You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

149 lines
5.7 KiB

var common = require('../common');
var assert = require('assert');
var path = require('path');
var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';
var f = __filename;
assert.equal(path.basename(f), 'test-path.js');
assert.equal(path.basename(f, '.js'), 'test-path');
assert.equal(path.extname(f), '.js');
assert.equal(path.dirname(f).substr(-11), isWindows ? 'test\\simple' : 'test/simple');
assert.equal(path.dirname('/a/b/'), '/a');
assert.equal(path.dirname('/a/b'), '/a');
assert.equal(path.dirname('/a'), '/');
assert.equal(path.dirname('/'), '/');
path.exists(f, function(y) { assert.equal(y, true) });
assert.equal(path.existsSync(f), true);
assert.equal(path.extname(''), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('/path/to/file'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('/path/to/file.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('/'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('/'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('/'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('/'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('/path/to/f.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('/path/to/..ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('file'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('file.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('.file'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('.file.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('/file'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('/file.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('/.file'), '');
assert.equal(path.extname('/.file.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('.path/file.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('file.ext.ext'), '.ext');
assert.equal(path.extname('file.'), '.');
// path.join tests
var failures = [];
var joinTests =
// arguments result
[[['.', 'x/b', '..', '/b/c.js'], 'x/b/c.js'],
[['/.', 'x/b', '..', '/b/c.js'], '/x/b/c.js'],
[['/foo', '../../../bar'], '/bar'],
[['foo', '../../../bar'], '../../bar'],
[['foo/', '../../../bar'], '../../bar'],
[['foo/x', '../../../bar'], '../bar'],
[['foo/x', './bar'], 'foo/x/bar'],
[['foo/x/', './bar'], 'foo/x/bar'],
[['foo/x/', '.', 'bar'], 'foo/x/bar'],
[['./'], './'],
[['.', './'], './'],
[['.', '.', '.'], '.'],
[['.', './', '.'], '.'],
[['.', '/./', '.'], '.'],
[['.', '/////./', '.'], '.'],
[['.'], '.'],
[['', '.'], '.'],
[['', 'foo'], 'foo'],
[['foo', '/bar'], 'foo/bar'],
[['', '/foo'], '/foo'],
[['', '', '/foo'], '/foo'],
[['', '', 'foo'], 'foo'],
[['foo', ''], 'foo'],
[['foo/', ''], 'foo/'],
[['foo', '', '/bar'], 'foo/bar'],
[['./', '..', '/foo'], '../foo'],
[['./', '..', '..', '/foo'], '../../foo'],
[['.', '..', '..', '/foo'], '../../foo'],
[['', '..', '..', '/foo'], '../../foo'],
[['/'], '/'],
[['/', '.'], '/'],
[['/', '..'], '/'],
[['/', '..', '..'], '/'],
[[''], '.'],
[['', ''], '.'],
[[' /foo'], ' /foo'],
[[' ', 'foo'], ' /foo'],
[[' ', '.'], ' '],
[[' ', '/'], ' /'],
[[' ', ''], ' '],
// filtration of non-strings.
[['x', true, 7, 'y', null, {}], 'x/y']
joinTests.forEach(function(test) {
var actual = path.join.apply(path, test[0]);
var expected = isWindows ? test[1].replace(/\//g, '\\') : test[1];
var message = 'path.join(' + test[0].map(JSON.stringify).join(',') + ')' +
'\n expect=' + JSON.stringify(expected) +
'\n actual=' + JSON.stringify(actual);
if (actual !== expected) failures.push('\n' + message);
// assert.equal(actual, expected, message);
assert.equal(failures.length, 0, failures.join(''));
// path normalize tests
if (isWindows) {
assert.equal(path.normalize('/foo/../../../bar'), '\\bar');
assert.equal(path.normalize('a//b//../b'), 'a\\b');
assert.equal(path.normalize('a//b//./c'), 'a\\b\\c');
assert.equal(path.normalize('a//b//.'), 'a\\b');
} else {
assert.equal(path.normalize('/foo/../../../bar'), '/bar');
assert.equal(path.normalize('a//b//../b'), 'a/b');
assert.equal(path.normalize('a//b//./c'), 'a/b/c');
assert.equal(path.normalize('a//b//.'), 'a/b');
// path.resolve tests
if (isWindows) {
// windows
var resolveTests =
// arguments result
[[['c:/blah\\blah', 'd:/games', 'c:../a' ], 'c:\\blah\\a' ],
[['c:/ignore', 'd:\\a/b\\c/d', '\\e.exe' ], 'd:\\e.exe' ],
[['c:/ignore', 'c:/some/file' ], 'c:\\some\\file' ],
[['d:/ignore', 'd:some/dir//' ], 'd:\\ignore\\some\\dir' ],
[['.' ], process.cwd() ],
[['//server/share', '..', 'relative\\' ], '\\\\server\\share\\relative' ]];
} else {
// Posix
var resolveTests =
// arguments result
[[['/var/lib', '../', 'file/' ], '/var/file' ],
[['/var/lib', '/../', 'file/' ], '/file' ],
[['a/b/c/', '../../..' ], process.cwd() ],
[['.' ], process.cwd() ],
[['/some/dir', '.', '/absolute/' ], '/absolute' ]];
var failures = []
resolveTests.forEach(function(test) {
var actual = path.resolve.apply(path, test[0]);
var expected = test[1];
var message = 'path.resolve(' + test[0].map(JSON.stringify).join(',') + ')' +
'\n expect=' + JSON.stringify(expected) +
'\n actual=' + JSON.stringify(actual);
if (actual !== expected) failures.push('\n' + message);
// assert.equal(actual, expected, message);
assert.equal(failures.length, 0, failures.join(''));