mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
313 lines
10 KiB
313 lines
10 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import urllib2
from common_includes import *
class Preparation(Step):
MESSAGE = "Preparation."
def RunStep(self):
fetchspecs = [
self.Git("fetch origin %s" % " ".join(fetchspecs))
class PrepareBranchRevision(Step):
MESSAGE = "Check from which revision to branch off."
def RunStep(self):
if self._options.revision:
self["push_hash"], tree_object = self.GitLog(
n=1, format="\"%H %T\"", git_hash=self._options.revision).split(" ")
self["push_hash"], tree_object = self.GitLog(
n=1, format="\"%H %T\"", branch="origin/master").split(" ")
print "Release revision %s" % self["push_hash"]
assert self["push_hash"]
pending_tuples = self.GitLog(
n=200, format="\"%H %T\"", branch="refs/pending/heads/master")
for hsh, tree in map(lambda s: s.split(" "), pending_tuples.splitlines()):
if tree == tree_object:
self["pending_hash"] = hsh
print "Pending release revision %s" % self["pending_hash"]
assert self["pending_hash"]
class IncrementVersion(Step):
MESSAGE = "Increment version number."
def RunStep(self):
latest_version = self.GetLatestVersion()
# The version file on master can be used to bump up major/minor at
# branch time.
self.GitCheckoutFile(VERSION_FILE, self.vc.RemoteMasterBranch())
master_version = self.ArrayToVersion("master_")
# Use the highest version from master or from tags to determine the new
# version.
authoritative_version = sorted(
[master_version, latest_version], key=SortingKey)[1]
self.StoreVersion(authoritative_version, "authoritative_")
# Variables prefixed with 'new_' contain the new version numbers for the
# ongoing candidates push.
self["new_major"] = self["authoritative_major"]
self["new_minor"] = self["authoritative_minor"]
self["new_build"] = str(int(self["authoritative_build"]) + 1)
# Make sure patch level is 0 in a new push.
self["new_patch"] = "0"
# The new version is not a candidate.
self["new_candidate"] = "0"
self["version"] = "%s.%s.%s" % (self["new_major"],
print ("Incremented version to %s" % self["version"])
class DetectLastRelease(Step):
MESSAGE = "Detect commit ID of last release base."
def RunStep(self):
self["last_push_master"] = self.GetLatestReleaseBase()
class PrepareChangeLog(Step):
MESSAGE = "Prepare raw ChangeLog entry."
def Reload(self, body):
"""Attempts to reload the commit message from rietveld in order to allow
late changes to the LOG flag. Note: This is brittle to future changes of
the web page name or structure.
match = re.search(r"^Review URL: https://codereview\.chromium\.org/(\d+)$",
body, flags=re.M)
if match:
cl_url = ("https://codereview.chromium.org/%s/description"
% match.group(1))
# Fetch from Rietveld but only retry once with one second delay since
# there might be many revisions.
body = self.ReadURL(cl_url, wait_plan=[1])
except urllib2.URLError: # pragma: no cover
return body
def RunStep(self):
self["date"] = self.GetDate()
output = "%s: Version %s\n\n" % (self["date"], self["version"])
TextToFile(output, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
commits = self.GitLog(format="%H",
git_hash="%s..%s" % (self["last_push_master"],
# Cache raw commit messages.
commit_messages = [
self.GitLog(n=1, format="%s", git_hash=commit),
self.Reload(self.GitLog(n=1, format="%B", git_hash=commit)),
self.GitLog(n=1, format="%an", git_hash=commit),
] for commit in commits.splitlines()
# Auto-format commit messages.
body = MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages, auto_format=True)
AppendToFile(body, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
msg = (" Performance and stability improvements on all platforms."
"\n#\n# The change log above is auto-generated. Please review if "
"all relevant\n# commit messages from the list below are included."
"\n# All lines starting with # will be stripped.\n#\n")
AppendToFile(msg, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
# Include unformatted commit messages as a reference in a comment.
comment_body = MakeComment(MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages))
AppendToFile(comment_body, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
class EditChangeLog(Step):
MESSAGE = "Edit ChangeLog entry."
def RunStep(self):
print ("Please press <Return> to have your EDITOR open the ChangeLog "
"entry, then edit its contents to your liking. When you're done, "
"save the file and exit your EDITOR. ")
# Strip comments and reformat with correct indentation.
changelog_entry = FileToText(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")).rstrip()
changelog_entry = StripComments(changelog_entry)
changelog_entry = "\n".join(map(Fill80, changelog_entry.splitlines()))
changelog_entry = changelog_entry.lstrip()
if changelog_entry == "": # pragma: no cover
self.Die("Empty ChangeLog entry.")
# Safe new change log for adding it later to the candidates patch.
TextToFile(changelog_entry, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
class MakeBranch(Step):
MESSAGE = "Create the branch."
def RunStep(self):
self.Git("reset --hard origin/master")
self.Git("checkout -b work-branch %s" % self["pending_hash"])
self.GitCheckoutFile(CHANGELOG_FILE, self["latest_version"])
self.GitCheckoutFile(VERSION_FILE, self["latest_version"])
class AddChangeLog(Step):
MESSAGE = "Add ChangeLog changes to release branch."
def RunStep(self):
changelog_entry = FileToText(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
old_change_log = FileToText(os.path.join(self.default_cwd, CHANGELOG_FILE))
new_change_log = "%s\n\n\n%s" % (changelog_entry, old_change_log)
TextToFile(new_change_log, os.path.join(self.default_cwd, CHANGELOG_FILE))
class SetVersion(Step):
MESSAGE = "Set correct version for candidates."
def RunStep(self):
self.SetVersion(os.path.join(self.default_cwd, VERSION_FILE), "new_")
class CommitBranch(Step):
MESSAGE = "Commit version and changelog to new branch."
def RunStep(self):
# Convert the ChangeLog entry to commit message format.
text = FileToText(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE"))
# Remove date and trailing white space.
text = re.sub(r"^%s: " % self["date"], "", text.rstrip())
# Remove indentation and merge paragraphs into single long lines, keeping
# empty lines between them.
def SplitMapJoin(split_text, fun, join_text):
return lambda text: join_text.join(map(fun, text.split(split_text)))
text = SplitMapJoin(
"\n\n", SplitMapJoin("\n", str.strip, " "), "\n\n")(text)
if not text: # pragma: no cover
self.Die("Commit message editing failed.")
self["commit_title"] = text.splitlines()[0]
TextToFile(text, self.Config("COMMITMSG_FILE"))
self.GitCommit(file_name = self.Config("COMMITMSG_FILE"))
class PushBranch(Step):
MESSAGE = "Push changes."
def RunStep(self):
pushspecs = [
"refs/heads/work-branch:refs/pending/heads/%s" % self["version"],
"%s:refs/pending-tags/heads/%s" %
(self["pending_hash"], self["version"]),
"%s:refs/heads/%s" % (self["push_hash"], self["version"]),
cmd = "push origin %s" % " ".join(pushspecs)
if self._options.dry_run:
print "Dry run. Command:\ngit %s" % cmd
class TagRevision(Step):
MESSAGE = "Tag the new revision."
def RunStep(self):
if self._options.dry_run:
print ("Dry run. Tagging \"%s\" with %s" %
(self["commit_title"], self["version"]))
"origin/%s" % self["version"],
class CleanUp(Step):
MESSAGE = "Done!"
def RunStep(self):
print("Congratulations, you have successfully created version %s."
% self["version"])
class CreateRelease(ScriptsBase):
def _PrepareOptions(self, parser):
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("-f", "--force",
help="Don't prompt the user.",
default=True, action="store_true")
group.add_argument("-m", "--manual",
help="Prompt the user at every important step.",
default=False, action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-R", "--revision",
help="The git commit ID to push (defaults to HEAD).")
def _ProcessOptions(self, options): # pragma: no cover
if not options.author or not options.reviewer:
print "Reviewer (-r) and author (-a) are required."
return False
return True
def _Config(self):
return {
"PERSISTFILE_BASENAME": "/tmp/create-releases-tempfile",
"COMMITMSG_FILE": "/tmp/v8-create-releases-tempfile-commitmsg",
def _Steps(self):
return [
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover