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Node Foundation TSC Meeting 2015-05-27


Extracted from tsc-agenda labelled issues and pull requests prior to meeting.


  • [Converge] timers: Avoid linear scan in _unrefActive. #23
  • [Converge] child_process argument type checking #22
  • [Converge] SSLv2/3 disable/enable related commits #20
  • doc: Add new working groups #15


  • Buffer implemented using Uint8Array #1810
  • [Discussion] FFI - Giving Buffer more low-level C functionality #1750
  • Chrome 43 released; time for V8 4.3! #1735
  • Deprecation Policy #1704
  • TSC needs to elect a board representative. #1697
  • V8 4.4 to remove indexed properties via external data #1451



  • Alexis Campailla (TSC)
  • Ben Noordhuis (TSC)
  • Bert Belder (TSC)
  • Brian White
  • Chris Dickinson (TSC)
  • Colin Ihrig (TSC)
  • James M Snell (TSC)
  • Jeremiah Senkpiel (TSC)
  • Mikeal Rogers
  • Michael Dawson (TSC)
  • Mike Dolan (TSC)
  • Rod Vagg (TSC)
  • Shigeki Ohtsu
  • Trevor Norris (TSC)

Quick stand-up

  • Rod: Working on combining the build, 3.0
  • James: Working on repo convergence, triaging joyent/node issues, LTS policy drafting
  • Shigeki: Investigating a slow tls test and SSL mitigations for a log jam attack.
  • Jeremiah: Lots of little things
  • Colin: Libuv work for os.homedir()
  • Chris: Removing sys, checking breakage; fixing bug I introduced in persistent history
  • Bert: Looking at issues
  • Alexis: Working on combining the build, fixing windows issues
  • Trevor: Working on the new Buffer impl using Uint8Array
  • Michael: Traging joyent/node, spun up the benchmarking WG, looking into adding powerpc build machines
  • Brian: Almost done the pure JS dns resolver, all tests are passing
  • Ben:
  • Make require faster
  • perf improvements

Review of last meeting

  • Skipping


[Converge] timers: Avoid linear scan in _unrefActive. #23

  • James: conflicting approaches in both repos
  • Ben: both are terrible under different workloads - do away with the code and start again
  • Jeremiah: might have a go at it, working off an existing heap impl by Ben (ACTION)
  • Bert: some problems with http - discussion happened about the implementation
  • Chris: would be good to have Julien’s input since he was active on the joyent/node impl

[Converge] child_process argument type checking #22

  • James: arg checking merged in 0.10 after the fork
  • Discussion about why this wasn’t merged to io.js
  • Defer back to GitHub discussion after no reason for not merging could be found on the call
  • James: SSLv2/3 removed in io.js, merging these commits would involve reverting
  • Jeremiah proposed 0.12 being the LTS for SSLv2/3 support
  • Rod: are we happy killing this off?
  • Michael: we don’t know how extensively it’s being used?
  • James: pending research into that question we’ll leave this alone, come back if there’s a compelling reason to revert

doc: Add new working groups #15

  • Michael: Benchmarking and Post Mortem Debugging working groups are ready and have started, i18n group needs a bit more work to get off the ground
  • Group didn’t see any reason not to go forward with these groups, they have repos and can be in an “incubating” state for now

Buffer implemented using Uint8Array #1810

  • Trevor: Buffer using Uint8Array is now working, all applicable tests pass, currently behind a flag:
  • Trevor Questions:
    • Are we going with v8 4.3 or 4.4?
    • If we go v8 4.3, do we want to release behind a flag?
    • we still want an upper kMaxlength Buffer size limit?
  • Ben: Buffer size limit should be safe to remove
  • Rod: 4.3 and 4.4 both contain major breakage for native addons
  • Discussed if we would like to delay 3.0 until v8 4.4
  • Rod: no appetite here for delaying a 3.0 with 4.3, take discussion on that back to GitHub
  • Ben: suggested we release new Buffer impl with a flag to revert to old impl, Jeremiah seconded
  • Discussed how hard it would be to land and review
  • Fedor: how does it work with 32bit numbers?
  • Trevor: It acts the same as before

[Discussion] FFI - Giving Buffer more low-level C functionality #1750

  • Trevor: concerns about being able to write to buffers and execute arbitrary code
  • Rod: concerned about changing the nature of what Node is and the safety it exposes
  • Ben suggested that we move this new work to an ffi module rather than hanging it off Buffer
  • Group agreed to take this suggestion back to the issue for discussion

Chrome 43 released; time for V8 4.3! #1735

  • Concerns about deps forcing semver-major, the C++ API changes are big enough to warrant this though

Deprecation Policy #1704

  • Discussion dividing into two camps - conservative camp and those who want to test the size of the impact on the ecosystem
  • Suggestion (Michael?) that we use LTS releases to determine when things get properly removed
  • Discussed why we want a deprecation policy

TSC needs to elect a board representative. #1697

  • Deferred till next meeting - need to nominate and vote someone in to this role and should discuss how we want to structure the role in terms of rotation

V8 4.4 to remove indexed properties via external data #1451

  • Nothing to discuss, rolled up in to Buffer discussion earlier

Next meeting

  • June 3rd, 8PM UTC