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293 lines
8.6 KiB

'use strict';
// Flags: --expose-internals
const common = require('../common');
const stream = require('stream');
const REPL = require('internal/repl');
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
// Mock os.homedir()
os.homedir = function() {
return common.tmpDir;
// Create an input stream specialized for testing an array of actions
class ActionStream extends stream.Stream {
run(data) {
const _iter = data[Symbol.iterator]();
const self = this;
function doAction() {
const next =;
if (next.done) {
// Close the repl. Note that it must have a clean prompt to do so.
setImmediate(function() {
self.emit('keypress', '', { ctrl: true, name: 'd' });
const action = next.value;
if (typeof action === 'object') {
self.emit('keypress', '', action);
} else {
self.emit('data', action + '\n');
resume() {}
pause() {}
ActionStream.prototype.readable = true;
// Mock keys
const UP = { name: 'up' };
const ENTER = { name: 'enter' };
const CLEAR = { ctrl: true, name: 'u' };
// Common message bits
const prompt = '> ';
const replDisabled = '\nPersistent history support disabled. Set the ' +
'NODE_REPL_HISTORY environment\nvariable to a valid, ' +
'user-writable path to enable.\n';
const convertMsg = '\nConverting old JSON repl history to line-separated ' +
'history.\nThe new repl history file can be found at ' +
path.join(common.tmpDir, '.node_repl_history') + '.\n';
const homedirErr = '\nError: Could not get the home directory.\n' +
'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n';
const replFailedRead = '\nError: Could not open history file.\n' +
'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n';
const sameHistoryFilePaths = '\nThe old repl history file has the same name ' +
'and location as the new one i.e., ' +
path.join(common.tmpDir, '.node_repl_history') +
' and is empty.\nUsing it as is.\n';
// File paths
const fixtures = common.fixturesDir;
const historyFixturePath = path.join(fixtures, '.node_repl_history');
const historyPath = path.join(common.tmpDir, '.fixture_copy_repl_history');
const historyPathFail = path.join(common.tmpDir, '.node_repl\u0000_history');
const oldHistoryPath = path.join(fixtures, 'old-repl-history-file.json');
const enoentHistoryPath = path.join(fixtures, 'enoent-repl-history-file.json');
const emptyHistoryPath = path.join(fixtures, '.empty-repl-history-file');
const defaultHistoryPath = path.join(common.tmpDir, '.node_repl_history');
const tests = [
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: '' },
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: ' ' },
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE: enoentHistoryPath },
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE: emptyHistoryPath },
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, convertMsg, prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE: defaultHistoryPath },
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, sameHistoryFilePaths, prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPath },
test: [UP, CLEAR],
expected: [prompt, prompt + '\'you look fabulous today\'', prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPath,
test: [UP, CLEAR],
expected: [prompt, prompt + '\'you look fabulous today\'', prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPath,
test: [UP, CLEAR],
expected: [prompt, prompt + '\'you look fabulous today\'', prompt]
env: {},
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE: oldHistoryPath },
test: [UP, CLEAR, '\'42\'', ENTER],
expected: [prompt, convertMsg, prompt, prompt + '\'=^.^=\'', prompt, '\'',
'4', '2', '\'', '\'42\'\n', prompt, prompt],
after: function ensureHistoryFixture() {
// XXX(Fishrock123) Make sure nothing weird happened to our fixture
// or it's temporary copy.
// Sometimes this test used to erase the fixture and I'm not sure why.
const history = fs.readFileSync(historyFixturePath, 'utf8');
'\'you look fabulous today\'\n\'Stay Fresh~\'\n');
const historyCopy = fs.readFileSync(historyPath, 'utf8');
assert.strictEqual(historyCopy, '\'you look fabulous today\'' + os.EOL +
'\'Stay Fresh~\'' + os.EOL);
{ // Requires the above testcase
env: {},
test: [UP, UP, ENTER],
expected: [prompt, prompt + '\'42\'', prompt + '\'=^.^=\'', '\'=^.^=\'\n',
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPath,
test: [UP, UP, CLEAR],
expected: [prompt, prompt + '\'you look fabulous today\'', prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE: oldHistoryPath,
test: [UP, UP, UP, CLEAR],
expected: [prompt, convertMsg, prompt, prompt + '\'=^.^=\'', prompt]
env: { NODE_REPL_HISTORY: historyPathFail,
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, replFailedRead, prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
{ // Make sure this is always the last test, since we change os.homedir()
before: function mockHomedirFailure() {
// Mock os.homedir() failure
os.homedir = function() {
throw new Error('os.homedir() failure');
env: {},
test: [UP],
expected: [prompt, homedirErr, prompt, replDisabled, prompt]
const numtests = tests.length;
var testsNotRan = tests.length;
process.on('beforeExit', () =>
assert.strictEqual(testsNotRan, 0)
function cleanupTmpFile() {
try {
// Write over the file, clearing any history
fs.writeFileSync(defaultHistoryPath, '');
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') return true;
throw err;
return true;
// Copy our fixture to the tmp directory
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(historyPath)).on('unpipe', () => runTest());
function runTest(assertCleaned) {
const opts = tests.shift();
if (!opts) return; // All done
if (assertCleaned) {
try {
assert.strictEqual(fs.readFileSync(defaultHistoryPath, 'utf8'), '');
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
throw e;
const env = opts.env;
const test = opts.test;
const expected = opts.expected;
const after = opts.after;
const before = opts.before;
if (before) before();
REPL.createInternalRepl(env, {
input: new ActionStream(),
output: new stream.Writable({
write(chunk, _, next) {
const output = chunk.toString();
// Ignore escapes and blank lines
if (output.charCodeAt(0) === 27 || /^[\r\n]+$/.test(output))
return next();
try {
assert.strictEqual(output, expected.shift());
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
throw err;
prompt: prompt,
useColors: false,
terminal: true
}, function(err, repl) {
if (err) {
console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
throw err;
// The REPL registers 'module' and 'require' globals
common.allowGlobals(repl.context.module, repl.context.require);
repl.once('close', () => {
if (repl._flushing) {
repl.once('flushHistory', onClose);
function onClose() {
const cleaned = after ? after() : cleanupTmpFile();
try {
// Ensure everything that we expected was output
assert.strictEqual(expected.length, 0);
setImmediate(runTest, cleaned);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed test # ${numtests - tests.length}`);
throw err;