You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

216 lines
5.8 KiB

'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
const signals = process.binding('constants').os.signals;
function pass(option, value) {
// Run the command with the specified option. Since it's not a real command,
// spawnSync() should run successfully but return an ENOENT error.
const child = spawnSync('not_a_real_command', { [option]: value });
assert.strictEqual(child.error.code, 'ENOENT');
function fail(option, value, message) {
assert.throws(() => {
spawnSync('not_a_real_command', { [option]: value });
}, message);
// Validate the cwd option
const err = /^TypeError: "cwd" must be a string$/;
pass('cwd', undefined);
pass('cwd', null);
pass('cwd', __dirname);
fail('cwd', 0, err);
fail('cwd', 1, err);
fail('cwd', true, err);
fail('cwd', false, err);
fail('cwd', [], err);
fail('cwd', {}, err);
fail('cwd', common.noop, err);
// Validate the detached option
const err = /^TypeError: "detached" must be a boolean$/;
pass('detached', undefined);
pass('detached', null);
pass('detached', true);
pass('detached', false);
fail('detached', 0, err);
fail('detached', 1, err);
fail('detached', __dirname, err);
fail('detached', [], err);
fail('detached', {}, err);
fail('detached', common.noop, err);
if (!common.isWindows) {
// Validate the uid option
if (process.getuid() !== 0) {
const err = /^TypeError: "uid" must be an integer$/;
pass('uid', undefined);
pass('uid', null);
pass('uid', process.getuid());
fail('uid', __dirname, err);
fail('uid', true, err);
fail('uid', false, err);
fail('uid', [], err);
fail('uid', {}, err);
fail('uid', common.noop, err);
fail('uid', NaN, err);
fail('uid', Infinity, err);
fail('uid', 3.1, err);
fail('uid', -3.1, err);
// Validate the gid option
if (process.getgid() !== 0) {
const err = /^TypeError: "gid" must be an integer$/;
pass('gid', undefined);
pass('gid', null);
pass('gid', process.getgid());
fail('gid', __dirname, err);
fail('gid', true, err);
fail('gid', false, err);
fail('gid', [], err);
fail('gid', {}, err);
fail('gid', common.noop, err);
fail('gid', NaN, err);
fail('gid', Infinity, err);
fail('gid', 3.1, err);
fail('gid', -3.1, err);
// Validate the shell option
const err = /^TypeError: "shell" must be a boolean or string$/;
pass('shell', undefined);
pass('shell', null);
pass('shell', false);
fail('shell', 0, err);
fail('shell', 1, err);
fail('shell', [], err);
fail('shell', {}, err);
fail('shell', common.noop, err);
// Validate the argv0 option
const err = /^TypeError: "argv0" must be a string$/;
pass('argv0', undefined);
pass('argv0', null);
pass('argv0', 'myArgv0');
fail('argv0', 0, err);
fail('argv0', 1, err);
fail('argv0', true, err);
fail('argv0', false, err);
fail('argv0', [], err);
fail('argv0', {}, err);
fail('argv0', common.noop, err);
// Validate the windowsVerbatimArguments option
const err = /^TypeError: "windowsVerbatimArguments" must be a boolean$/;
pass('windowsVerbatimArguments', undefined);
pass('windowsVerbatimArguments', null);
pass('windowsVerbatimArguments', true);
pass('windowsVerbatimArguments', false);
fail('windowsVerbatimArguments', 0, err);
fail('windowsVerbatimArguments', 1, err);
fail('windowsVerbatimArguments', __dirname, err);
fail('windowsVerbatimArguments', [], err);
fail('windowsVerbatimArguments', {}, err);
fail('windowsVerbatimArguments', common.noop, err);
// Validate the timeout option
const err = /^TypeError: "timeout" must be an unsigned integer$/;
pass('timeout', undefined);
pass('timeout', null);
pass('timeout', 1);
pass('timeout', 0);
fail('timeout', -1, err);
fail('timeout', true, err);
fail('timeout', false, err);
fail('timeout', __dirname, err);
fail('timeout', [], err);
fail('timeout', {}, err);
fail('timeout', common.noop, err);
fail('timeout', NaN, err);
fail('timeout', Infinity, err);
fail('timeout', 3.1, err);
fail('timeout', -3.1, err);
// Validate the maxBuffer option
const err = /^TypeError: "maxBuffer" must be a positive number$/;
pass('maxBuffer', undefined);
pass('maxBuffer', null);
pass('maxBuffer', 1);
pass('maxBuffer', 0);
pass('maxBuffer', Infinity);
pass('maxBuffer', 3.14);
fail('maxBuffer', -1, err);
fail('maxBuffer', NaN, err);
fail('maxBuffer', -Infinity, err);
fail('maxBuffer', true, err);
fail('maxBuffer', false, err);
fail('maxBuffer', __dirname, err);
fail('maxBuffer', [], err);
fail('maxBuffer', {}, err);
fail('maxBuffer', common.noop, err);
// Validate the killSignal option
const typeErr = /^TypeError: "killSignal" must be a string or number$/;
const unknownSignalErr = /^Error: Unknown signal:/;
pass('killSignal', undefined);
pass('killSignal', null);
pass('killSignal', 'SIGKILL');
fail('killSignal', 'SIGNOTAVALIDSIGNALNAME', unknownSignalErr);
fail('killSignal', true, typeErr);
fail('killSignal', false, typeErr);
fail('killSignal', [], typeErr);
fail('killSignal', {}, typeErr);
fail('killSignal', common.noop, typeErr);
// Invalid signal names and numbers should fail
fail('killSignal', 500, unknownSignalErr);
fail('killSignal', 0, unknownSignalErr);
fail('killSignal', -200, unknownSignalErr);
fail('killSignal', 3.14, unknownSignalErr);
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype).forEach((property) => {
fail('killSignal', property, unknownSignalErr);
// Valid signal names and numbers should pass
for (const signalName in signals) {
pass('killSignal', signals[signalName]);
pass('killSignal', signalName);
pass('killSignal', signalName.toLowerCase());