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539 lines
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539 lines
17 KiB
#include "smalloc.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "env-inl.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "node_internals.h"
#include "v8-profiler.h"
#include "v8.h"
#include <string.h>
#define ALLOC_ID (0xA10C)
namespace node {
namespace smalloc {
using v8::Context;
using v8::External;
using v8::ExternalArrayType;
using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo;
using v8::Handle;
using v8::HandleScope;
using v8::HeapProfiler;
using v8::Isolate;
using v8::Local;
using v8::Object;
using v8::Persistent;
using v8::RetainedObjectInfo;
using v8::Uint32;
using v8::Value;
using v8::WeakCallbackData;
using v8::kExternalUint8Array;
class CallbackInfo {
static inline void Free(char* data, void* hint);
static inline CallbackInfo* New(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
FreeCallback callback,
void* hint = 0);
inline void Dispose(Isolate* isolate);
inline Persistent<Object>* persistent();
static void WeakCallback(const WeakCallbackData<Object, CallbackInfo>&);
inline void WeakCallback(Isolate* isolate, Local<Object> object);
inline CallbackInfo(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
FreeCallback callback,
void* hint);
Persistent<Object> persistent_;
FreeCallback const callback_;
void* const hint_;
void CallbackInfo::Free(char* data, void*) {
CallbackInfo* CallbackInfo::New(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
FreeCallback callback,
void* hint) {
return new CallbackInfo(isolate, object, callback, hint);
void CallbackInfo::Dispose(Isolate* isolate) {
WeakCallback(isolate, PersistentToLocal(isolate, persistent_));
Persistent<Object>* CallbackInfo::persistent() {
return &persistent_;
CallbackInfo::CallbackInfo(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
FreeCallback callback,
void* hint)
: persistent_(isolate, object),
hint_(hint) {
persistent_.SetWeak(this, WeakCallback);
CallbackInfo::~CallbackInfo() {
void CallbackInfo::WeakCallback(
const WeakCallbackData<Object, CallbackInfo>& data) {
data.GetParameter()->WeakCallback(data.GetIsolate(), data.GetValue());
void CallbackInfo::WeakCallback(Isolate* isolate, Local<Object> object) {
void* array_data = object->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData();
size_t array_length = object->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
enum ExternalArrayType array_type =
size_t array_size = ExternalArraySize(array_type);
CHECK_GT(array_size, 0);
if (array_size > 1 && array_data != NULL) {
CHECK_GT(array_length * array_size, array_length); // Overflow check.
array_length *= array_size;
object->SetIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData(nullptr, array_type, 0);
int64_t change_in_bytes = -static_cast<int64_t>(array_length + sizeof(*this));
callback_(static_cast<char*>(array_data), hint_);
delete this;
// return size of external array type, or 0 if unrecognized
size_t ExternalArraySize(enum ExternalArrayType type) {
switch (type) {
case v8::kExternalUint8Array:
return sizeof(uint8_t);
case v8::kExternalInt8Array:
return sizeof(int8_t);
case v8::kExternalInt16Array:
return sizeof(int16_t);
case v8::kExternalUint16Array:
return sizeof(uint16_t);
case v8::kExternalInt32Array:
return sizeof(int32_t);
case v8::kExternalUint32Array:
return sizeof(uint32_t);
case v8::kExternalFloat32Array:
return sizeof(float); // NOLINT(runtime/sizeof)
case v8::kExternalFloat64Array:
return sizeof(double); // NOLINT(runtime/sizeof)
case v8::kExternalUint8ClampedArray:
return sizeof(uint8_t);
return 0;
// copyOnto(source, source_start, dest, dest_start, copy_length)
void CopyOnto(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
if (!args[0]->IsObject())
return env->ThrowTypeError("source must be an object");
if (!args[2]->IsObject())
return env->ThrowTypeError("dest must be an object");
Local<Object> source = args[0].As<Object>();
Local<Object> dest = args[2].As<Object>();
if (!source->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData())
return env->ThrowError("source has no external array data");
if (!dest->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData())
return env->ThrowError("dest has no external array data");
size_t source_start = args[1]->Uint32Value();
size_t dest_start = args[3]->Uint32Value();
size_t copy_length = args[4]->Uint32Value();
char* source_data = static_cast<char*>(
char* dest_data = static_cast<char*>(
size_t source_length = source->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
enum ExternalArrayType source_type =
size_t source_size = ExternalArraySize(source_type);
size_t dest_length = dest->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
enum ExternalArrayType dest_type =
size_t dest_size = ExternalArraySize(dest_type);
// optimization for Uint8 arrays (i.e. Buffers)
if (source_size != 1 || dest_size != 1) {
if (source_size == 0)
return env->ThrowTypeError("unknown source external array type");
if (dest_size == 0)
return env->ThrowTypeError("unknown dest external array type");
if (source_length * source_size < source_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("source_length * source_size overflow");
if (copy_length * source_size < copy_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("copy_length * source_size overflow");
if (dest_length * dest_size < dest_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("dest_length * dest_size overflow");
source_length *= source_size;
copy_length *= source_size;
dest_length *= dest_size;
// necessary to check in case (source|dest)_start _and_ copy_length overflow
if (copy_length > source_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("copy_length > source_length");
if (copy_length > dest_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("copy_length > dest_length");
if (source_start > source_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("source_start > source_length");
if (dest_start > dest_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("dest_start > dest_length");
// now we can guarantee these will catch oob access and *_start overflow
if (source_start + copy_length > source_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("source_start + copy_length > source_length");
if (dest_start + copy_length > dest_length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("dest_start + copy_length > dest_length");
memmove(dest_data + dest_start, source_data + source_start, copy_length);
// dest will always be same type as source
// for internal use:
// dest._data = sliceOnto(source, dest, start, end);
void SliceOnto(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Local<Object> source = args[0].As<Object>();
Local<Object> dest = args[1].As<Object>();
CHECK_EQ(false, dest->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData());
char* source_data = static_cast<char*>(
size_t source_len = source->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
enum ExternalArrayType source_type =
size_t source_size = ExternalArraySize(source_type);
CHECK_NE(source_size, 0);
size_t start = args[2]->Uint32Value();
size_t end = args[3]->Uint32Value();
size_t length = end - start;
if (source_size > 1) {
CHECK_GE(length * source_size, length);
length *= source_size;
CHECK(source_data != nullptr || length == 0);
CHECK_LE(end, source_len);
CHECK_LE(start, end);
dest->SetIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData(source_data + start,
// for internal use:
// alloc(obj, n[, type]);
void Alloc(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
Local<Object> obj = args[0].As<Object>();
// can't perform this check in JS
if (obj->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData())
return env->ThrowTypeError("object already has external array data");
size_t length = args[1]->Uint32Value();
enum ExternalArrayType array_type;
// it's faster to not pass the default argument then use Uint32Value
if (args[2]->IsUndefined()) {
array_type = kExternalUint8Array;
} else {
array_type = static_cast<ExternalArrayType>(args[2]->Uint32Value());
size_t type_length = ExternalArraySize(array_type);
CHECK_GE(type_length * length, length);
length *= type_length;
Alloc(env, obj, length, array_type);
void Alloc(Environment* env,
Handle<Object> obj,
size_t length,
enum ExternalArrayType type) {
size_t type_size = ExternalArraySize(type);
CHECK_LE(length, kMaxLength);
CHECK_GT(type_size, 0);
if (length == 0)
return Alloc(env, obj, nullptr, length, type);
char* data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(length));
if (data == nullptr) {
FatalError("node::smalloc::Alloc(v8::Handle<v8::Object>, size_t,"
" v8::ExternalArrayType)", "Out Of Memory");
Alloc(env, obj, data, length, type);
void Alloc(Environment* env,
Handle<Object> obj,
char* data,
size_t length,
enum ExternalArrayType type) {
CHECK_EQ(false, obj->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData());
size_t size = length / ExternalArraySize(type);
obj->SetIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData(data, type, size);
CallbackInfo::New(env->isolate(), obj, CallbackInfo::Free);
// for internal use: dispose(obj);
void AllocDispose(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
AllocDispose(env, args[0].As<Object>());
void AllocDispose(Environment* env, Handle<Object> obj) {
HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate());
if (env->using_smalloc_alloc_cb()) {
Local<Value> ext_v = obj->GetHiddenValue(env->smalloc_p_string());
if (ext_v->IsExternal()) {
Local<External> ext = ext_v.As<External>();
CallbackInfo* info = static_cast<CallbackInfo*>(ext->Value());
char* data = static_cast<char*>(obj->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
size_t length = obj->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
enum ExternalArrayType array_type =
size_t array_size = ExternalArraySize(array_type);
CHECK_GT(array_size, 0);
CHECK_GE(length * array_size, length);
length *= array_size;
if (data != nullptr) {
if (length != 0) {
int64_t change_in_bytes = -static_cast<int64_t>(length);
void Alloc(Environment* env,
Handle<Object> obj,
size_t length,
FreeCallback fn,
void* hint,
enum ExternalArrayType type) {
CHECK_LE(length, kMaxLength);
size_t type_size = ExternalArraySize(type);
CHECK_GT(type_size, 0);
CHECK_GE(length * type_size, length);
length *= type_size;
char* data = new char[length];
Alloc(env, obj, data, length, fn, hint, type);
void Alloc(Environment* env,
Handle<Object> obj,
char* data,
size_t length,
FreeCallback fn,
void* hint,
enum ExternalArrayType type) {
CHECK_EQ(false, obj->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData());
Isolate* isolate = env->isolate();
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
CallbackInfo* info = CallbackInfo::New(isolate, obj, fn, hint);
obj->SetHiddenValue(env->smalloc_p_string(), External::New(isolate, info));
isolate->AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(length + sizeof(*info));
size_t size = length / ExternalArraySize(type);
obj->SetIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData(data, type, size);
void HasExternalData(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
args.GetReturnValue().Set(args[0]->IsObject() &&
HasExternalData(env, args[0].As<Object>()));
bool HasExternalData(Environment* env, Local<Object> obj) {
return obj->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData();
void IsTypedArray(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
void AllocTruncate(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
Local<Object> obj = args[0].As<Object>();
// can't perform this check in JS
if (!obj->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData())
return env->ThrowTypeError("object has no external array data");
char* data = static_cast<char*>(obj->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
enum ExternalArrayType array_type =
int length = obj->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
unsigned int new_len = args[1]->Uint32Value();
if (new_len > kMaxLength)
return env->ThrowRangeError("truncate length is bigger than kMaxLength");
if (static_cast<int>(new_len) > length)
return env->ThrowRangeError("truncate length is bigger than current one");
class RetainedAllocInfo: public RetainedObjectInfo {
explicit RetainedAllocInfo(Handle<Value> wrapper);
virtual void Dispose() override;
virtual bool IsEquivalent(RetainedObjectInfo* other) override;
virtual intptr_t GetHash() override;
virtual const char* GetLabel() override;
virtual intptr_t GetSizeInBytes() override;
static const char label_[];
char* data_;
int length_;
const char RetainedAllocInfo::label_[] = "smalloc";
RetainedAllocInfo::RetainedAllocInfo(Handle<Value> wrapper) {
// TODO(trevnorris): Fix to properly acquire the Isolate.
Local<Object> obj = wrapper->ToObject(Isolate::GetCurrent());
length_ = obj->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
data_ = static_cast<char*>(obj->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
void RetainedAllocInfo::Dispose() {
delete this;
bool RetainedAllocInfo::IsEquivalent(RetainedObjectInfo* other) {
return label_ == other->GetLabel() &&
data_ == static_cast<RetainedAllocInfo*>(other)->data_;
intptr_t RetainedAllocInfo::GetHash() {
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(data_);
const char* RetainedAllocInfo::GetLabel() {
return label_;
intptr_t RetainedAllocInfo::GetSizeInBytes() {
return length_;
RetainedObjectInfo* WrapperInfo(uint16_t class_id, Handle<Value> wrapper) {
return new RetainedAllocInfo(wrapper);
void Initialize(Handle<Object> exports,
Handle<Value> unused,
Handle<Context> context) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(context);
env->SetMethod(exports, "copyOnto", CopyOnto);
env->SetMethod(exports, "sliceOnto", SliceOnto);
env->SetMethod(exports, "alloc", Alloc);
env->SetMethod(exports, "dispose", AllocDispose);
env->SetMethod(exports, "truncate", AllocTruncate);
env->SetMethod(exports, "hasExternalData", HasExternalData);
env->SetMethod(exports, "isTypedArray", IsTypedArray);
exports->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "kMaxLength"),
Uint32::NewFromUnsigned(env->isolate(), kMaxLength));
HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->isolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
heap_profiler->SetWrapperClassInfoProvider(ALLOC_ID, WrapperInfo);
} // namespace smalloc
} // namespace node
NODE_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE_BUILTIN(smalloc, node::smalloc::Initialize)