
return arr.indexOf(item) !== -1
function translatePermissions (perms) {
var newPerms = {}
for (var key in perms) {
if (perms.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (perms[key] === 'read') {
newPerms[key] = 'read-only'
} else if (perms[key] === 'write') {
newPerms[key] = 'read-write'
} else {
// This shouldn't happen, but let's not break things
// if the API starts returning different things.
newPerms[key] = perms[key]
return newPerms