You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

446 lines
12 KiB

// windows: running "npm blah" in this folder will invoke WSH, not node.
if (typeof WScript !== "undefined") {
WScript.echo("npm does not work when run\n"
+"with the Windows Scripting Host\n\n"
+"'cd' to a different directory,\n"
+"or type 'npm.cmd <args>',\n"
+"or type 'node npm <args>'.")
// FIXME there really ought to be a path.split in node core
require("path").SPLIT_CHAR = process.platform === "win32" ? "\\" : "/"
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter
, npm = module.exports = new EventEmitter
, config = require("./config.js")
, set = require("./utils/set.js")
, get = require("./utils/get.js")
, ini = require("./utils/ini.js")
, log = require("./utils/log.js")
, fs = require("graceful-fs")
, path = require("path")
, abbrev = require("abbrev")
, which = require("which")
, semver = require("semver")
, findPrefix = require("./utils/find-prefix.js")
, getUid = require("./utils/uid-number.js")
, mkdir = require("./utils/mkdir-p.js")
npm.commands = {}
npm.E404 = {}
npm.EISGIT = {}
npm.ECYCLE = {}
npm.ENOTSUP = {}
// HACK for windows
if (process.platform === "win32") {
// stub in unavailable methods from process and fs binding
if (!process.getuid) process.getuid = function() {}
if (!process.getgid) process.getgid = function() {}
var fsBinding = process.binding("fs")
if (!fsBinding.chown) fsBinding.chown = function() {
var cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
if (typeof cb == "function") cb()
// patch rename/renameSync, but this should really be fixed in node
var _fsRename = fs.rename
, _fsPathPatch
_fsPathPatch = function(p) {
return p && p.replace(/\\/g, "/") || p;
fs.rename = function(p1, p2) {
arguments[0] = _fsPathPatch(p1)
arguments[1] = _fsPathPatch(p2)
return _fsRename.apply(fs, arguments);
try {
// startup, ok to do this synchronously
var j = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(
path.join(__dirname, "../package.json"))+"")
npm.version = j.version
npm.nodeVersionRequired = j.engines.node
if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, j.engines.node)) {
,"npm requires node version: "+j.engines.node
,"And you have: "+process.version
,"which is not satisfactory."
,"Bad things will likely happen. You have been warned."
,""].join("\n"), "unsupported version")
} catch (ex) {
try {
log(ex, "error reading version")
} catch (er) {}
npm.version = ex
var commandCache = {}
// short names for common things
, aliases = { "rm" : "uninstall"
, "r" : "uninstall"
, "un" : "uninstall"
, "unlink" : "uninstall"
, "remove" : "uninstall"
, "rb" : "rebuild"
, "list" : "ls"
, "la" : "ls"
, "ll" : "ls"
, "ln" : "link"
, "i" : "install"
, "up" : "update"
, "c" : "config"
, "info" : "view"
, "show" : "view"
, "find" : "search"
, "s" : "search"
, "se" : "search"
, "author" : "owner"
, "home" : "docs"
, "unstar": "star" // same function
, "apihelp" : "help"
, aliasNames = Object.keys(aliases)
// these are filenames in .
, cmdList = [ "install"
, "uninstall"
, "cache"
, "config"
, "set"
, "get"
, "update"
, "outdated"
, "prune"
, "submodule"
, "pack"
, "rebuild"
, "link"
, "publish"
, "star"
, "tag"
, "adduser"
, "unpublish"
, "owner"
, "deprecate"
, "help"
, "help-search"
, "ls"
, "search"
, "view"
, "init"
, "version"
, "edit"
, "explore"
, "docs"
, "bugs"
, "faq"
, "root"
, "prefix"
, "bin"
, "whoami"
, "test"
, "stop"
, "start"
, "restart"
, "run-script"
, "completion"
, plumbing = [ "build"
, "unbuild"
, "xmas"
, "substack"
, fullList = npm.fullList = cmdList.concat(aliasNames).filter(function (c) {
return plumbing.indexOf(c) === -1
, abbrevs = abbrev(fullList)
Object.keys(abbrevs).concat(plumbing).forEach(function addCommand (c) {
Object.defineProperty(npm.commands, c, { get : function () {
if (!loaded) throw new Error(
"Call npm.load(conf, cb) before using this command.\n"+
"See the or cli.js for example usage.")
var a = npm.deref(c)
if (c === "la" || c === "ll") {
npm.config.set("long", true)
npm.command = c
if (commandCache[a]) return commandCache[a]
var cmd = require(__dirname+"/"+a+".js")
commandCache[a] = function () {
var args =, 0)
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] !== "function") {
if (args.length === 1) args.unshift([])
cmd.apply(npm, args)
Object.keys(cmd).forEach(function (k) {
commandCache[a][k] = cmd[k]
return commandCache[a]
}, enumerable: fullList.indexOf(c) !== -1 })
// make css-case commands callable via camelCase as well
if (c.match(/\-([a-z])/)) {
addCommand(c.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function (a, b) {
return b.toUpperCase()
function defaultCb (er, data) {
if (er) console.error(er.stack || er.message)
else console.log(data)
npm.deref = function (c) {
if (!c) return ""
if (c.match(/[A-Z]/)) c = c.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (m) {
return "-" + m.toLowerCase()
if (plumbing.indexOf(c) !== -1) return c
var a = abbrevs[c]
if (aliases[a]) a = aliases[a]
return a
var loaded = false
, loading = false
, loadErr = null
, loadListeners = []
function loadCb (er) {
loadListeners.forEach(function (cb) {
process.nextTick(cb.bind(npm, er, npm))
loadListeners.length = 0
npm.load = function (conf, cb_) {
if (!cb_ && typeof conf === "function") cb_ = conf , conf = {}
if (!cb_) cb_ = function () {}
if (!conf) conf = {}
if (loaded || loadErr) return cb(loadErr)
if (loading) return
loading = true
var onload = true
function cb (er) {
if (loadErr) return
loaded = true
loadCb(loadErr = er)
if (onload = onload && npm.config.get("onload-script")) {
onload = false
load(npm, conf, cb)
function load (npm, conf, cb) {
which(process.argv[0], function (er, node) {
//console.error("back from which")
if (!er && node.toUpperCase() !== process.execPath.toUpperCase()) {
log.verbose("node symlink", node)
process.execPath = node
process.installPrefix = path.resolve(node, "..", "..")
// look up configs
//console.error("about to look up configs")
ini.resolveConfigs(conf, function (er) {
//console.error("back from config lookup", er && er.stack)
if (er) return cb(er)
var n = 2
, errState
var umask = parseInt(conf.umask, 8)
npm.modes = { exec: 0777 & (~umask)
, file: 0666 & (~umask)
, umask: umask }
loadPrefix(npm, conf, next)
loadUid(npm, conf, next)
function next (er) {
//console.error("next", er && er.stack)
if (errState) return
if (er) return cb(errState = er)
if (-- n <= 0) return cb()
function loadPrefix (npm, conf, cb) {
// try to guess at a good node_modules location.
var p
, gp
if (!conf.hasOwnProperty("prefix")) {
p = process.cwd()
} else {
p = npm.config.get("prefix")
gp = npm.config.get("prefix")
findPrefix(p, function (er, p) {
//console.log("Back from findPrefix", er && er.stack, p)
Object.defineProperty(npm, "localPrefix",
{ get : function () { return p }
, set : function (r) { return p = r }
, enumerable : true
// the prefix MUST exist, or else nothing works.
mkdir(p, npm.modes.exec, null, null, true, next)
findPrefix(gp, function (er, gp) {
Object.defineProperty(npm, "globalPrefix",
{ get : function () { return gp }
, set : function (r) { return gp = r }
, enumerable : true
// the prefix MUST exist, or else nothing works.
mkdir(gp, npm.modes.exec, null, null, true, next)
var i = 2
, errState = null
function next (er) {
if (errState) return
if (er) return cb(errState = er)
if (--i === 0) return cb()
function loadUid (npm, conf, cb) {
// if we're not in unsafe-perm mode, then figure out who
// to run stuff as. Do this first, to support `npm update npm -g`
if (!npm.config.get("unsafe-perm")) {
getUid(npm.config.get("user"), npm.config.get("group"), cb)
} else {
//console.error("skipping loadUid")
npm.config =
{ get : function (key) { return ini.get(key) }
, set : function (key, val) { return ini.set(key, val, "cli") }
, del : function (key, val) { return ini.del(key, val, "cli") }
Object.defineProperty(npm, "prefix",
{ get : function () {
return npm.config.get("global") ? npm.globalPrefix : npm.localPrefix
, set : function (r) {
var k = npm.config.get("global") ? "globalPrefix" : "localPrefix"
return npm[k] = r
, enumerable : true
Object.defineProperty(npm, "bin",
{ get : function () {
if (npm.config.get("global")) return npm.globalBin
return path.resolve(npm.root, ".bin")
, enumerable : true
Object.defineProperty(npm, "globalBin",
{ get : function () {
var b = npm.globalPrefix
if (process.platform !== "win32") b = path.resolve(b, "bin")
return b
Object.defineProperty(npm, "dir",
{ get : function () {
if (npm.config.get("global")) return npm.globalDir
return path.resolve(npm.prefix, "node_modules")
, enumerable : true
Object.defineProperty(npm, "globalDir",
{ get : function () {
return (process.platform !== "win32")
? path.resolve(npm.globalPrefix, "lib", "node_modules")
: path.resolve(npm.globalPrefix, "node_modules")
, enumerable : true
Object.defineProperty(npm, "root",
{ get : function () { return npm.dir } })
Object.defineProperty(npm, "cache",
{ get : function () { return npm.config.get("cache") }
, set : function (r) { return npm.config.set("cache", r) }
, enumerable : true
var tmpFolder
Object.defineProperty(npm, "tmp",
{ get : function () {
if (!tmpFolder) tmpFolder = "npm-"
return path.resolve(npm.config.get("tmp"), tmpFolder)
, enumerable : true
// the better to repl you with
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(npm.commands).forEach(function (n) {
if (npm.hasOwnProperty(n)) return
Object.defineProperty(npm, n, { get: function () {
return function () {
var args =, 0)
, cb = defaultCb
if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0])) {
args = args[0]
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === "function") {
cb = args.pop()
npm.commands[n](args, cb)
}, enumerable: false, configurable: true })
if (require.main === module) {